The Villain's Little Cat

Chapter 220 - 220 Adult Kate

220 Adult Kate

“Hey, where are you going?”

The others were speechless.

Lucy looked at the dark mountain and frowned. “Maybe we should stay here and wait for them. There shouldn’t be any high ranked giant mutated animals that could defeat them, right?”

The others looked at each other and could only silently accepted this suggestion.

What could they do?

It was the truth that no one could possibly defeat Kyle in this wilderness. Only those rank 7 giant mutated animals could possibly kill him but even then, it was not like Kyle was completely helpless.

*rustle* *rustle*

While the group was discussing, Kate finally reached deep inside. She looked around and her eyes finally landed on the bush by the side. Moving it to the side, she looked at it and saw a large transparent black gem on top of a flower.

Kate almost yelled in her excitement. She knew that there were not many giant mutated animals that had transformation ability, which was why this gem laid here untouched. As long as there was no one else who had transformation ability around here, this gem would never be found.


After all, the gems could only call to those who had the same ability.

Without hesitation, Kate slashed the top of her paw and took the gem, which was absorbed inside almost instantly. She could feel her body warmed up as white mist began to spread.

With her other abilities were already at the peak of rank 6, nearly reaching rank 7 and also the connection she had with Kyle, she had extremely powerful body. Her transformation ability that was only growing slowly all these times skyrocketed thanks to the gem.


Stopping not far from Kate, Kyle could see the white mist began to spread and covered Kate’s body. It slowly jumped up and eventually dispersed within few minutes, revealing a young woman standing there, wearing white dress and looked oddly incompatible with her surroundings.

Turning her head around, Kate was surprised to find that Kyle didn’t seem to be as tall as he used to be. She lowered her eyes and looked at her hand.

Her adult hand.

She was no longer a little cat nor the little kid anymore.

“I…I’m back.” Kate smiled brightly.

Kyle looked at Kate’s head and saw the cat’s ear was slowly disappearing as if it had never existed before. She looked beautiful, more than before. He pursed his lips. “Kate, come here?”


Kate nodded. She walked excitedly, happy that her body finally returned to her real form. She no longer had to worry about many things because of her strange cat and human’s form. From now on, no one will be able to link her with the cat as long as she didn’t change into cat’s form or letting her cat’s ears appear in front of other people.

Walking beside Kate, Kyle could faintly sense the soothing smell from her. It smelled so clean and fresh. And looking at the young woman who was a bit shorter than him, a faint smile formed on the corner of his lips.

Now, he no longer needed to wait for another decade.

*rustle* *rustle*

“You’re back…” Jake was about to say that they’re finally back, but all the words stopped in his throat when he saw the young woman beside Kyle. It was impossible to see her countenance clearly in the dark, but seeing a young woman with white dress outside in such cold night was clearly strange.

Lotte’s eyes were also rounded up so big. This was the first time she saw Kyle being so close to another woman aside from his mother. The other women were usually his colleagues who were there to report something to him.

Marc blinked his eyes. He just wondered where this woman came from. She felt so incompatible with this place.

Dylan looked at the two of them and said nothing, but his eyes showed a warm look. He had guessed that this would happen in the future, but he didn’t expect that it would actually happen so soon.

Lucy was the most excited one. She jumped forward towards Kate. “Kate! Kate! Damn it! You’re finally back!”

“I’m back, Hahaha.” Kate laughed and hugged Lucy.

Kyle looked at the two of them, his fingers were itching to pull Lucy away from Kate to prevent her from pestering Kate. He didn’t really like anyone get too close to Kate, be it woman or man.

“Who… who is this?” Jake finally asked.

“Kate.” Kyle looked at the other, his lips curled up to form a devilish smile. “My pet.”

*cough* *cough*

“What the hell?” Jake glared at Kyle.

Even Lotte was itching to beat up Kyle because of his words.

“Hey everyone.” Kate looked at the others, feeling somewhat embarrassed. “My name is Kate, but I’m usually known as Little Kitty in the group~.”


Jake looked at Kate in horror as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. He looked at Kate up and down and really couldn’t connect her with the cute little cat that had been following Kyle all this time. “You…”

“You’re really Little Kitty?” Marc continued in disbelief.

“Wang?” <Kitty smells the same though?> Robby looked at his owner in dissatisfaction and ran towards Kate, wagging his tail.

“Hahaha, Robby is the only one who could easily recognize me.” Kate laughed and hugged Robby. Robby happily wagged his tail while being hugged by Kate.

Lotte was staring at Kate and then at Kyle, who was not surprised at all. She looked at the others around her and found out that Dylan and Lucy were both not surprised. Instead, they seemed to be very calm.

“Dylan, do you already know about this before?”

“Yes.” Dylan glanced at Lotte. “Kate is Kyle’s student.”

“Excuse me?”

Jake thought about the video that he had long buried within his mind. At that time, they watched the video of the first day of the red rain and found one of Kyle’s student went missing. They tacitly didn’t say anything about it at that time, but now he had an incredulous conjecture.

“That… you’re the student in the classroom during the first red rain?”

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