Chapter 900: Vast world

“My name is Season. I have come to invite Mr. Xiaya and Miss Lazuli under the orders of Time King-sama.” Season smiled and spoke gently as she had already noticed that the girl in front of her was a God of Destruction.

“Under the orders of Time King?”

Meifei was taken aback. After becoming God of Destruction, she was no longer a nobody and understood very well the significance represented by Time King. Upon hearing that the visitor had come on the orders of the Time King, she immediately invited her in and then hurriedly ran towards the inner room with the sound of her slippers dragging.

She pushed open the door to her parents’ room and shouted, “Dad, someone is here to see you. She was sent by the Time King.”

However, the scene inside the room made Meifei’s gaze pause in mid-air, and her expression froze in place.

“Ah, sorry, sorry. I didn’t see anything.”

“You little brat, didn’t I tell you to always knock before coming in?”

Xiaya’s angry voice came from inside the room. Even though Meifei was their daughter, disturbing their early morning sleep was not easily forgivable. If she saw some scene that couldn’t be described, it would be too embarrassing.

After starting their own families, Xiang and Xili moved out of here, leaving only Meifei, who despite being grown-up, still lived with her parents. This made Xiaya and Myers feel uncomfortable at night, and they urged her to move out, but she stubbornly refused. This child was sometimes too attached to her family.

Rolling her eyes and pretending not to have seen the scene in the room, Meifei backed out of the room with a smile.

“Dad, she’s Time King’s subordinate. You should quickly get up.”

As she stood at the doorway, she tilted her head and added, “And Dad, please be more careful. Your daughter is still at home, so keep some things in moderation.”


She must have seen something she shouldn’t have.

“Meifei, just you wait.” Before Xiaya could speak, her mother Myers shouted in anger.

Meifei immediately stuck out her tongue and ran away.

“Did you see, she is becoming more and more unruly. She doesn’t look like a girl at all.” Myers’ chest rose and fell, her body displaying graceful curves, her fair skin tinged with a hint of red.

Xiling tidied her loose hair and rolled her eyes at Myers, “Isn’t that because she inherited it from you?”

Meifei and Myers are like they were carved from the same mold.

“Having a daughter of this age at home is indeed inconvenient,” Xiaya muttered. Meifei was already of marriageable age and it was not appropriate for her to continue living with them. He wondered if he should send her to Universe 1, otherwise it would be difficult for them to have a normal married life.

“Hurry up and get up. Don’t let the guest wait. I wonder why the Time King sent someone over….”

Thinking of the powerful and mysterious Time King who had shaken the past and present, Xiaya’s heart shuddered. He quickly got up with Xiling and Myers, got properly dressed, and headed to the living room.

At this time, Season was sitting quietly in the living room, waiting. Meifei was serving fruits and desserts to her. When she saw Xiaya and others arrive, she winked mischievously at them and ran to the side. It seemed like she had upset her parents today, so it would be better for her to stay far away for now.

“You must be Mr. Xiaya. The peak of the fourth level of Divine Realm, you are not far from the fifth level,” Season kept nodding her head as she looked at Xiaya.

“May I know which god you are, and what instructions does Time King-sama have?” The moment he laid eyes on Season, he felt a familiar sensation akin to facing the Great Priest, a feeling of natural suppression only present at his level of gods and quickly deduced that Season was a powerful expert at the fifth level of the Divine Realm. As a result, Xiaya’s tone became extremely polite.

“I am the God of Seasons from the Time Realm. I came to Planet Hongshan under the orders of Time King-sama to invite you and Miss Lazuli to Time Realm. May I ask where is Miss Lazuli? We have to depart as soon as possible,” Season said.

“Me and Lazuli going to the Time Realm?” Xiaya was surprised that the Time King would invite him and Lazuli to the Time Realm. It seemed that Lazuli did indeed have some unknown connection with the Time King. Not only did she receive preferential treatment from Universe King, but now she was even being invited by Time King.

Speaking of which, even though he is the God of Time, he has never been to the Time Realm. Then, he immediately whispered to Xiling and asked her to find Lazuli.

“Please wait a moment, Miss Season. I have sent someone to invite Lazuli.”

Season nodded slightly and sat in the living room waiting.

“May I ask why the Time King-sama has invited us?” Xiaya hesitated for a moment before asking.

The beautiful woman shook her head and said in a pleasant voice, “I don’t know the specific details. Time King-sama just ordered me to invite you both.”

Xiaya nodded and then asked curiously, “Are there many experts like you at the fifth level of Divine Realm in the Time Realm?”

Xiaya had always been curious about the Time Realm, which is shrouded in mystery. The biggest question he had was how many experts there were in Time Realm. Time Realm is in charge of all space-time dimensions, and has numerous Supreme Kai of Time and God of Time. Since its inception, countless eras have passed, and the number of experts in the Time Realm is definitely much more than that of the entire Multiverse combined.

Coincidentally, Xiaya is currently at a bottleneck in his breakthrough, and the woman in front of him, as an expert at the fifth level of the Divine Realm, can answer many of his questions.

Season could answer this question of his. Her silver hair fluttered slightly, and her flawless eyes, like Xiaya’s, gazed at him as her ethereal voice rang out:

“I am indeed at the fifth level of the Divine Realm. In the Time Realm, there are a total of nine experts above the fourth level of the Divine Realm. Time King-sama and Great Heaven Official-sama are both supreme beings at the ‘Divine King Realm,’ eternal and omnipotent, with power far surpassing that of the fifth level of Divine Realm. Below them is the Great Demon God Buu, and my companion Time and I are ranked on the second tier.”

“And further below are the four powerful gods of life, death, fate, and destruction, each in charge of a corner of time.”

Season explained the affairs of the Time Realm in detail. The more Xiaya learned about the Time Realm’s power, the more he was fascinated by it. After all, aside from the great Dragon God Zalama, Dragon Realm only had One-Star Dragon God, Two-Star Dragon God and Three-Star Dragon God, three experts at the fifth level of the Divine Realm. However, Time Realm had a total of seven, not including Time King and Great Heaven Official.

“Great Heaven Official is actually above the Divine Realm. No wonder she was able to easily suppress the Spirit King’s Palace. What kind of realm is it that can overturn the laws?”

For Xiaya, who had not even reached the fifth level of the Divine Realm, the realm above the Divine Realm was like a myth, and he could only yearn for it.

Xiaya had already encountered Great Demon God Buu in the Spirit King’s Palace, and he was a very fierce character. The green figure that had fought the Great Priest to a standstill was later swallowed whole by Great Demon God Buu, showing that although the Great Demon God’s strength was only at the fifth level of the Divine Realm, it was probably higher than that of most fifth-level Divine Realm experts.

According to the beautiful woman in front of him, the Great Demon God was highly respected in the Time Realm, and she herself, along with another god named Time, were just below the Great Demon God, like two poles dividing the laws of time, and below them are four other powerful experts at the fifth level of the Divine Realm.

Life, death, fate, and destruction; the illusory cycle of birth and death are like the four symbols, representing different aspects of the laws of time from various perspectives, much like the journey of human life.

This gave Xiaya a rough understanding of the structure of the Time Realm.

Time King is the leader of the entire Time Realm, while Great Heaven Official controls time in its entirety. Below them are Season and Time, who are in charge of the two sides of time, and the four symbols that rule over the illusory cycle of life and death in space-time. After that is the Great Demon God Buu, who roams outside. If even the management system of the Time Realm is so robust, I wonder what kind of structure the Angel Realm, which is rumored to be even more mysterious than the Time Realm, would have.

The more Xiaya understood, the less he felt he knew about the Dragon Ball World.

After all, the plot of Dragon Ball that he first came into contact with was only limited to the North Area of the Milky Way System, a small corner of the universe. Even when the God of Destruction and Angels appeared later on, it only slightly expanded the range, as there were still countless vast and immense worlds outside the Multiverse.

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