The Way of The Dao

Chapter 805 Temper The Spirit & Body To Become Stronger!

"Where are we?"

After the dizziness and headache faded away, Lang Qingzu muttered as she looked around. Her small hands that had been clinging to one of Ling Tian's hands were still tightly held tightly. Her precious eyes had left Ling Tian after she made sure it was him.

Xuan Li also looked around curiously after calming her nerves. Her tender little hands had also grasped Ling Tian's other hand. When her consciousness had cleared a few moments ago, her gaze quickly searched Ling Tian her side, wanting to confirm that they had not been separated to finally let out a sigh full of relief.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel any changes in your bodies? Any trouble moving or breathing?"

Ling Tian had already scanned the place some time ago and when he saw that both girls had clearly finished regaining consciousness, he asked with some concern.

"Hmn? I actually feel a slight but powerful suppression limiting my strength..." Xuan Li frowned and she at once added, "Although I feel a slight pressure enveloping my body, it doesn't seem to affect me much and I am still able to circulate my cultivation essence. It's as if I've only entered a great body tempering formation, making my body a little heavy to temper it and have a little more physical endurance."Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

"I still feel some pressure in my body! Like I'm carrying someone else on top of me!"

Like Xuan Li, Lang Qingzu shook her arms and made an annoyed grimace, showing Ling Tian and Xuan Li that she was being suppressed too and felt her body somewhat heavy.

"I see, but at least both of you are fine." Ling Tian smiled. It was normal for Xuan Li and Lang Qingzu to be suppressed in this place, both of them had reached the Nascent Soul realm, so it was normal for this to happen.

"A-ancestor, are you alright?"

Xuan Li suddenly asked with some concern. If what was being said about this place was true, then the most affected of the three would be Ling Tian. This ancestor is comparable to her masters in strength, so it should affect him completely.

"I'm fine."

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian shook his head and opened his hands, wiggling his fingers calmly.

"Big brother, are you really okay?" Lang Qingzu asked with a tinge of genuine worry. She understood that this kind of place could even be detrimental to Ling Tian even though he looked fine.

"I really am fine." Ling Tian raised his hands and calmly rubbed both small heads.

Although these auras seemed to be restricted to even the Golden Core level, they still couldn't hide the majesty and terrifying power of some who had higher cultivations, wanting to suppress the trio by thinking that they were weak cultivators. And although the strength had been restricted, the remnants and vestiges of the true cultivation base was still there, slightly suppressing those weaker ones with superiority.

However, the next moment, the pressure and various auras enveloping them suddenly disappeared, with a soft and calm feeling enveloping them. A pair of hands fell on their small heads, gently rubbing them.

They both looked up at Ling Tian with smiles, feeling safe and calm. No one but the supreme ancestor could protect them both.


Ling Tian snorted slightly, as a terrifying and dangerous aura came out of him, echoing throughout the place. Parts of his aura clashed and easily suppressed the various auras that had scanned them before and were even probing them.

This aura clearly belonged to a powerful high-level expert cultivator!

Most people's faces and expressions paled, some others darkened, and a few looked solemnly at Ling Tian, acknowledging his strength and power. Although this place suppresses cultivation bases down to the Golden Core level, those who originally have a high cultivation base will be able to more easily suppress those weak ones, their strength and power will still be different from those weak cultivators, unless they are besieged by a large group.

But the question filled their minds. How could someone display superior power to the Golden Core in this place? Wasn't he really being suppressed?

Those with high and mighty cultivation bases watched Ling Tian silently, not daring to investigate him directly, but still observing his movements.

Ling Tian scanned the place once, not wanting to take a second look. He could see that the strongest cultivator in the place had a base at the Nascent Soul State Peak Stage, enough to be able to suppress most of the place even with his restricted strength. Most of the cultivators were at the Chi Gathering and Foundation Establishment stage. There were few from the Golden Core stage, not to mention a few from the Nascent Soul stage.

"Aura with killing intent?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows as his gaze finally fell upon the huge wall in the center, finding strange runes, patterns and designs on its surface. This wall also had several cracked and destroyed parts, as if someone had used this wall as a sparring partner, throwing punches and blows, slowly destroying the huge wall and filling it with a powerful aura.

A silent but powerful murderous aura was coming off this wall, forming a barrier around it about 30 meters in radius.

Dozens of cultivators around were sitting inside the barrier of this wall, concentrating and being in deep meditation. The positions in which they were sitting varied, some being on the periphery, while a few had managed to advance a few meters, wanting to get closer to the wall in the center.

One cultivator suddenly stood up and took a small step, when the next moment his expression changed to one of pain, gritting his teeth before sitting back down and trying to adjust his breathing.

Seconds later, another cultivator on the periphery stood up and did the same: he took a step towards the center before sitting down wearily and panting heavily.

It seemed that this barrier prevented anyone from directly approaching the wall, but everyone knew that it was a way to temper the spirit and body to become stronger!

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