The Sage of Einar

Chapter 233 - A Quiet Moment On A Busy Afternoon

When the storm subsided and the sea became calm again, Nelda, who had been sleeping, opened her eyes and she could feel much better.

Holding her head with her hand, she just sighed as she was pretty tired, not to mention that her throat hurt too much.

"Anna, I need some beer to cool my throat."

Anna, who was guarding the door of Nelda's room, entered the small room and, taking a wooden jug from a table, handed it to Nelda.

Nelda then took the wooden mug. She did not hesitate to drink all the beer, each swallow that she took cooled her sore throat.

At the end she used his hand to clean her mouth "Remember to avoid storms as much as we can, if I have to go through that vomiting again.

I can swear I'll kill someone, but changing the subject, how long until we can reach the island of Jarl Sven. "

Anna looked at Nelda with some seriousness "The storm changed our course according to the stars that we could see when the weather returned to normal we are quite off our course.

We have tried to correct the course but I think another week of travel will be added to our journey. Fortunately we realized because it was night in another way.

We would have been traveling west, into the Atlantic Sea, which would have been a real suicide. "

Nelda could only sigh "I guess it doesn't matter, thank good you realized because the last thing I want is to end up dying on this ship when we get to the end of the world.

Anyway, Anna prepares the whole crew to try to catch some fish. My body needs some fresh food. "

While this was happening in the open sea, Aiken was breathing hard, just like the rest of the slave teams that Einar had formed.

With the cold rain wetting their bodies, they could only keep working to dig the drainage ditches that the factory they had to build would need.

"Come on guys, we have to finish fast so we can be the team to use the hot springs first. I don't have to remind you that we can't stay wet for long.

Because we can get sick and you know that would only be a problem because each of us has an important role in the team.

If any are missing ... "

Drew interrupted his words when he lifted three sacks full of dirt on his shoulders "We will have to work double or triple to take your place, now remind me what we are."

All in unison began to sing a tune that Einar had taught them.

"We are the Beta team. We are the best.

Unlike the others, we do bathe… "

When the Beta team started singing their song, the other teams started singing theirs as it was a way for them to motivate themselves while working in the rain.

Einar, who is supervising the construction, just showed a smile 'It reminds me of my days in military engineering school.


Although it also reminds me of the special forces training I had to take in Guatemala, what those times. '

Shaking his head, Einar sat back in his chair, as it had to be all operations related to the construction of the factory.

"If two reinforcement pillars and a vaulted dome supported by arches are placed, it is possible to distribute the weight of the iron furnace chimney ..."

Scratching his head, Einar began to perform some operations to confirm whether his theory was correct on paper.

"Taking into account the foundations and how close it is to a hot spring pool, we have to reinforce with iron bars.

But iron is not resistant than steel so I will have to distribute the construction of the foundations so that they can support the structure.

Even if…

That would be the right thing to do in a non-seismic area, but in this place it would not be strange to have microseisms.

It seems that I forgot that factor. I suppose I will have to start over to place a better distribution of the weight, following the example that I used in the orphanage building ... "

While he was still thinking, he did not notice when Helmi entered the hut, who was carrying a tanned leather umbrella that Einar had created long ago.

She also carried a basket with food because she knew that he would not be able to accompany them to eat until he had finished drawing up the plan for the building.

Seeing Einar so focused that he was not even aware of his arrival, Helmi decided to wait by sitting in front of him while silently watching him.

'It reminds me of training when we were kids.'


"Einar, you are sure that you must be using the ax to cut wood without notifying your father."


Einar, who was moving the ax from side to side, did not stop his movements "It's something ... I have to do ... in order to protect you ... just like I will do with the tribe."


When Einar felt that his arms could no longer resist another movement, he could only breathe deeply as he dropped the ax to the ground.


After this he lay down on the grass and turned his head to look at Helmi "You haven't been bothered by that childs again."


Helmi shook her head "After the blows you gave them they are afraid to approach me."


Einar smiled and raised his fist in victory. "That's what a man does to protect his family."


Helmi just laughed and leaned down to kiss Einar on the cheek, "Thank you for everything you do for my Einar."


Einar just looked somewhat puzzled at Helmi "Don't worry about it. For me you are not a monster or someone who looks strange.


You are my friend and my fiancée, I will always take care of you because that is what my grandfather taught my father, and that is what he taught me.


In addition, I did not tolerate seeing how a group of children always try to intimidate you. If they continue with that behavior, they will become a disgrace for the tribe.


Who knows, maybe they become Vikings whose only pleasure is to destroy and steal, that is a sad life and a cheap way to get to Valhalla.


For me it is better to be a warrior, that way I can defend the tribe as my family has done from generation to generation.


Even if I die, I will be able to reach Valhalla with my head held high and I am sure that I will be well received in the beautiful, gold decorated halls.


Because as a warrior I could fight to defend and not for the simple pleasure of battle. "


Helmi, who was watching him, only opened her eyes with joy because the little speech that Einar gave also motivated her to become a warrior.


Although she would only do it to protect his family from any kind of attack against them.

When Helmi stopped remembering one of the beautiful memories of her childhood, a smile formed on her mouth. And it was then that she realized that Einar was staring at her with love.

"I see that you have returned from your thoughts. Tell me what made you so happy I'm curious."

Helmi laughed and stretching her hands she took Einar's hand "I remembered the time you told me that you would protect me by being a warrior.

But the simple fact of being able to see your sincere smile and your confidence while you spoke made me feel again why I fell in love with you. "

Einar then caressed Helmi's cheek "Although I can't help you remember those moments, you can be sure that I will take care of you and our entire family.

No matter what happens, our children will grow up safely. Of course I will have to work hard to ensure that they do not have any problems.

But as a husband and father, it is my duty to be able to get my job done until I'm old and unable to do it.

At that moment I will only spend my days waiting for the end, but until then I will continue to take care of you. "

Helmi, who was enjoying the caress on her face, closed her eyes and let Einar's hand continue to caress her.

As Einar caressed her cheek, she could feel the baby inside her begin to give a few little kicks. So she opened her eyes.

"It seems that our baby is quite happy. You want to feel it I'm sure he will also enjoy your hand."

Einar got up from his seat and walked towards Helmi. When he arrived, he bent down and, using his hand, he caressed his wife's stomach.

At that moment he could feel how the baby was moving, so he caressed the stomach with great care and love.

"I know you are a happy little baby, but you should know that dad will always take care of you.

Perhaps you have not asked to be born into our family, but as a father I will guide you the best I can so that you can enjoy your life.

Regardless of what you are, I will be by your side to support you. "

When he finished speaking, he stared at Helmi and without saying a word the two kissed passionately for some time before they parted because they had to breathe.

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