Chapter 880 *Hidden*

“What the hell?!”

Everyone was stunned by the scene before them, including Xiaya, who was also shocked. What is going on with this Spirit King’s Palace? It devoured even the Dark Angel?

When the Dark Angel revealed that the Spirit King’s Palace was their headquarters, Xiaya was truly taken aback and almost thought that the Dark Angels were going to turn the tables. However, who could have expected that something like this would happen? Spirit King’s Palace actually devoured the Dark Angel!

“Everyone be careful, there’s something strange about this palace. Retreat immediately!” Xiaya’s expression changed drastically and he hurriedly warned in a loud voice.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as they heard this, Whis, Vados, Martinu, and the others’ expressions turned solemn, and they immediately abandoned the idea of continuing to attack the Dark Angels, turning around to retreat.

And what happened next was even more shocking. After the first Dark Angel was devoured, the entire palace shook. “Bang! Bang! Bang!” Several doors opened simultaneously, and the same black energy attacked the other Dark Angels.

“Damn it!” Faced with the sudden misfortune, the Dark Angels panicked.

“What’s going on with this palace? Why is it attacking us?”

“Don’t worry about that now, getting out of here is the priority.”

As if sensing a threat to their lives, they all became fierce and scattered to break through the blockade of the angels. However the Spirit King’s Palace seemed to have locked onto them. Several black tentacles kept extending out like tough ribbons, coiling around and entangling the Dark Angels. Once caught, the tentacles tightened around them.

In a very short period of time, all five Dark Angels were devoured by the Spirit King’s Palace.

Xiaya looked at the scene before him in astonishment, beads of cold sweat forming on his brow: “Whis, what is going on here?”

Whis shook his head; the situation before him had already exceeded his expectations. His expression turned serious as he said, “Be careful, everyone. We don’t understand the situation with the Spirit King’s Palace, so let’s not act recklessly.”

After devouring five Dark Angels, the Spirit King’s palace quieted down for a while in midair, seemingly digesting the five. After a few seconds, the magnificent palace transformed into a ravenous monster, its blood-stained maw gaping wide open towards everyone, then it swallowed and the entire space was sucked inwards.

Xiaya’s heart was numb, and he quickly used Instant Transmission to teleport away. However, the space around him was like a sticky gelatinous solution, impossible to escape from.

“Gulp,” everyone, including Xiaya, was sucked into the Spirit King’s Palace.

In the distance, Great Priest, who was fighting against the cyan figure, witnessed this scene and his expression suddenly changed. He shook off the cyan figure and tried to rush over to help them, but it was already too late. Xiaya, Angels, Supreme Kai of Time, and God of Time – all of them were locked inside the palace.

After devouring Xiaya and the dozens of people, the Spirit King’s palace seemed to be satisfied. The entire palace trembled slightly, like a contented tiger after a full meal and made no further movements. At the same time, the cyan figure transformed into a beam of green light and darted into the palace.

The expansive universe, once ravaged by the battle, now appeared eerily empty save for Great Priest and the resplendent palace not far away from him.

With a gloomy look on his face, Great Priest let out an angry grunt, and sighed helplessly.

Looking at the ravaged space, Great Priest raised his palm and repaired the shattered space of Universe 5.


On the other side, after Xiaya and others were swallowed by the Spirit King Palace’s gluttonous mouth, they were not digested by the palace’s energy. Instead, they arrived inside the palace where everything was different from the outside world.

“Where is this place?”

Opening his eyes in daze, Xiaya suddenly found that he had already lost contact with the others, and he was currently in an extremely surreal place.

In front of him was a long corridor that seemed to have no end. Other than that, there was nothing else. The twisting and turning corridor and even the walls on both sides were indistinct, as if they did not exist at all.

As he reached out to touch it, he suddenly felt a force pulling him in, only to be ejected out from the other side.

“What a strange place, it’s like multiple dimensions are coiled together!” Xiaya frowned, and tried to use his space-time ability, but found that it was heavily disrupted in this place.

Walking forward along the corridor, he didn’t know how long he had been walking when suddenly he turned around and found that the path he had already walked on was disappearing. Xiaya had been on high alert since the beginning, but the things happening in front of him still made him uneasy. “There is no turning back, so I can only keep going forward…”

Xiaya didn’t know what he would face ahead, but he had no choice but to keep going forward.

“Back then, Time King said that whoever finds the Spirit King’s Palace first would get a surprising result. Indeed, it is so surprising that if one isn’t careful, they could even lose their life here, ” At that time, by this, he thought Time King meant that whoever found the Spirit King’s Palace first would get some opportunity. But the reality was just the opposite.

Spirit King’s Palace was no different from a death warrant. Whoever encounters it will be unlucky.

Sometimes, the more beautiful a woman is, the less trustworthy her words are. Even a supreme god like Time King can lie so naturally and elegantly.

Muttering to himself, Xiaya didn’t know how long he had been walking in the corridor. The space here seemed infinite, and he still hadn’t reached the end. Moreover, unlike the vast blue dome of Zeno’s Palace, the overall tone here was gray, and if you looked at it for too long, it would make you feel jittery.

After about a day of walking and eating a Senzu Bean halfway through to fill his hunger, a white light finally appeared in front of Xiaya.

“Have I finally reached the exit?…” Xiaya focused all his attention on the location of the exit, stopped to rest for a while, adjusted his mental state to the best, and stepped towards the exit.

A dizzy feeling rushed to his brain, and he suddenly felt nauseous. The golden energy in his body stirred up and expelled all the discomfort. As he regained his bearings, Xiaya found himself standing in front of a spacious and vast plaza, with large doors placed at regular intervals around its perimeter – a total of forty-nine of them.

Pushing open a door at random, he found himself in another endless corridor.

Like walking in a maze, Xiaya had lost count of how many doors he had pushed open and how far he had walked. He only remembered consuming about twenty Senzu Beans.

Finally, when he pushed open another door, the scenery in front of him changed.

It was a vast grassland that stretched as far as the eye could see, with a bright sun hanging in the blue sky. The gentle breeze brushed past, causing the tender green grass to sway slightly, creating subtle ripples that resembled those on the surface of the sea.

“Finally… this place is different.” Xiaya said, his eyes almost brimming with tears.

He carefully surveyed his surroundings, not missing a single place. Spirit King’s Palace truly deserved to be the core region of the Spirit King’s era, and it was surprising to find such a hidden paradise within the palace, though he wondered whether the Dark Angels had any knowledge of its existence.

“Hey, hey, did someone just come in?” A dumbfounded voice rang out.

“Who’s talking?”

“It’s me, it’s me. I haven’t talked to anyone in so many…many years.”

Hearing this voice, Xiaya suddenly found it familiar. He followed the voice and looked for it, but there was nothing around except for the endless verdant grassland.

“Look up. I’m above you,” the voice sounded again.

Raising his head, the bright sunlight was so piercing that Xiaya had to squint and put his hand in front of his forehead. Near the sun, it seemed that someone was hanging there.

His aura stirred slightly and a stream of Ki suddenly rose from under his feet. Xiaya slowly ascended and approached the sky, where he saw a pink figure wrapped in a black sticky substance, with a fat body sticking to the blue dome of sky like gum, revealing only a head.

Surprised by the appearance of the other person, Xiaya asked in wonder:

“Buu, why are you hanging here? Aren’t you supposed to be wandering around Universe 1? When were you caught?”

The person hanging upside down in front of him was none other than Majin Buu.

“I don’t know what Universe 1 is. I’ve been hanging here for many years, it’s so pitiful. Tang Xing found me two years ago, but she didn’t release me.” Majin Buu stuck out his tongue and looked very unhappy.

“Since you know my name, did Tang Xing send you here? Let’s discuss it, and can you please release me?…”

Xiaya frowned, “Buu, have you been hanging here for so long that you’ve gone crazy? And who is Tang Xing?” How could Majin Buu not know about Universe 1? Although Majin Buu is naive, he is not stupid, and it is impossible for him to forget about Universe 1.

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