The Sage of Einar

Chapter 285 - Arrival Of Some Roman Visitors

On the coast, the watchtower guards were watching the sea when in the distance they could see something that almost made them scream.

Through the spyglass, they could see 21 fully armed military ships. One guard recognized that they were Miklagard ships.

Because he could see them in the southern expeditions and he knew how dangerous those ships were because they could launch fire that did not go out in the water.

They were true fighting beasts, so without wasting time, he rang the bell while shouting with all his might.

"A fleet of Milklagard will be made, prepare for a possible battle!"

Ashraf, who was preparing, heard the strange name of Milklagard but did not know what it meant, so he looked at one warrior who seemed to be nervous.

"What is Miklagard and why is everyone so worried."

The warrior looked seriously at Ashraf "Miklagard is the land of the Romans, what you call Byzantines."

Ashraf felt some fear because for a moment he wondered what the hell was going to the Byzantine empire in a place far to the north of his empire.

He could even think that it was more feasible for a fleet from the Emirate of Córdoba to appear than a fleet from the Byzantine Empire.

"I hope the Byzantines come in peace, otherwise I could die in a fight that I am sure will be difficult."

Einar, who was still working on the drafting of the constitution with Kassia, could hear the emergency bells from the city.

So he frowned and looked seriously at Kassia, who was next to him.

"Stay in the palace and let Laisa prepare the defenses of the place. Do not dare to leave without someone accompanying you.

Perhaps the visitors could be the cause of your feelings of discomfort. "

Kassia nodded and got up to take the two babies from the crib, as she would let them enter the safe room to ensure the safety of her family.

When Einar was about to leave the palace, a warrior arrived mounted on a horse "Konungar Einar, there are 21 ships approaching the port and according to the warriors they belong to Miklagard."

Einar looked seriously at the warrior and stroked his mustache "Let the warriors prepare their defenses I will be a little late because I will prepare a little of Odin's fury.

If the Byzantines think they can force my wife to do something she doesn't want to do, I'll show them my fury because no one messes with my family. "

The warrior nodded and started towards the port to give the orders, while Einar turned around and headed for a room at the top of the mountain.

Because he was thinking of collecting the sticks of dynamite that were kept in coolers to keep them stable and that they couldn't explode.

After climbing some stairs and walking down a somewhat dangerous slope, Einar arrived at the warehouse from where he took the two clay pots that had the dynamite at low temperatures.

After he left, he went to the elevator on the side of the hill because he did not want to spend a long time holding dynamite in his hands.

When he got off the elevator, he could see the ships, which seemed to be quite close to the port, so he frowned as he realized they were large warships.

'Maybe they can have the upper hand at the start, but when I throw dynamite on their boats, they will understand the power of solid explosives.


No one will harm my family, much less come to impose their stupid rules on me. '

Gautier seeing the strange display in the harbor and since all the ballistas were targeting the fleet, he could only sigh and look at Guido.

"This place does not appear to be under siege and even has a very advanced port construction, but because they are pointing their weapons at us.

They know who we are or they are just being cautious. "

Guido scratched his beard "I'm sure they know who we are, as this tribe was the first to arrive in Constantinople.

They are pioneers in the journey across the sea, as far as where the Norwegian king's army can be. I think it is possibly resting at the bottom of the sea.

These constructions next to the towers that are on the coast can be formidable defenses, but in any case, it shows that no one dares to attack.

This place is like a dry wood warehouse. A single spark will be enough to ignite everything and turn this place into a battlefield where there will only be death."

When the ship docked at the dock, the warriors and soldiers tightened their weapons as they were prepared to face any kind of attack.

The two sides had an uncomfortable silence where only the noise of the sea and some birds could be heard. It was not until the noise of two horses was heard.

When the warriors and soldiers saw that it was the Konungar Einar, they could feel a bit of tranquility because there were some clay pots on the horse.

Where did they know there should be a secret weapon from the Konungar Einar.

When Einar arrived at the port, he looked with absolute calm at the ships and shouted in Latin.

"I am King Einar of the Nordic kingdom. Tell the reason for your visit, Romans?"

The silence from the ships was broken when a haggard-looking man got off the ship on the dock.

"My name is Gautier and I am a Duke of the Frank empire. It is a pleasure to meet the leader of this beautiful port.

But I come on behalf of the Frank empire and the Roman empire to search for Kassia of Thrace. We want to recover the princess.

For in her blood runs imperial blood because her father is the Emperor Charlemagne and her mother was the Empress Irene of Athens.

I hope your highness can account for Kassia's location as we need to speak to her. "

Einar took a deep breath and tried to remain calm "She is my wife and mother of my daughter, but she is not willing to see anyone."

Guido raised an eyebrow at Einar's words and realized that things might be more complicated than he thought.

"King Einar, I understand that you may feel threatened, but you must know that there is enough Greek fire on these ships to burn down your kingdom."

Einar could feel the contempt in the duke's words, so he showed an evil smile "You think I'm afraid of some sulfur-refined petroleum.

Unfortunately, I don't have oil to show you real Greek fire, but I have an even more powerful weapon that will make your little ships sink in this harbor.

Although the basis of a conversation on equal terms is to show my power. "

With a signal of his hand, a warrior brought a bow and arrow to Einar that had a stick of dynamite attached to it, taking from his uniform a box of matches.

He took two matches and fried them between them, causing a fire in the wooden sticks in his hand, throwing one of them to the ground.

He occupies the other to light the dynamite wick. Taking a deep breath, he placed the arrow on the bow and exhaled air.

He let the arrow fly out to sea where there was no ship or anything that could be destroyed when the arrow entered the water.

Gautier and the crew of the ships just started laughing as they thought that everything Einar had said was just a bluff.

But Einar, far from feeling scared, simply showed a smile and said out loud.

"Santani in amus dignita ..."

When he finished saying those words, an explosion formed in the sea which splashed salt water for tens of meters. The laughter of everyone stopped, and they looked at Einar in horror.

"I have thousands of arrows that can make explosions like the ones you saw. You think I am afraid of your fleet, Duke Gauiter.

Now we can talk like civilized people or we can just start a war where you will lose out.

Just so you know, the Norwegian king who attacked us, he lost all his troops, and we did not lose anyone and there was not even anyone injured.

You can decide to believe me or just check it. The answer is up to you. "

Gautier was afraid because he realized that the young man in front of him was not an average ruler. It was as if he could see the Emperor Charlemagne or the ancient Roman emperors in Einar's face.

He had ambition in his eyes and an assurance that few leaders could have, which meant that he was a prominent leader.

"My apologies for disrespecting you, King Einar. What I wanted to say at the beginning is that we only hope to hear Kassia's opinion if she wants to stay in this place or wants to return.

I think you how your husband should have no problem allowing his wife to talk about what she wants to do.

Also, I would like to say that the twenty ships that travel behind us have soldiers loyal to Empress Irene.

Those who abandoned their families and everything they had in order to swear allegiance to the daughter of their empress, because their loyalty is something that cannot be measured with gold coins."

Einar sighed and stroked his mustache "I can allow you and a representative of the guards who claim to be loyal to Kassia to accompany me to the palace.

But you must leave any dangerous weapon or tool. You will also be accompanied at all times by my warriors.

I hope you can understand my preoccupation, but Kassia is part of my family"

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