"Brother! Win me this!"

"Brother! I want to play this!"

"Brother! Can I drive the VR car?!"

"Brother! I want to…"

After the initial excitement of Chris, Max and Cathy had washed off, the were simply being pulled around the gaming zone by Cassie who as expected, was quite lively and excited seeing many teens of her age and many different fun games.

Thus, the innocent and calming family outing had turned into a gaming party by Cassie who was having a lot of fun dragging her siblings around.

And as for rejecting her? Well… to say the least, her innocent and cute puppy eyes look was… hard to 'resist'...

And the result of that was clear…

"Cass… we are getting late for Cath's audition now, okay?" 

"But… I wanted to try the last game… pwease brother?" with a mix of cuteness and pleading, Cassie joined her hands and gave another heart melting puppy-eyed look to Chris.

"I think we should let you in the audition too, you will suit the role of that cute villain who was pulling strings from behind." Cathy bonked her hand on Cassie's head and sighed, "We will MAYBE come later again, play the rest of the games then."


"No buts, shut up and come along. We are going." Cathy pulled Cassie, rendering all her cuteness and adorable attacks useless.

"You should have done this before, Cath…" Chris sighed deeply.

"Tsk, shouldn't you have more control? You are the one who has spoiled her so much." Cathy sighed.

"No! Brother just loves me a lot! He doesn't spoil me!" Cassie spread her arms to protect Chris.

"Oh? So you want to say I don't love you, I see." 

"N-No, I didn't say that…"

"Cath, stop bullying her already." Chris sighed and patted Cassie… 


"We are going to the audition now, right?" Cathy asked curiously. 

"Yes, after audition-"

"We are going home."

"But I-"

"Home." Cathy cut Chris's words again and looked sideways at him, "I am not taking no for an answer. I didn't deny it in the morning, but I am not tolerating it anymore." 

"Tsk, you are making it sound like we are torturing you rather than taking you out for fun." Chris clicked his tongue.

"As misanthropic as I am now, this whole ordeal is torturous enough for me." Cathy shrugged.

"Tsk, just dinner, I had booked a table for us." Chris rolled his eyes.

"Chris… i appreciate the thought– not really– but, we are siblings. I am not interested in ince-"

"Get your mind out of gutter! I meant family dinner!" Chris hurriedly cut her words and glared while driving the car to the huge building that was serving as one of the filming sets in SeaShell City.

"Tsk tsk, be more clear." Cathy rolled her eyes.

"Why did your mind go to that direction anyways?! And I am already committed, don't get weird thoughts." Chris scoffed and tried to tease back.

"Ohh my, my brother is no more available, I am so heartbroken!" Cathy replied sarcastically.

"Tsk, just shut up." 


A black coloured sleek sedan pulled up in front of a huge door, some valet parkers running over to park the car while Chris, Cathy, Cassie and Max got out of the car.

All of them were looking beyond striking in their handsome, suave attires.

"Wish me luck, I hope I can atleast get the role of a tree." Cathy joined her hands and prayed. 

"Hahahaha, just focus properly and do your best, you will atleast get a supporting character role." Chris laughed at her words, she wanted a role of tree? What was this, a school drama? 

"Hope so." Cathy sighed and entered the building, the area it was spread to was vast, quite a good number of people of various ages were also sitting and chatting loudly as the air seemed light.

"Whoa, I thought getting into this audition was very hard?" Max looked around at the number of people present in the hall and chuckled.

"Shh, it is hard indeed. Most of these are renowned stars that has served in quite some famous jewels." Chris shook his head, "If it wasn't for Esti, an unknown new actress like our Cathy wouldn't have gotten a chance."

"Is it? I guess." Max hummed unconvinced.

"Hello, this is a private audition, please check your name in that list and kindly wait till your turn is called." a female staff member came up to the group and smiled politely, informing the details.

"And the scripts?" Cathy smiled, showing that she was the one who came to get auditioned today.

"Haha, mam, there is a QR code kept there. You may scan the code to get the scripts of any of your preferred roles you want to shoot for." the staff member smiled back and asked curiously, "You are here for auditions right?"

Cathy nodded her head.

"That is great, mam, we have many roles up for grabs right now." she continued politely, "But, if you don't mind me asking, which movie or show have you acted in before? I just couldn't remember your face, mam. I am not trying to come off as rude."

"Ah, I haven't acted in any show before." Cathy shrugged.

'Shit… now they will think Cathy came here through nepotism…' Chris frowned after hearing Cathy's dumb response.

"I am sorry, she meant she hadn't acted in these parts before. We have recently shifted here." Chris pinched Cathy's back sneakily from behind and tried to cover up her dumb response.

"Is there a difference?" Cathy quickly covered her own fault by keeping an aloof expression on her face, she was acting quite aloof, so much that even the staff lady, who was used to dealing with actors, was a bit confused.

"What do you mean by 'not acted in these parts', sir?" the staff lady turned to Chris with a soft blush on her cheeks and asked politely.

Taking advantage of his good looks and charisma, Chris grinned inside and said with a charming smile, "I mean she has acted in foreign rather than here. Anyways, can you help us with the scripts and registration?"

"A-Ah, okay…" without a reason to doubt anymore and neither having the resistance to deny Chris, the staff lady nodded shyly and gestured everyone to follow behind her, taking them to a desk where two middle aged men sat comfortably.

"Name?" one of the middle aged man, who was incharge of numbering the participants and cross-checking their names in the list, asked Cathy casually.

He seemed to be throwing his weight around since he knew he held the fate of every participant in his hands, this generating his flimsy male ego.

"Catherine. Catherine Swarts." Cathy also replied bluntly while looking straight in the middle-aged man's eyes.

"A-Ah," the man was flustered by the cold look, he, who had only yet received respectful and scared looks from others, received a cold glare? 

Yet, he found himself unable to complain or say anything to her… he was thoroughly suppressed under her coldness and heavy aura that he had no guts to flip out at her… 

"Yes, there is your name here… my lady, you can take the badge…" he gave the badge to Cathy and moved to the next person, who, similar to the man, completed the process quickly.

"Chris, my number is 23." Cathy came to Chris after finishing the process. 

"Good, Nia said that currently the number 6 is in giving auditions. I scanned the scripts for you, read and prepare them properly." Chris handed her his phone and sat on a chair beside her.

"Nia is that staff girl? And don't teach me what to do." Cathy pouted while taking Chris's phone from his hands. 

"Yeah, yeah princess." Chris rolled his eyes and leaned back on the chair, roaming his eyes around in curiosity. There were a lot of beautiful girls all around, some staring into their gadgets to practice some scripts, while some just casually looking around and chatting.

"Brother, that girl is staring at us." Cassie looked at the girl who was sitting a bit away from their seats and whispered to Chris. 

"Hmm?" Chris turned his head slightly, looking inconspicuously at the lady implied by Cassie, she was a middle aged beautiful woman who obviously had a lot of her youthful charm on her still charming face.

However, what Chris's attention was rather directed to was… "Miss Olivia…" 


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