The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 996 - 996, Meeting Immortal Healer Again

Chapter 996, Meeting Immortal Healer Again

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

The guard noticed Zhuo Fan’s blank look and looked at the carriage going into the snowstorm, “Sir, these carriages are common. Is there something wrong?”

“Nothing, just very familiar.”

Zhuo Fan was in a dilemma, “I just can’t place where I’ve seen it.”

Baili Yuyu used this chance to mock him, “You rotten man, did you have too many old flames to remember them all?”

“Old flames?”

“Did you ever see a man driving such a fragrant carriage then? Humph, Sir Qian, you sure know how to spread your love.” Baili Yuyu patronized.

The other men sniffed the air and picked up the scent. The notion hit them as well, but kept it to themselves with lowered heads. Though they still smiled.

[A woman?]

Zhuo Fan thought hard for a bit then exclaimed, “Oh, it’s them!”

“Who, a lover on the side?”

“My auntie?”

(StarReader: it can also mean father’s concubine.)

Baili Yuyu capitalized on this chance to mock him. Qiao’er’s eyes lit up as well as she played along. While Bali Yuyu hated Zhuo Fan’s guts, she ended up finding a friend in the small child, the two growing close these days.

Men never were able to unravel a woman’s mind. The two girls became fast friends in no time, with Bali Yuyu leading Qiao’er’s astray, pulling pranks together against Zhuo Fan.

Zhuo Fan ignored all that and said, “When young Sanzi got hurt, the lady inside saved him by sheer coincidence and I’ve yet to thank her. I have to go say hello and figure out a way to repay the favor and not be left owing anyone anything.”

“You owe them a favor so why the long face? Why on earth are you scared you may never return it instead?” Getting the picture, Baili Yuyu was baffled how this cunning and shrewd man would look at favors with such gravity, restless all the time unless he returned them. This was a first for her.

Qiao’er waved her hand with a smile, “Sister Yu, that’s just how dad is, always clear on favors and hatreds. My brother had the fortune to be rescued and my dad used the chance to swindle them out of a treasure and must now be feeling guilty…”

“They saved your son and you robbed them?”

Bali Yuyu’s face twitched, changing the way she looked at him, filled with disdain, “I knew you were bad and this proves it; repaying kindness with malice.”

Zhuo Fan sighed with a shake of his head, “I just thought that twenty million sacred stones in exchange for a bit of North Sea Gel would be a sky-high price, returning the favor. But not only did I not return what I owed, but ended up finding out that I took something worth fifty million sacred stones instead. Curses, how was I supposed to know that thing is so great? It looks as if I strong-armed them, feeling me with guilt…”

Frigid Rain Sword King cocked her head with a wide smile and a roll of her eyes, “Here I was thinking you’re a conniving man, but now I know you’re just a dumb fool. Who in their right mind would ever weigh the North Sea Gel in sacred stones?”

“How was I supposed to know?”

Zhuo Fan rolled his eyes, calling the driver, “Hurry up and catch up to that carriage! Don’t surprise them and make things worse either!”

The man nodded and sped up, Bali Yuyu cocking an eyebrow at him with a smirk, “You sure go the extra mile when it comes to your saviors, devious man, even worried you might startle them. I just can’t tell if you’re nice or pure evil. Devil Mountain does have an evil vibe, but does it raise demons or saints?”

Picking up on her angle to squeeze info about Devil Mountain from him, Zhuo Fan didn’t fall for it, returning a mysterious smile.

Bali Yuyu’s face fell and cursed.

Qiao’er grabbed her hand before she could, giggling, “Sister Yu, don’t make that long face, you look so much better with a smile.”

“Yeah, young miss Qiao’er is right. Frigid Rain Sword King’s smile is like a warm spring rain, ha-ha-ha…” One guard teased.

Thanks to Zhuo Fan’s hard work and sharp tongue in putting Bali Yuyu’s nasty temper in its place, everyone pretty much lost their fear of her.

Flushing red, Bali Yuyu glared at him, “Try saying that one more time and see where that gets you!”

The guy flinched and shook his head around, but the more Bali Yuyu looked around at the others, the more she found their eyes odd and her face went redder.

But then she noticed Qiao’er’s bright smile that eased the tension and made her smile as well.

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She was one of the Nine Sword Kings, Frigid Rain Sword King. No one had ever said that she had a smile like warm rain…

“The ever-present frost and ice in the north begins to thaw under the warm sun’s rays. Spring has come.”

Zhuo Fan gave his two cents as he looked from Bali Yuyu to the icy world outside with a sigh.

He felt that the changes in the world were going to happen within the heart as well, the heart shifting softly along with the rest of the environment. This ineffable feeling left him dazed, finding it natural and harmonious…

The carriage rumbled through the snow and followed the other one in front. They soon came upon a town looking like a pile of snow from the distance, with a ten-meter-tall stone plaque standing in front, covered in snow yet still able to convey its words, Galefrost Town.

All the carriages stopped and the driver said, “Sir, the carriage in front has stopped in Galefrost Town as well. We’ll be spotted if we follow it in. What should we do?”

“You guys get Frigid Rain Sword King her token and I will find the carriage myself. We’ll meet outside town.” Zhuo Fan spoke and reached out to Bali Yuyu, “Take out your jade slip with your aura signature so they can do their job.”

Bali Yuyu pouted, “There’s no need for that…”

“Is that what Miss Yuyu will say to Sword Patriarch?”

“Fine, here!” Bali Yuyu huffed and threw out a jade slip.

While still difficult, she at least lost her murderous glares from the start.

These few days of chatting had helped in smoothing things over.

Zhuo Fan gave the token to a guard then he took Qiao’er out, “Miss Yuyu, will you go with us or them? We’ll be meeting back outside town anyway.”

“I’m going with Qiao’er, humph!”

Bali Yuyu stuck out her nose as she jumped off the carriage, taking Qiao’er and going ahead, leaving the rest shaking their heads.

The rest of the carriages stopped as well and Zhuo Fan went to catch up to the girls. It was hard to see Bali Yuyu’s expressions clearly in the dim lit carriage, but now, in full daylight and snowy fields, her red swelling cheek was quite conspicuous.

Zhuo Fan rushed over, “Miss Yuyu, it’s been a week since we first saw each other so how come your face isn’t healed yet?

“It will stay like this until Patriarch says otherwise.” Bali Yuyu was stubborn.

Sighing, Zhuo Fan said, “But you’re with me now. What will people think seeing you like that?”

“Does it give the wrong impression?”

“If only. It’ll only make things worse. Now that I’m going to give thanks, your Patriarch will think I did this to you. How do you think it’ll reflect on me? You don’t care about face, but I do!”

Bali Yuyu giggled, “Fine, I’ll just let your saviors see me, see just what kind of man you are. It should at least make them think twice about saving such an evil brute, he-he-he…”

“You still say I’m evil? Heal it already, or just wait in the carriage!” Zhuo Fan’s face fell as he demanded.

Sticking out her tongue, Bali Yuyu was being childish for once, “Not happening! I’ll be sure to wipe the floor with your name in front of your saviors so you won’t get to repay the favor. What are you gonna do about it? Ha-ha-ha, you kept pushing me every time you got the chance on our way here now it’s my turn, ha-ha-ha…”


Zhuo Fan’s hand shone green and looked at her coldly, “Bali Yuyu, I’ll just do your face for you then. It’s been ages since I last used Returning Dragon’s Roar and you’ll make a fine subject!”

Zhuo Fan’s palm went for Bali Yuyu, straight for her swollen cheek, bubbling with vitality.

“Don’t even try!”

With a sinister face, Bali Yuyu giggled and dodged. No matter how monstrous Zhuo Fan was, he could do nothing against a Sword King.

Zhuo Fan and Bali Yuyu ran around Qiao’er for thirty moves, with Zhuo Fan never hitting her once. Qiao’er was having a blast watching them and laughing.

Bali Yuyu held Qiao’er and laughed as well, feeling free for the first time in a long time. She teased and played the victim, “Would no one be willing to save me from this deviant man?”

“Curses, me, a deviant? You have the nerve to say that? Who in this world would ever have the guts to be fresh with you?” Panting, Zhuo Fan glared, “Stop this instant! I’m only going to touch it once!”

“And you call it not being fresh?”

An icy voice echoed…

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