The Way of The Dao

Chapter 823 Let's See Who You Are!

Ling Tian's eyelids twitched briefly before lifted, slowly opening his eyes. A slight frown appeared on his face, dozens of thoughts accumulating in his mind.

Ling Tian remained silent without averting his gaze to the horizon and without moving.

"A-ancestor... is something wrong?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows slightly upon hearing Xuan Li's voice, so he couldn't help but turn around.

Turning around, Ling Tian noticed Xuan Li who was looking at him with some curiosity and concern. Beside him was Lang Qingzu, also looking at him with much curiosity.

Similarly, Shi Yunfeng and the rest were also watching him silently. In fact, Ling Tian could feel the obvious gazes of each of them from the very beginning, watching him what he was doing, even the slightest movement of his fingers attracted their gazes. However, Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu were the only ones who dared to get closer to him and ask him with confidence, after all, their time together was not short and they had a lot of trust in him.

"It's all right, it's just that this pagoda is kind of interesting." Ling Tian patted Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu's heads affectionately, making both girls couldn't help but smile happily.

"Master! I'm already better! I've largely recovered, so we can move!"

Deng Tianjin took a long breath before standing up and looking at Ling Tian. He stretched his arms and legs, opened and moved his hands and fingers with ease, showing that he was already better.

Jun Zhuyun, Su Changqing and the rest of the women came over as well. After finding Deng Tianjin they made the decision to follow him and Ling Tian as they were the strongest in the place, because Jun Zhuyun was the strongest in their group with a Separation and Reunion state level. Moreover, although they were from different sects, their sects were allied and friendly to each other, especially due to the great help provided by the sect elders, Zhen Bingluo, Gao Xue and Gao Yue.

Having talked a little more with Deng Tianjin, Ling Tian knew why Deng Tianjin and some of the sect disciples had come to the south state.

Having lost contact with Hao Zhentian and the others and knowing a little thanks to Lu Wuhu being able to escape, Deng Tianjin and all of them were investigating the place for a long time, hoping if any void corridors might reappear nearby again before deciding to return to the north state where the sect was located. On the way, Deng Tianjin and the others immediately learned of the problems related to the sect, so they hurried back, while Deng Tianjin was separated from them due to another important matter.

On the way and after completing his business, Deng Tianjin learned about the lost, injured and expelled disciples of the sect, so he went to personally search for some of them as he had traces of their whereabouts, found them and traveled with them, which by some coincidence of fate, they were teleported to the south state due to a natural teleportation formation they found in some ancient and abandoned areas. Hearing about the mysterious realm of Hongmeng Pagoda, Deng Tianjin could not help but enter to try to look for companions and disciples who dared to enter, since the mysterious realm is open to everyone and there is a great chance of meeting acquaintances.

Arriving at the huge pagoda inside the realm, Deng Tianjin tried the test to enter, succeeding in obtaining it and being teleported to this place before they met Ling Tian and the others.Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

Ling Tian also learned that, apparently, the leaders and men occupying the sect he encountered were not the ones whom Deng Tianjin had chosen. Deng Tianjin confirmed his suspicion that the Heavenly Great Power Sect had a lot to do with it, as they had tried to suppress them without success.

Ling Tian thought about the Heavenly Great Power Sect, also confirming his thoughts about their origins. But he decided to send these matters behind his head and focus on the present time.

"This pagoda has nine levels, which means we are on the first level and once we pass the tests, the path should open up to the second level and so on..."

"Huh? Ah, yes, Master!" Deng Tianjin was briefly stunned before nodding with a big smile.

Master also knows about that mysterious sword force? As expected from Master!

"Here! This can help you develop your sword mastery a little better."

Taking out a single sword from his spatial ring, Ling Tian covered it with his spirit sense while imprinting a sliver of sword intent of his own comprehension on it. He handed it at once to Deng Tianjin, who took it somewhat confused.

"This...!" Deng Tianjin took the sword which was of a lower grade, with very simple materials, but when he focused more, he could feel a trace of that mysterious sword force flowing silently!

"Thank you, Master!" Deng Tianjin thanked Ling Tian with joy and sincerity, although the sword was of an inferior grade that would not hold even a fraction of his power, the flowing mysterious sword force was nothing inferior to his full power, even he could feel that he could kill another Great Ascension state expert with a single slash of this sword without cultivation essence or spiritual force! Only with the mysterious but powerful sword force imbued in it!

But Deng Tianjin would not waste it like that, he preferred to study that force within the sword, that way, his understanding and expertise in sword art would vastly increase!

Seeing Deng Tianjin's sincere and joyful expression, everyone looked at the sword in his hand, frowning as they saw that it was a simple sword of a lower grade that cultivators from the Chi Gathering state and Foundation Establishment state would use. No one could understand why Deng Tianjin would be so excited.

"Good! Get ready!"

Ling Tian nodded and made sure everyone was under Deng Tianjin's protection. His expression became very serious, surprising even Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu to see Ling Tian put on this kind of expression for the first time.

His gaze rose to the sky, he waved his hand and retrieved the formation flags that were in the distance, causing the roars of the countless ferocious beasts to be heard once again and rushed towards them from all directions.

"Let's see who you are!" Ling Tian said solemnly.

The mighty force of the Sacred Heavenly Scriptures came together with his Soul Spiritual Force, tearing through space directly!

As if two giant hands suddenly appeared, these hands gathered in the entire sky and grabbed it, tearing the entire sky into two parts easily!

* Crack! *

A spatial rift was formed!

The whole place shook!

The comprehension of the spatial principle and its laws came into effect, opening the various countless layers of space in this dimension in front of Ling Tian and the others, feeling dazed, shocked and frightened.

Ling Tian's jet black eyes shone as he felt traces of immortal force!

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