Chapter 66: Will You Agree to It?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Baldie Lowe thought that this was great, and he acted as though he was watching a show.

He took great pleasure in turning someone against someone else.

But Weston Shaw was a nobody. If he could even touch Finn Taylor, the latter never would’ve become Master Peregrine.

Finn Taylor simply flicked his finger at Weston Shaw’s neck. Then, the latter flew back as though he was a balloon that had been kicked.


Weston Shaw slammed against the wall and fell to the ground.

Seeing her son getting beaten up again, Karen James flared up once again and starting yelling. “Finn Taylor, how dare you hit my son? I’m going to kill you!”

Karen James roared, completely forgetting that her son had started the fight in the first place. It was just a pity that her son was too weak and was no match for Finn Taylor.

“Shut up.” Finn Taylor’s gaze froze Karen James in her tracks.

She felt a chill run down her spine.?‘Why am I even afraid of a good-for-nothing matrilocal son-in-law?’

Unfortunately, she was truly terrified. It was a fear that came from deep within her soul.

Karen James felt like she was going to die if she were to continue with this.

Initially, Baldie Lowe and his men had been mocking Finn Taylor. After all, a useless matrilocal son-in-law was nothing more than a joke.

But the moment Finn Taylor made his move, they were stunned into silence.

Not a single one of them dared to make so much as a peep. Everyone could tell just how vicious that move had been.

Sam was the most well-trained amongst Baldie Lowe’s men. Even so, Baldie Lowe thought that Sam didn’t stand a chance against Finn Taylor.

“I’ll repeat myself. If you want to catch the thief, he’s right there. However, my wife doesn’t like the smell of cigarette smoke.”

Finn Taylor’s words evoked terror in Baldie Lowe’s heart.?‘It’s frightening to think that such a powerful and skilled person is hiding his skills.’

Baldie Lowe was one who calculated his every move; he didn’t want to dig his own grave. “Haha, it seems like we misunderstood the situation. I’ll leave. Let’s go.”

Finn Taylor waved at him, not stopping Baldie Lowe from doing so.

While those men had rushed in with fierce expressions, they looked dejected and pale as they left.

“Finn Taylor, how dare you touch my son!” Karen James hadn’t dared to act up while Baldie Lowe and his men were still around. But now that they were gone, she started acting as though she was the boss again.

Finn Taylor ignored her and returned to his wife’s side. “Was the cigarette smoke too choking? Do you need to get a new room?”

Yvette Larson was moved by her husband’s tenderness. She shook her head, expressing that she was fine.

Seeing that his wife was fine, Finn Taylor finally calmed down.

Of course, Karen James couldn’t take it lying down since Finn Taylor had clearly disrespected her. She gritted her teeth and grumbled to her sister, “Sister, look at how your family is acting. You guys are getting better and better. How can they ignore an elder’s words?”

To be honest, Linda James felt like ignoring her sister too.?‘It’s so obvious that your family was the one who got us into this mess in the first place. Finn Taylor helped to resolve it, yet you’re still grumbling over there. If anything, it’s your family who’ll be embarrassed.’

“Mom, my stomach hurts. Finn Taylor, how dare you hit me!” Weston Shaw clutched his stomach while groaning in pain. He felt like he was about to die.

But at this moment, Finn Taylor was deshelling a prawn for his wife.

“Sister, look at this. Your son-in-law beat my son up! You’d better give me some money for my son to see a doctor.”

When Yvette Larson heard that, she nearly flipped the table to start a fight with her aunt.?‘How could there be such shameless people in this world? Your son was the one who committed a crime. Now that he got beaten up, you’re even trying to blame it on our family?’

“Sister, I think you’re going overboard. It was an emergency…”

Linda James tried to diffuse the situation, but her sister wasn’t buying it. “An emergency? Do you mean that we can punch others during emergencies? Do you mean that it would’ve been fine if he killed my son since it was an emergency? Your family has to take responsibility for this. Your family will have to pay for Weston’s medical fees.”

Nonetheless, Linda James was reluctant to ruin her relationship with her sister. “How much do you want?”

“30,000.” However, it seemed like Linda James had underestimated just how shameless her sister was.

‘She asked for 30,000 dollars!’?Linda James’s face turned ghostly pale.

Even Francis Larson pointed at Karen James. “You—you! This woman…”

“What’s wrong? Do you mean that you’re not going to give us the money after hitting my son? Fine, I’ll go to the Larson family and ask the Old Master for money then.”

Of course, Karen James was all too clear that Francis Larson’s family wasn’t well-liked by the Old Master. If she were to look for him, it was obvious that she wouldn’t get her money. But at the very least, she would be able to ruin Francis Larson’s image and drag his family down even further.

This was why she had said that to threaten Francis Larson and his wife.

The couple obviously knew that Karen James was trying to threaten them. Nonetheless, they had no other choice but to compromise.?‘We can’t afford to fight with such shameless people. Who knows if she’ll actually go through with her threat?’

Linda James turned to her daughter. “Yvette, I don’t have any money. It’s up to you.”

Yvette Larson was fuming.?‘Why should I have to pay them? Do they think it’s easy for me to support the whole family with my salary alone?’?

“Fine. Our family can give you 30,000 dollars, but we have a request.” Nobody expected Finn Taylor to speak up at that moment.

“You’re in no place to speak.” Linda James felt annoyed.?‘It’s because you punched him that we got into this situation. Do you think you have any right to speak now?’

“Mom, we’re the ones paying for it. It’s only right that Finn Taylor gets a say in it.” In Yvette Larson’s heart, she felt like she owed her husband a lot now. As such, she wasn’t going to allow anyone to speak ill of him.

Linda James had never expected her daughter to stand on Finn Taylor’s side or even rebuke her. In an instant, she became even more infuriated and gave Finn Taylor the stink eye. “What’s your request?”

“It’s simple. From now on, you’ll have to respectfully address my mother-in-law as your sister. If she returns to her hometown, you’ll have to make preparations for her and welcome her. If anyone disrespects her, you’ll have to put them in their place right away.”

Linda James had been rather displeased with her son-in-law just seconds earlier, but she had never expected him to make such a request. All of a sudden, her gaze toward her son-in-law became gentler.

Of course, Linda James wasn’t the only one who was shocked by this request.

Karen James’s family, Francis Larson, and even Yvette Larson were utterly dumbfounded.

“Have you made up your mind? Will you agree to it?”

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