The Way of The Dao

Chapter 807 It Doesn't Change The Fact That The Other Strangers Are Enemies

Time passed quickly, with Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu advancing at an impressive speed and getting closer and closer to the huge wall in the center. The aura filled with killing intent completely covered their little bodies, but their own auras resisted these fierce energies constantly.

The other cultivators were shocked to see that two little girls could resist the horrible murderous intent of the place, glancing at them from time to time before removing their intentions of wanting to scan them with the spirit senses.

"Girls, that's enough. We need to go ahead and see if your martial siblings are up ahead."

Suddenly, Ling Tian's voice reached Lang Qingzu and Xuan Li's minds briefly startling them. Both girls looked at each other for a moment before nodding and retreating from the spot, further surprising everyone else to see that both girls had retreated before reaching the end.

Ling Tian took out the flying sword and made it grow in size, letting Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu climb up with him.

Quickly the flying sword traveled dozens of meters in seconds, reaching an incredible speed.

"Phew, it feels something different!" Lang Qingzu commented as soon as she got on the flying sword as she let out a sigh of relief as she stepped out of the range of the killing intent.

"Right! That killing intent really is so strong that it took us a long time to be able to get used to it." Xuan Li nodded at Lang Qingzu's comment and at once she added with a smile, "But I feel that all my spiritual force and my sea of consciousness has increased a bit!"

Checking her own consciousness sea, Xuan Li was surprised when the small lake in her consciousness seemed to grow almost 1 meter larger in diameter!

Lang Qingzu maintained a joyful expression which intensified as she checked her own consciousness sea, realizing that her spiritual power had also grown!

"It is normal for your consciousness seas to grow. When you use your spiritual force a lot you are somehow tempering your consciousness seas as well, making them grow as they become stronger."Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

Ling Tian patted the little heads of both girls, teaching and reminding them about their new strength and cultivation.

"Big brother, how big is your consciousness sea? Is it a huge lake with a few thousand meters in diameter?" Lang Qingzu turned to look at Ling Tian and she asked with a curious expression, "My master told us that her consciousness sea was almost ten kilometers in diameter!"

Xuan Li's adorable ears couldn't help but twitch as she heard Lang Qingzu's question, listening intently to Ling Tian's answer as curiosity overtook her as well.

"Almost ten kilometers? That's very large." Ling Tian raised his eyebrows slightly upon learning that Zhen Bingluo's consciousness sea was almost 10km in diameter, reaching the boundary of her realm. Then, he smiled calmly and said, "By some chance of fate, I lost almost all my strength in a battle and now the size of my consciousness sea is just over 300 meters, barely recovering." At first, the size of his consciousness sea was still intact but restricted, but as of when he unlocked the Sacred Heavenly Scriptures it was about 100 meters approximately as a result of being almost consumed by the same scriptures and the mysterious little sprout.

At once, Lang Qingzu and Xuan Li's expressions froze when they heard Ling Tian.

"Ancestor, are you hurt?" Xuan Li asked in shock before taking out all her medicinal pills she had and handing them to Ling Tian, "Ancestor, these are all my medicinal pills, use them!"

The only conclusion Xuan Li came to was that Ling Tian might still be currently injured with deep wounds that have not healed!

"Are those... needles?" Lang Qingzu muttered in astonishment when she managed to notice that these small shadows were like small sharp blades before they turned into dust.

Xuan Li quickly tried to search for the attacker through her spirit sense.

"Do you want to run?" Ling Tian said indifferently as his spirit sense locked onto a distant figure more than five kilometers away that was quickly escaping at an impressive speed.

Ling Tian's spirit sense turned into a small sword that instantly transmitted, reaching this presence in less than a split second and pierced through its defenses of the consciousness sea.

A small subtle ripple expanded from this figure's head before it fell lifelessly to the ground, with the spiritual force of the soul draining and disappearing from its body in less than two seconds.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Ling Tian's spirit sense quickly grabbed this person's storage ring, checking inside and finding few cultivation resources.

"He died?" Lang Qingzu was stunned when her spirit sense found this person's corpse several kilometers away, which was a man around 40 years old and strangely had a confused expression as if he was thinking stupidly but with empty eyes.

Xuan Li was also dumbfounded before she saw Ling Tian, she could not see how it was that Ling Tian killed this person who was far away from them. Most likely it must have been a soul attack!

Therefore, how powerful should Ling Tian's soul spiritual force be even though he was wounded? And how could he unleash soul attacks in this place when there was suppression on all of them? Xuan Li could not mobilize her spiritual force out of herself, feeling that a coercion surrounded her and prevented her from performing soul attacks and could only use her spirit sense which unfortunately was also being suppressed and reduced her reach.

"We are in a small mysterious and unknown realm, but it doesn't change the fact that the other strangers are enemies, and more so, they might try to kill you due to the fact that we are in this place where no one will know that you will have died or who your killers were. All to take away your belongings or because they just want to kill."

Ling Tian put away the items he obtained and explained seriously. Sadly, although Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu are little girls growing up, the world is cruel and cold to everyone without distinction, so both of them should be prepared.



Lang Qingzu and Xuan Li nodded seriously as they saw Ling Tian's serious expression. Both girls strengthened their guards and kept their spirit senses to their surroundings, knowing that danger constantly stalked them. If not for Ling Tian's reaction and protection on them, both Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu did not know if they would be able to react in time to defend themselves.

Ling Tian led the flying sword for a long time. Somehow, the more they traveled, the more the suppression that was on Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu seemed to gradually increase, becoming slightly more oppressive and annoying.

2 days passed, in which they encountered several powerful cultivators who tried to attack them. Of course, Ling Tian killed them easily and even Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu adapted to their strength and managed to defeat several powerful enemies as well.

* Boom! *

Fierce waves of cultivation essence spread throughout the place, with the powerful ripples reaching Ling Tian, Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu as they traveled on their flying swords. Their spirit senses were released and they looked into the distance at a large number of cultivators fighting each other.

Ling Tian was about to keep going when he suddenly stopped and narrowed his eyes. His spirit sense expanded and covered the entire place in moments.

A little away from all those cultivators fighting on two sides apparently, there was a tree almost 10 meters tall. On one of its branches, a mysterious, small, almost transparent fruit hung delicately while radiating a faint spiritual Chi.

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