The Villain's Wife

Chapter 778 Gods and Murderers

Chapter 778: Gods and Murderers

Su Mingyu continued, "Lily Facci-Zhou, the CEO and a major shareholder of Facci Group, also the owner of Zhou Security Group is a woman known for her support towards abused women either in a workplace or domestic violence in general. The public will soon know that her security group is a group of sexist people. They will know how she refused to acknowledge the case about some higher ups in the company being male chauvinists."

"And you came here… just to tell me this. Are you perhaps trying to scare me, Miss Su?" Zhou Jingren said as he looked at her with a cold and emotionless gaze. On the outside, his face was extremely calm, however, on the inside, he was already irritated. The reason why he agreed to talk to this woman was because he already knew that this conversation would involve Lily.

"I am trying to tell you the consequences of your actions." She eyed Secretary Go who was standing next to the bodyguards just a few feet away from Zhou Jingren. She immediately wondered when they would leave. With them here, Su Mingyu could not really go through with her original plan. "I will soon go to the media." She stated.

"I used to wonder why Miss Su seemed so confident about all this." Zhou Jingren said as he turned his back against her. He then eyed the buildings in front of Zhou Capital. His eyes soon drifted towards the busy streets of Hong Kong. "Then… I thought… well, my wife thought that someone was behind you."

Su Mingyu widened her eyes at Zhou Jingren's words. She gulped, totally surprised at how direct the man was. How much did Zhou Jingren know? Was it possible that the conversation that she heard last night with her father on the phone was actually confirmed? If it was… then how?

"So… my people tried to look for something— anything…" Zhou Jingren continued. "Then we found something interesting about your past. We found out that you were not actually a Su. And that everything about you is actually a lie." His words almost knocked the air out of her lungs. Against the wishes of her adoptive father, she had come here to test the waters, to try to gauge the information that Zhou Jingren knew about them. However, seeing the news about Lily's success in a magazine somehow made her change her mind.

She wanted to punish that woman for getting herself involved in her husband's matter. At the same time, she hoped that she would get something out of this visit. At first she thought she got lucky. Zhou Jingren agreed to let her inside his office. Who would have thought that the latter would immediately say something like this? Was he not afraid that she was carrying something that could record him? Unless… Zhou Jingren had some sort of a device to scan for bugs and recorders.

"Coming in here… while knowing that I am already digging up your past is a very bold move Miss Su." Zhou Jingren turned towards her. "Or shall I start calling you the Young Miss of the Inagawa clan?"


Zhou Jingren responded with a scoff before he sat back on his chair, unperturbed by the woman's pale face in front of him. He watched Su Mingyu's face for a few seconds before he instructed everyone to leave them. "Let me guess…" he uttered when Secretary Go and others left the room. "You wanted to… create some sort of a trap for me? You came in here and thought that you could set me up that easily?" Zhou Jingren sneered. "Fool." He added.

"What are you — What are you talking about?"

"I don't know Miss Su… why don't you tell me?" he asked.

"I—" Su Mingyu stuttered. This was all unexpected for her. Zhou Jingren's words, reactions and even his eyes were telling her that something was definitely wrong. "People know that I am here." She had been careful. Making sure that she stopped them in a place where there was a CCTV camera watching them. She even turned on the GPS of her car just so she could document coming in here. "If you are planning to kill me— "

"I could kill you right now." Zhou Jingren interrupted her. "And no one would ask me why I did it."


"You know… even your adoptive father would not have the courage to go public about your disappearance. The news will get shut down before it even reaches the eyes of the public. Your father will be killed once his location is revealed. Then… it will be the end for you. It will be the end of the Inagawa Clan."

It was as if a cold bucket of water was poured on Su Mingyu. She shivered under his intense gaze. "You won't kill me."

"Oh? Says who?" Zhou Jingren chuckled. "It is coming, Miss Su… whether you like it or not. Becoming my enemy means death. The Inagawa clan ignored that fact a few years back and look how they ended up. But you survived. You had the opportunity to turn your back against everything and start a new life away from the Inagawa's, away from all the darkness. You even had a new name, a new home. But what did you do Miss Su?"

"You killed everyone."

"They deserved it."

"Who are you to kill them?" Su Mingyu trembled in anger. If Zhou Jingren's goal was to make her show her real emotions then he had just succeeded. "Who are you to punish them for whatever sins that they committed?" She tightened her balled fist as her knuckles turned white."You are not a god Zhou Jingren! You had no right to murder them! You are a murderer!"

Zhou Jingren nodded. "Spouting nonsense about punishment and gods. You are indeed the heiress of the Inagawa Clan." He leaned back, resting his elbows on the arm of his swivel chair. "Tell me Miss Su, when the Inagawa Clan murdered my father just because he was a direct competitor, did you tell them these things too? Did you ask them why they would punish someone who was not their enemy. The Tanaka's didn't touch them Miss Su, I am not sure if you are aware of that but my father always stayed on his side of the lane. Sure, he was a criminal. But… he never killed someone innocent, someone who didn't provoke him. Unlike you the Inagawa's, my Tanaka Clan was on its way to changing their means. Legalizing their business and slowly withdrawing ourselves from the black market. Yet your family still chose to kill my father. And now, here you are spouting this nonsense about gods and murderers in front of me. How laughable."



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