The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 288 Death Of Former Owner (2)

​ Feeling the accumulated bloodlust from the undead horde in front of them, the soldiers couldn´t help but shudder in fear.

But the one that was in the deepest of despairs was none other than the commander himself who identified what the necromancer really was.

But before he came up with what to do, the undead already made their move.

"Follow me! Obey my call! Kill the living!" the blue-eyed "undead knight" yelled with his cold voice filled with killing intent and dashed towards the soldier with the undead horde shortly after following behind his steps.

`Dammit!´ The commander cursed internally.

"Don´t falter! Soldiers of Nexvarres! Shieldman is in the front! Does with spears and prepare for the impact! Create a defensive position! They are only some mere skeletons!"

Having his voice enchanted by magic, the soldiers suddenly felt a bit calmer than before, enabling them to do as they were ordered.

Those who had shields stepped in front and created a wall made out of shields. One of those soldiers in the front was also the former owner of Danzel's body.

Shortly after, those with spears came behind the shield man, prepared to skewer any undead that came in range.

Nodding in approval towards his soldiers, the commander looked at the charging "undead knight" and the numerous undead right behind him.

`The one with the armor should most likely be a Draugr, a 2nd-tier undead. Though its equipment seems much better than even mine, it´s just a lone undead. It should be hard for those seedlings to take him out. My focus should be on wiping as many skeletons as I can before the Lesser Lich decides to join in the fray.´ The commander analyzed the situation and decided on his spell.

Raising his staff in the air, the mana crystal on the tip of his staff was engulfed with flames.

"[Flame Wave]!"

Once the commander's spell was finished, the flames from his staff were shot out and covered a large amount of space as if its staff was a flamethrower.

Upon the appearance of the flames, the skeletons didn´t even flinch and charged right toward the flames.

Of course, the result was the skeletons being engulfed in the flames and destroying their body close to evaporation their whole body.

Seeing their commander destroying over 20 undead with ease, the soldiers regained some of their vigors.

The blue eyes Draugr who saw that grinned sinisterly.

Suddenly, his enchanted armor releases a surge of dead mana, further strengthening the Draugr.

Seeing that, the former body's owner widens his eyes.

"Commander! This one is dangerous!" He yelled, alas his warning was drowned among the noise of his peers and skeletons.

The commander who was unaware of his soldier's warning finished his next spell and destroyed another set of skeletons. He even completely had his focus on watching when the [Lesser Lich] would make his move and at the same time destroy as many undead before they made contact with them.

At first, looking at that seemed the correct option as doing that raised the confidence of the soldiers, but the few who noticed the aura of the Draugr couldn´t think the same.

And once the Draugr came near enough to the shield wall, the spearman thighed the grip on their spears.


Coordinating their timing, three of the spearman thrust their spear right through the Draugr´s body.

While one of the spears penetrated his head, the second one his chest, and the last one the undead´s shoulder, the three spear man couldn´t help but scoff at the pathetic attempt of the undead.

Alas, their celebration came too early.

The spot where they penetrated Draugr seemed to shift and reveal that what they actually hit was nothing more than some dark smoke.

Before they could even understand what happend with the Draugr, it was too late for them.

Appearing from the side of the smoke, the Draugr swung his mana-imputed sword towards the neck of the shieldman with incredible strength.

Killing them in an instant with soon the spearman to follow.

Once the Draugr penetrated through their defense, a massacre began taking place.

Each of the Draugr's hits was both fasts like the reaper's scythe and heavy hitters, making the soldier unable to react or block.

Even though the current Draugr in front of the original strength was of the lowest of 2nd-tier strength, the Draugr still managed to dominate them completely.

And the reason for it was because of his armor and the buff that he received from the Lesser Lich.

With those two together, the Draugr was near the peak of his tier.

And because of the two skills that the Draugr possessed, the soldiers couldn´t deal with them.

The most annoying skill, [Dark Mist Robe] made it extremely hard for the soldiers to aim currently their swings. Making them hit nothing but the dark mist.

His other skill, [Battle Sense] allowed the Draugr to be aware of his surroundings.

Creating a combination of skills, which made it almost impossible for the soldiers, who were of the 1st-tier to react.

Worst of all, the undead horde didn´t wait for them to deal with the Draugr and joined right into the fight, forcing the soldiers to focus on the enemy in front of them instead of the Draugr inside their defense.

The commander who saw this felt regret and anger in himself for letting something like this happen.

The worst part of it was that he couldn´t do anything about it.

He tried casting him [Firebolt] spell to quickly take care of the Draugr, but that resulted in nothing more but having one of his soldiers hit.

Making him grind his teeth in anger.

Though he was a magic caster, he mainly focused on the flashy fire spells and other minor magic that helps in his leadership.

Fire magic in his essence, especially on the lower tier spell, was mainly focused around power and area of effect.

Making it extremely dangerous to use when your allies were near the enemies.

So to avoid friendly fire, the commander focused on ordering his should around the Draugr and cutting the number of the skeletons.

At first, the fight looked despairingly against the humans, but Velkir that looked from the sidelines shook his head when he looked at the Draugr.

"He doesn´t even see that he is being tested right now. His skills aren´t that bad but he failed to see his surroundings." Velkir said to himself as he looked towards the Lesser Lich in the distance.

Velkir knew that the reason why the Lesser Lich wasn´t moving was that he was testing the Draugr for "that" reason.

`Still, where have I seen that purple color again?´ Velkir thought to himself as he looked at the Lesser Lich in doubt.

While Velkir was trying to remember something about the Lesser Lich, the situation that he predicted came into being.

Because of the commander's fire magic, the numbers of the skeletons were quickly thinned enough for the soldiers to be able to push the undead back. Once they were more humans than skeletons, the Draugr found himself getting focused by all sides by much stronger soldiers.

Forced the Draugr to go into the defensive and even back away from their defense and regroup with the remaining skeletons.

Previously with their numbers, the skeleton managed to surround the soldiers, but now with that no longer being the case, the Draugr and the skeletons found themself on the entrance side while the humans were on the Lesser Lich side.

The commander was in constant fear of the Lesser Lich joining in, as it required just a spell from him to raise all the fallen soldiers as undead.

But after seeing that the Lesser Lich hasn´t moved at all, the commander was both confused and glad.

`After dealing with the Draugr, we might have a chance if all of us rush towards the mastermind of those things.´ He thought to himself.

Albeit foolish of showing his back on the enemy, that was the only option left for them.

The Draugr in comparison gritted his teeth while looking at all of the remaining skeletons.

"Useless weaklings! Summon Undead!" Yelling out loud in his cold voice, the dead mana of his body separated and created beside him 3 skeletons that were as tall as him.

"Charge! Kill those humans!" The Draugr commanded all skeletons to charge with him towards the soldiers.

The humans who had some distance between the skeletons prepared to receive the skeletons and the former owner of the body was in the front, ready to receive the Draugr that slaughter many of his colleagues and friends.

The commander albeit low on mana was already gathering his last bits of mana to set the Draugr ablaze.

For both parties, everything felt as if the world was going in slow motion upon the final showdown between the undead and the living.

Be it the battle cries of the humans or the undead screeching hatefully towards the living, they prepared themself to finish off the other party.

But as if shattering such thoughts, an echoing cold voice appeared.

<strong>"It seems like you failed me, Draugr."</strong>

The Lich said as he tapped his staff to the ground, making a magic circle appear beneath the humans and the undead group.

Seeing the magic circle, the Draugr flaring blue eyes litten up.

"You Magic caster! I still haven´t lost! Stop the spell-" The Draugr yelled, but the Lesser Lich didn´t seem to care.

<strong>"Pay the price for betraying my expectation."</strong>

In the next second, the magic circle activated, and the dark, grim purple light created several ripples of dead mana to run through the ground, sweeping at the same time both the human soldiers and the skeletons at the same time.

In a matter of a second, each group lost more than half their numbers.

But upon the next moment, the ripples that run through the ground were enough to collapse the whole floor beneath the two groups' feet, where the second-floor lake was waiting for them.




Free falling towards the lake with their heavy armor, the humans were hit with dizziness and pain all around their bodies from the fall.

When they thought that they survive, what they didn´t expect was the falling rocks to crash on top of them, either killing them instantly or dragging them to the bottom of the floor of the lake, trapping them to throw.

The skeletons received the same kind of fate as them.

The battle that lasted longer than 20 minutes has now ended in a matter of a few seconds with the use of a single spell.

Walking towards the edge of the large hole that he was responsible for, the Lesser Lich stared at the lake.

<strong>"I overestimated the humans. If that´s their army standard, finishing their city is only a matter of time." The Lesser Lich said.</strong>

<strong></strong>As he was about to leave the dungeon, a figure with a shield and a sword came crawling out of the lake.

That figure was none other than the former owner of Danzel's body.

<strong>"Seems like one survived..." The Lesser Lich mumbled while pointing his staff towards the human and gathering his dead mana.</strong>

Before he ended his spell, another figure came out of the lake.

"MAGIC CASTER!!!!" The figure yelled in his cold and hateful voice.

Looking above him, the figure with the ethereal blue eyes stared at the Lesser Lich in resentment.

"You traitor! This wasn´t our deal!" The Draugr yelled as he pointed his sword towards the Lesser Lich on the top floor.


Seeing that, the Lesser Lich pulled back his staff and stared at the Draugr for a moment before making his way towards the outside.

Seeing that, the Draugr started to panic and released a huge amount of bloodlust.

"No! You promised me strength! The 3rd-tier! You can´t leave! I will swear my loyalty to you! Give me the strength and I will be your sword! Magic caster!!!"

Yelling as if having lost his mind, the Draugr couldn´t accept the current state of events and amidst his madness, he noticed a human soldier with a shield and a sword in his hand.

"You! It´s all you guys' fault! If it weren´t for you!!!" The Draugr yelled before dashing towards the soldier.

The latter who saw this cursed under his breath and took his own stance.


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