The Villain's Wife

Chapter 254 Plot Against Everyone

The Villain’s Wife 254 Plot Against Everyone

"See? I told you everyone loves a sad story." Lily turned off the tablet that was live streaming the Mu sisters scandal . She then looked at Zhuo Jingren who was sitting opposite to her. "President Zhuo is really idle. Can you please remind me why you are here staring at me, instead of your office? It’s not even lunch break, yet." She smiled.

"I thought you wanted me to stop working and just stay with you?"

"When did I say that I want you to stay with me twenty-four hours? I said, stay at home and hide your beautiful face." She countered, mirth apparent in her eyes before she leaned on her chair.

"Why do I feel like a wife being told by her husband to obediently stay at home while he earns some money for her to shop?"

"Because that is exactly what I was saying." Lily chuckled. "Seriously, If you don’t like working in your company, why don’t we do a merger and have me manage your company as well?"

"If that happens, people will say that you married me because of my company."

"I did marry you because of your company. Those people are just too dumb not to figure it out." She laughed, creating a light environment as Zhuo Jingren joined her.

"Now you sound like a money grabbing, greedy gold digger who married me for my wealth."

"And body." Lily smirked and before she could react, Zhuo Jingren already rose from his seat and suddenly scooped her up into a princess carry her towards the couch. "Hey... stop it. We should not be doing things like these in broad daylight."

Her words only earned a chuckle from her husband. "Then what should we be doing in broad daylight?" she heard him whispered in her ear as she felt him sat down on the couch, with her on his lap.

"Plotting against our enemies, of course. We are villains, we are supposed to plot against everyone." She answered.

Another boisterous laughter erupted inside Lily’s office. "I actually came here to watch the video with you and to celebrate." Zhuo Jingren said before he kissed her neck.

"What are we going to celebrate? Mu Lihua didn’t see me yet."

"She will... once a rat is cornered they will be forced to fight and a confrontation is inevitable." He answered. "I already assigned two other people to always follow you around. Secretly of course."

"Days ago, you wanted to kidnap Mu Lihua to flush out her mother. Then kidnap her mother and torture her for information, now you are praising me for my plans and even agreed that Mu Lihua will see me soon. Say, is this you being a supportive husband or are you just impressed by my classy methods? "

"Impressed." He answered shortly. "My methods are not classy to say the least. I don’t need class to rule my empire."

"How brute." Lily noted before she grinned. "I love it."

"Hmmm..." he nodded as he started trailing kisses down her neck. However, their moment was interrupted when someone knocked on the door and before they could answer, Bei Tian came in with Secretary Go and Yang Mi, bringing boxes of food.

"Hey... to my favorite couple." Bei Tian grinned and ignored the fact that he just interrupted them. "I am here to freeload." He declared as he took a seat on another couch and instructed Yang Mi and Secretary Go to place the food on the center table.

"Why are you here?" Zhuo Jingren instantly asked, his brows knitted.

"I heard we will celebrate."

"What’s there to celebrate?" Lily asked. "Mu Lihua was not my target."

"Oh... then I am here to eat." Bei Tian answered, ignoring his friends dark face. Inwardly Bei Tian was already laughing. Who would have thought that he would disturb a making out session? Good for them, he thought while inwardly laughing.


Meanwhile, Mu Lihua’s face was hot and scarlet red. She could practically feel her veins bulging, threatening to burst anytime from too much anger. She clenched her fist as she continued to pace inside her office.

She could not postpone her meeting and her advisers told her it is best to resign and have her father take over the company. How could she let her father take over? She worked so hard to have this position, to be respected in an industry that is ruled by men. She had planned and schemed carefully. She had it all under control. And yet now.... She is watching her name crumble and get destroyed in a span of weeks.

Her reputation is in shambles and people would forever brand her as the vicious sister. While everyone pitied Mu Qingling!

"Lihua, I think you should listen to Chairman Mu. He can handle this and save the mall. Just let him take over for now. You are not in the right state to handle a business. I’m sure that the investors would agree. It is better to resign on your own than being kicked out from the company. We all know that would be more embarrassing for you." The voice of his adviser echoed inside her mind again. She already ordered them to leave her and yet, that voice seemed to follow her around.

Mu Lihua took a deep breath as she tried to call her mother’s number. She knew her mother would be able to stop her father. She knew her mother would always defend her.


Mu Lihua was not able to stop herself from cursing. Why is her mother unreachable at this time? She sat on her swivel chair and drummed her fingers on the table before she raked her fingers into her hair. The current situation is making her so confused.

After a few seconds of thinking for a possible reason why Zhuo Jingren would go all out in targeting her, Mu Lihua gave up. The last time she interacted with Zhuo Jingren was years ago. She does not remember offending him to the point of him destroying her name like this.

Mu Lihua’s train of thoughts were interrupted when the door of her office opened, revealing her father.

She narrowed her eyes at the man. "Father..." She said as suspicion started to drown her mind.. "Tell me... do you know why Zhuo Jingren is targeting me like this?"

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