One sunny morning.

Terros visited Laura in the manor.

They're currently sitting in the living room.

Laura was accompanied by her family, surrounding her with their protection and love.

"How are you and the baby, Laura?" Terros asked. He saw the pain and misery in her eyes. She's trying to be brave and strong but he knows that deep inside, Laura's heart was bleeding for her missing husband.

Laura breathed deeply. "My baby and I are both fine," she replied. "Any news about my husband?" she asked, her eyes displayed a vacant look..

Terros shook his head. "I'm sorry, so far we have no progress yet. But we never stop looking for him everywhere. Rest assured that once we have a good news regarding Graven's whereabouts, I'll inform you right away," he promised her.

Laura sighed deeply. "Thank you so much for not giving up in finding my husband, Grandpa. I appreciated it very much. I can't even do anything to help you find my husband," she said regretfully.

"Ah, no need to feel guilty or bad that you can't do anything to find your husband. Wherever Graven is right now, I'm sure he don't want you to worry and tire yourself in finding him especially that you're heavily pregnant. He would rather want you to stay home and take care of yourself and the baby. Besides, Graven is like a son to me. I will dedicate the remaining years of my life to find him even if I have to keep looking for him to the ends of the world," Terros said in a determined voice.

"Thanks, Grandpa!" Laura said, feeling relieved that Grandpa Terros is resolute to find her missing husband.

"By the way, how's everyone here? I hope everything is good. Is Graven's men still sending food supply here every week?" Terros inquired.

"Yes. They come here every week to deliver the supply without fail," Simon answered.

"Good to know that! Since everything here looks fine, I'll take my leave now and continue finding Graven everywhere. We will find him soon!" he said confidently.

"Thank you so much for your untiring dedication in finding my husband, Grandpa. I deeply appreciated your effort," Laura said in a grateful voice.

Terros breathed deeply. "Don't mention it. I'll come back here some other day to give you an update regarding our progress," he said and stood up.

"Bye Grandpa," Laura said.

Terros smiled at Laura and her family, then he vanished from their sight a few seconds later.

After Terros's departure.

Laura placed her hands on her face and started crying.

Simon, Rosa, and Sofia looked at each other.

Rosa rubbed Laura's back to comfort her. "Daughter, please stop crying. Terros will find your husband soon. Please stay strong for yourself and the baby," she said in a soothing voice.

Sofia bit her lip, as she watched her sister suffered gravely due to what happened to her husband.

Simon released a deep sigh. If only he's a bit younger and stronger these days, he will volunteer to find his missing son-in-law outside, but he won't dare do it at his current health because he was afraid that if he will start the journey of finding Graven he might encounter an accident, gone missing, in the end, there'll be two missing people to worry about. Instead of helping, he will only add up to the problem. He felt so useless right now!

Laura's tears only lasted for a few minutes, she finally stopped crying. She wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand and looked at her mother. "I'm going to retire to my room," she said and rose to her feet.

The women walked towards the staircase. They ascended the stairs going to the second floor.

Simon was left alone on the couch, reminiscing about the day Laura died as a baby. That was a long time ago... so many years had passed... so many things transpired back then.

And now, the resurrected baby is already a mother and a wife.

Time flies so fast indeed!


After visiting Laura, Terros teleported to Graven's headquarter.

There... he had a conversation with Horace and Calder, two of Graven's most trusted men and confidants.

Terros looked at them. "Lads, we're not getting any lead?"

"Yeah... unfortunately... no trace of the lord yet," Calder replied somberly, scratching his head in distress.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom Horace looked at the window. "Maybe, he's somewhere out there, stuck in a place that he can't get out. Whoever got him must have placed him in a secluded placed protected by a spell so as not to give away his location," he said.

Terros nods his head. "You could be right!"

They were engulfed with silence for a few minutes.

Calder stood up. "Do you want coffee guys? I'll make you one," he offered.

"Sure, thanks in advance," Terros replied.

Calder went to the kitchen and make the coffee.

Terros looked at Horace. "How's the businesses of Graven and that of his family?" he inquired.

"Everything is smooth sailing. Thanks for asking, Grandpa," Horace said.

"How about the South Pond Town? No major big events that threatened its security and peace?" Terros asked.

Horace shook his head. "The town is generally quiet and peaceful. So far so good," he replied.

"That's good! Now that we're trying to find Graven we don't need any surprises in any form. We must focus in finding him. I just hope that he's not facing any life threatening situation wherever he is right now," Terros said worriedly.

Heavy silence enveloped them once again.

Calder returned and placed the three mugs of hot coffee on the table.

The three men sipped their hot coffee.

"I think I need to go to the Windless Mountain and visit the girls. I want to ask the powder that can bypass powerful spell from Veronica, then distribute it to our men, maybe it can help us find Graven faster," Terros said.

"Windless Mountain? Veronica? Can you please give my regards to her?" Horace grinned.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Calder chuckled.

Terros smiled. "Oh, you have a thing for my daughter, eh?" he teased him.

Horace scratches his head and avoided their stares, feeling shy all of a sudden.

Calder guffawed. "Oh, I see... Horace is having a crush with Veronica! I think we're going to hear wedding bells soon!" he joked.

Horace cleared his throat. "Guys, enough of the teasing!" he said as his face turned red.

"Wow, he's blushing! I've never seen Horace blush for a girl before!" Calder snickered.

Terros laughed.

The men broke into merry laughter.

For a few seconds, their sadness and worry about Graven were forgotten.

The laughter-filled atmosphere didn't last long.

After the laughter died, their problem returned. A glaring reminder that they need to keep moving and find the missing Graven as soon as possible.

They finished sipping their coffee.

A few minutes later.

Terros stood up. "Alright, guys, time for me to keep moving. I'll head to the Windless Mountain and find out if the girls can help us speed up the process of finding Graven. I'll return here if I have good news for everyone," he said and glanced at Horace. "I'll convey your regards to Veronica. See you later, guys!"

Horace smiled.

Calder patted Horace's shoulder.

A moment later, Terros vanished from the place.

Horace and Calder did the same and went their separate ways to perform the daily routines that were assigned to them.


Terros went back to his place and feed the roosters and chicken with their meals.

He already watered the vegetable and herbal garden earlier.

It's now time for him to go to Windless Mountain.

He initiated the teleportation process in his mind and vanished from his place in the blink of an eye.

A few moments later.

Terros landed at the balcony of Elva's place.

Veronica came out of the door a few moments later and saw the visitor, her face lighted up like a bulb. "Grandpa! Long time no see!" she said merrily.

Terros grinned. "I decided to visit you girls to ask if you have any news regarding Graven's whereabouts?" he asked and lowered himself on the chair facing the scenic view of the mountains and sea of clouds in front of him.

"Ah, speaking of Graven... Elva did sent the leaves out there to find Graven. But until now the leaves have not returned yet and we have no idea about their progress as of this moment," Veronica said and sat on the chair beside Terros.

"I see... well... I'm also here to ask you about those magical powder that Graven had used in finding Rebecca and his wife. Can you create another powder equally powerful to the previous one so that Graven's men can use it to bypass powerful spell that is hiding Graven's location?" Terros requested.

"Sure! I'll make one for you. After I already made the powder, I'll bring it to your place so that it can be use by Graven's men right away," Veronica said.

"Thank you, daughter. By the way... Horace sends his regards to you," Terros said with a smile.

Veronica blushed a little. "Give him my regards as well," she replied and rose to her feet. "Let me get you a drink," she said and stood up, heading back to the house.

Terros shifted his attention back to the breathtaking view in front of him that never failed to amaze him.

A few moments later.

Veronica returned to the terrace with Elva.

"Good afternoon, Elva!" Terros greeted the deity.

"Good afternoon, Terros. Any progress in finding Graven's whereabouts?" Elva asked.

Terros shook his head. "Unfortunately, I have no news... we can't find no trace of him to begin with. Graven's men searched the places that were assigned to them on daily basis, sometimes going back and forth on the same area several times hoping they can detect his smell or his or presence, but so far no success yet," he replied sadly.

Elva caressed her baby bump. "Alright, it's time to summon the leaves! Maybe they have something to report to us," she said. She looked heavenward and waved her hands in the air while chanting a spell.

A few moments later.

The leaves bean arriving by groups.

Ten minutes later.

A total of ten groups with one hundred leaves each floated in the air.

Elva addressed the leaders of the groups and asked, "Do you have any good news for me?"

"We're sorry, goddess Elva, we haven't located Lord Graven's scent yet," the 9 leaders of the groups replied in unison.

Elva looked at the last group and asked, "How about you? Any good news for me?"

"Goddess, good news! I think we already found Lord Graven's location!" the last of the leaders replied.

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