"Granny, what is this nonsense letter from my mother!?" Angela said, fuming.

Not again! Menedelia sighed and groaned. "Let's talk outside, my grandmother still sleeping in my room," she said in a hushed voice.

They exited the hut and went to the wooden bench under the shade of the tree.

Menedelia lowered herself on the bench. "Sit down, child. Let's talk..." she said.

Angela refused to sit down. Instead, she started pacing back and forth in front of Menedelia.

Menedelia looked at her. "Why are you angry?" she asked.

"Granny, I can't believe that mother would order me to lie to my father and tell him that she eloped with that Rigor. That he was her lover and they will live together from now on. And she also told me that she's going to divorce my father anyway. What the hell is going on? I am confused, I can't understand my mother... when I witness with my own eyes how she begged for that guy to release me safely and offer herself as sacrifice. I can see clearly that she forced herself to be with Rigor so I can be released to safety and your curse will be lifted! That's the whole truth!" Angela insisted, her eyes blazing with anger.

Menedelia shut her eyes and shakes her head several times. "Child, can you please sit down?" she requested. "I have something to tell you..." she added.

Angela finally relented and sat on the bench. "What is it, Granny?"

Menedelia looked at her in the eyes. "Do you know why your mother beg you to lie to your father?"

Angela shook her head. "No! And that is one thing I don't understand!" she snorted.

Menedelia cleared her throat. "Because your mother thinks that she can no longer go back to your father. Once Rigor finally got her, she can never return to your father's side unless a miracle can happen. She realized that it's better for your father to hate her and forget about her quickly and not mourn about her sudden disappearance. Because she want's your father to move on quickly. That way he won't be waiting in vain just in case she can no longer return to his side," she elaborated further.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom "I will tell my father the truth! She doesnt have to paint herself bad just to protect my father's emotion!" Angela declared indignantly.

Menedelia sighed heavily. Evelyn already anticipated her daughter's refusal to lie for her, that's why she made two letters just in case. "Is that your final decision?"

"Yes!" Angela said. She wore a serious expression on her face.

"Alright, tell your father the truth then, I won't stand on your way," Menedelia said.

"My father and his men will attack Rigor and his family and I will go with them to have my revenge on that brute guy who kidnap my mother!" Angela said bravely.

Menedelia shut her eyes and shook her head. "Really-? Are you going to bring your father and his men to that empty space in the middle of the forest? Have you forgotten that the abandoned manor was already gone replaced with flat surface. There is no indication that the manor even existed on that place. Rigor and his family abandoned that place already and I have no idea where they are right now. They're gone with the wind, vanished without a trace..."

Angela was silent for a moment. Due to her anger, she forgot that the abandoned manor was already gone.

Menedelia patted the girl's arm. "Look... I'm sorry about what happened to your mother. I wish there is something I can do to find her. But I don't know where is Rigor's hiding place. I'm hoping that somehow your mother can escape his clutches one day..." her voice trailed due to hopelessness.

Tears glistened in Angela's eyes.

Menedelia wrapped her arms around the grieving girl to console her. "Your mother wants you and your siblings to move on and live a peaceful life even if she's no longer by your side. Do her a favor. I know it's very hard for you to accept the truth, but your mother already pay a heavy price so that you and your family can finally live in peace. Make her sacrifice worth it!"

Angela breaks down in front of Menedelia, the sounds of her sobs are heartbreaking. "Granny! I want my mother back! I can't live without her! I love my mother so much!" she lamented.

Teary-eyed, Menedelia patted Angela's back, consoling her. "Shh... stop crying... If you're mother will see you this way she will suffer depression. Be a brave girl and help me explain everything to your family, okay?"

"Okay..." Angela replied between sobs. "I wanna go home!" she demanded.

"Alright, just give me a few minutes to talk to my grandmother. Then we will teleport to the capital and tell your family everything," Menedelia stated. "Just stay here for a moment, I'll check my grandma in my room," she said and stood up. She walked towards the hut and entered.

She found Rebecca feeding her grandmother bread and milk in the kitchen.

She released a deep sigh.

Rebecca looked at her. "Is Angela okay?"

Menedelia sighed and nodded her head. "Not really... she feels mesirable right now. But her pain will turn to numbness as time goes by. Eventually the whole family will suffer from now on. The pain is still fresh, so it will be hard for Evelyn's family to move on at this point in tim..."

Rebecca took a deep breath. "You're leaving again?" she asked.

"Yeah. I will accompany Angela to the capital. I have to be there to explain everything to her family. Importantly they will finally discover my role in this unfortunate event. I hope they won't hate me after this..." Menedelia said as she braces for Lord Tony's anger and disappointment.

"They have no reason to hate you," Rebecca said.

"I know, but I'm still feeling guilty about losing Evelyn. The pain will forever engraved in my heart," Menedelia stated.

She glanced at her Grandma.

Sitas was eating the bread like a child with no care in the world. She lost her sanity after being a prisoner of Rigor's family for a long time. Another silent casualty.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

But she was optimistic that in due time her grandmother's trauma will completely heal and she can finally return to her old self. Still, it's a long journey ahead. She planted a loving kiss on her grandma's head.

"I'll come back later," she told Rebecca. "Are you sure you can handle her?" she asked worriedly.

Rebecca smiled brightly. "I like your grandmother and she likes me. We're good," she assured her. "Just go and finish everything outside so that you can finally stay home and spend some quality time with your grandmother," she added.

"Thank you, child!" Menedelia said feeling grateful for Rebecca's support and understanding during these difficult times when she was overwhelmed with so many responsibilities on her shoulder.

Rebecca smiled. "Don't mention it, Granny! I got yourself covered. Go now!" she said, shooing her away.

Menedelia turned around and went to her room to get the letters for Evelyn's family.

Done gathering the letters, she left her room and went outside.

"Are we going now?" Angela asked, looking at the letters.

Menedelia nods her head. "Yeah. You go inside first and say goodbye to Rebecca. I'll wait here..."

Angela entered the hut and proceed to the kitchen. She went to Rebecca's side and hugged her. "Thank you for taking care of me. You're so nice. I hope we will meet again in the future," she said in a grateful voice.

Rebecca smiled and patted Angela's hand. "Don't mention it. Stay strong for yourself and your family!" she said in a sympathetic voice.

"Thank you. Bye Rebecca!" Angela said and left the kitchen. She exited the hut and went to Granny's side.

Menedelia heaved a sigh, noticing the girl's swollen eyes due to so much crying. "Ready to go home?"

Angela nods her head. "Yeah..."

They joined hands, a moment later, they vanished from the area.

They landed in the living room of Angela's residence.

Just in time when Tony and Aron descended the stairs about to go on another trip to find their missing family member. Their faces registered shock after they saw Angela in the living room accompanied by a stranger.

They rushed to her side.

Tony hugged his daughter. "I'm so happy that you're back, daughter! Are you okay? They didn't hurt you?" he asked, as he examined his daughter's external appearance for any signs of wound or physical torture, he found none. Huge relief washed over him.

"Sister, are you okay?" Aron asked.

Angela nodded her head. "I'm okay, they didn't hurt me," she replied to her father and brother's questions.

Tony smiled happily. "This is good! I'll send a messenger to your mother right away! She went to visit her parents in her hometown. She will feel happy to learn the good news that you're already back, safe and sound!" he said in a jubilant mood. "By the way, how did you escape your captors, daughter?" he asked.

Aron looked at the woman beside his sister. "Um... sis... who is this?" he asked curiously.

Angela looked at the woman beside her. "This is Granny Menedelia, without the curse," she replied.

Tony and Aron stared at the stranger in shock.

"How can this be? How can Granny transformed herself into a much younger woman overnight?" Aron asked in bewilderment.

Tony's brows knitted together in confusion. "Granny Menedelia, is this really you?" he asked in disbelief.

Menedelia nodded her head. "Yeah, it's me! I'm cursed by a witch for many years. She turned me into an old woman but now the curse was gone. What you're seeing now is my real self," she validated Angela's claim.

The father and son stared at each other, stunned.

An expression of disbelief was plastered on their faces.

"Wait... if this is indeed you... then w-where is my wife Evelyn? Why she's not with you right now? Why you're with my daughter instead? You left my wife alone in her parent's house?" Tony asked, he can sense that something is wrong with the picture.

Angela's knees weakened, she lowered herself on the couch and began crying. Teary-eyed, she looked at her father. "Mother is gone! She's no longer coming back to us! She agreed to elope with that guy Rigor... the one that kidnapped me so that she can save my life!" she blurted the bad news between sobs.

Tony and Aron's eyes widened in shock.

The color drained from their faces.

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