The Sage of Einar

Chapter 316 - Arrival Of The Faroese Merchants

Kalevi, who was sitting on the prow of his Drakkar, looked in quite a surprise at the harbor that Einar had built.

Especially the towers that were built on the sea, and that had strange weapons on them.

'It is quite surprising how much Einar could achieve in this short time. I suppose that the leader of the tribe was correct when he told us that if he survived the attack of the Norwegian king.


He would become our greatest ally because, with his tribe, we could start a closer relationship.


Although our group of islands is a bit large, we do not have the capacity to achieve a feat like the one Einar did to maintain such a large population.


I guess that means that now we can work with honesty, if before it was almost impossible to conquer the island, now it is impossible.


I only hope that Herald Einar can maintain a stable relationship with us and does not wish to absorb our tribe, as we will not be able to resist. '

Kalevi just sighed and looked proudly at her Drakkar, which was covered in a black substance on the outside.

'This black thing that comes out of the ground is very efficient in covering the ships and saves us from having to steal wood from the Christian kingdoms.


Who would say that the leader's son could find such efficient use of this black substance, I suppose Odin will bless us for our decision. '


At the port, Einar was supervising the placement of some small pine trees on the sidewalk for pedestrians to beautify the streets of the port.

"Remember to plant the pines at a considerable depth, we cannot allow them to be above the surface."

The slaves used their picks to hit the earth that was hard because of the cold, later other slaves used their shovels to move the earth.

While this was happening, the noise of a merchant alarm could be heard, so Einar showed a smile.

'I suppose the Faroese traders finally finished gathering slaves and cattle.


Let's see what good things they have brought from the region of Scotland. '

Einar then started walking towards the docks area where he planned to receive the Faroese merchants.

It was at that moment that he stood still for a moment as a smile formed on his face, Einar could feel his heart rate increase.

For he could see that the exteriors of the Drakkars and Knarrs were covered in oil.

Because of the importance of oil, the discovery was worth it because if it could guarantee a supply of oil it could refine it.

Even if it was a simple refinement, it would be enough to create a substance similar to Greek fire but with characteristics of napalm.

Not to mention, it could serve as fuel and the waste that is asphalt could be used to build roads.

Although it would be impossible to create plastics, as they are more complex processes, their different uses would be beneficial for the Nordic nation.

When Kalevi's Drakkar reached the dock, he got off and could see Einar looking at him with a smile that made him feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Good afternoon herald Einar, tell me what is the smile on your face due to, I think it is a bit strange to see you smile like that."

Einar just laughed and pointed to his Drakkar "I was smiling because of what your ship is covering that black substance has a very important value for my kingdom.

I don't think you know, but I was crowned Konungar from the Nordic kingdom of Iceland.

From that moment on, I became the supreme king of this place, but that is not what matters.

How much can you produce from that black substance and what do you think if we create an exclusive fleet to bring in oil? "

Kalevi turned her face and looked at her Drakkar "I thought that the black substance was only used for ships but surely you have some strange function.

If you want it that badly, I think you could fill clay pots with the black stuff you call oil if we spent about 15 Knarr for transportation.

I could bring 5 or 7 tons of oil, but because of the use of sailors, I think that each trip will cost about 15 or 20 gold coins.

I think it is a fair price because I am only buying the shipment from you because we have oil in large quantities.

It is in some of the Islands it sprouts and prevents crops from being planted in those places; it is more a problem than a solution.

But if you want to stay with him, that's perfect for me. You would be doing us a favor. "

Einar smiled and spread his hands to show his joy "That's what I wanted to hear. I will pay you for each trip with a sheet of red cloth worth 50 gold coins.

With the only condition, that you have to double the amount of oil that you are going to send and that under no circumstances will the flow of this stop.

That means that you are going to have to be sending ships transporting that amount of oil every day. I am sure that the red cloth has a very important value for you.

Well, when you see it, you will realize that it is not the typical blood red, it is a stronger and more striking red.

But since we are talking about business, I would like to know how many good things you brought on your ships. "

Kalevi scratched his head and turned to show all his ships "We managed to get 8645 slaves with their families.

But the real prize was the 2000 sheep that we stole from the coastal towns. We also took 300 goats, 200 chickens, and 50 cows.

In terms of food, we could only get a small quantity of 4 tons of different grains.

We got more, but as you know, the tribe needs grains to be able to support themselves, because the food shortage is serious. "

Einar nodded and patted Kalevi on the shoulder "I can sell you a kilogram of salted fish for 5 silver pieces.

I have enough salted, smoked, and pickled fish for your people to eat.

Of course, it would be very expensive for you, but as long as you have slaves and oil, I am willing to give you a credit so that all of you can enjoy food with enough salt.

That way, your people won't have to go hungry. What do you think of my proposal?

Your only concern should be to capture slaves. Mine will be to guarantee their food. I think that is a fair deal. "

Kalevi swallowed hard as it was a good proposal "I would have to ask the leader of the tribe but I am sure he would not refuse."

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