Chapter 61

The piano notes gradually climbed to a crescendo, and Zhang Xiyue's dance became increasingly impassioned, as if she were the most beautiful and radiant princess under the moonlight...

Then, with a sudden "thud", the piano grew soft and gentle. Zhang Xiyue began to slowly bend down and curl up on the floor, as if all sound had fallen silent and everything around her had become quiet.

The lighting also dimmed, and at the other side in the piano corner, a beam of light shone through, revealing a young girl in a princess gown intently playing the piano. The light illuminated her, making her skin glow like porcelain.

Her hands danced across the piano keys, her eyes lowered and lashes long and curled, inviting one to dance upon them.

"Wow!" came a chorus of admiring cries from the audience.

Yet the spotlight quickly faded, and the center stage brightened once more. Zhang Xiyue rose slowly and resumed her lively, unrestrained dance as the piano music grew increasingly urgent and rapid, until it came to an abrupt "thud" of an end...

The dance drew to a close, and everyone held their breath. As Zhang Xiyue and Song Luokui bowed, they soon hurried backstage.

"It's freezing! I'm going to die," Zhang Xiyue panted as she scurried away.

Song Luokui was also chilled, hastily grabbing her coat and pulling on her pants, her teeth chattering.

Someone brought them hot water and glanced at Song Luokui several times, for on stage she had been truly breathtaking. As they exited, thunderous applause and cheers echoed through the auditorium.

While Zhang Xiyue was well-known at the dance academy and a frequent guest at school events, many did not recognize Song Luokui. Yet during those brief moments the spotlight fell on her, everyone's breath caught.

Song Luokui accepted the hot water with a "thank you" and drank several gulps, finally warming up.

Zhang Xiyue had also warmed up, and by then, videos of their performance had been shared countless times across campus social media groups.

Even before the show ended, Chi Yu had seen the video that Ji Xiao sent him. Chi Yu frowned at the sight of Song Luokui in her strapless mini dress, immediately grabbing a coat and heading to the school.

Backstage, the show finally ended around 9 PM, and Song Luokui left the auditorium with Zhang Xiyue after changing clothes.

"Are you going home?" Song Luokui sniffled, her nose already running from those few cold minutes.

Zhang Xiyue shook her head. "Not tonight. You go ahead, Kukui. Thank you." She hugged Song Luokui. "Remember to have some ginger soup when you get home. I need to see Zhu Ruan and find out if she offended anyone, with her clothes being cut. I'll also investigate that."

"Okay. Call me if you need help."


"Bye." Zhang Xiyue soon left, while Song Luokui shivered, preparing to go home. But up ahead, Chi Yu appeared, offering her a coat to wear.

Song Luokui looked up in surprise. "You... what are you doing here?" Her little face was flushed red from the cold, her makeup still on, giving her an innocent yet alluring look.

Song Luokui glanced around, worried about being seen, then quickly grabbed his coat and hurried to a secluded corner. "Did you come to watch the show too?"

Chi Yu caught hold of her clothes. "My car's over there. It's cold, let's get in?"

Song Luokui knew this wasn't a good place to talk, especially since she was afraid of being seen by the many people leaving the auditorium.

They soon got into the car, and Chi Yu drove to a quieter area, handing her the hot water and turning up the heat.

Song Luokui sipped the hot water and looked up at him. "You still haven't answered me."

Chi Yu: "I saw the video of your performance tonight."

Song Luokui: "Hmm?"

Chi Yu: "I thought you must be cold."

Song Luokui: "Er... so you came?" She had indeed been freezing, and while many had complimented their appearance backstage, she hadn't expected Chi Yu to say he thought she was cold.

"I was really cold, almost frozen, though thankfully it was only for a few minutes," Song Luokui added.

Chi Yu: "Yeah. Why didn't you tell me you were performing? I could have come to watch."

Song Luokui sniffled. "It was a last-minute fill-in. Not a big deal, just a performance." Even her family didn't know about it.

Chi Yu: "Want me to drive you home?"

Song Luokui nodded. "Yes, please. Let me call Uncle An so he doesn't need to pick me up." She called Uncle An while Chi Yu started the car.

As Chi Yu drove, Ji Xiao suddenly messaged him. Chi Yu had forgotten to put on his headphones, so when he opened the message, Ji Xiao's voice filled the car: "Bro, should I delete the video of the Sung family girl? A lot of people are sharing it."

Upon hearing this, Song Luokui turned her head immediately.

Only then did Chi Yu realize he hadn't put on his headphones. He glanced at Song Luokui, then back at the road. "Ahem, I..."

Song Luokui spoke up first: "What video?"

Chi Yu: "Probably the one of your performance tonight."

Song Luokui quickly opened her phone. She only had a few group chats: one for her grade and one for her class. Sure enough, someone had shared the video in the class group and even tagged her.

Everyone was complimenting how beautiful she looked and how well she played, along with praising Zhang Xiyue. Overall, people thought the performance was wonderful and a real feast for the eyes.

Those knowledgeable about music said the piece she played was very difficult, but she played it excellently.

The grade group chat also had the video, and even screenshots.

Chi Yu: "Your performance video has been shared by many people already. Do you want it deleted?"

Song Luokui closed her phone. "It's fine, no need." Then she thought for a moment. "If it's being spread online, can it be deleted?"

Chi Yu: "It can."

Song Luokui: "Wait, let me ask Xiyue." After all, the video featured Xiyue as well, and as a dance student, perhaps Xiyue would prefer the exposure.

It took Zhang Xiyue a while to respond: "If it's being spread online, we should probably delete it. I think it's better to keep a low profile for now."

Song Luokui agreed deleting it was better, so she told Chi Yu: "If it's being spread online, could you please help delete it? It's fine if people discuss it privately, but is there a fee? I can pay you."

Chi Yu: "No need. I'll have someone delete it. The Ji family has connections, it won't cost anything, and it'll be handled quickly."

Song Luokui nodded. "Okay, thanks. Please thank him for me too."


Song Luokui looked at Chi Yu for a few moments, biting her lip. For him to come pick her up just because he thought she was cold from her performance, and even help delete the video... If he were just an ordinary friend, she didn't think he'd go to such lengths...

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