With Azrael being busy fighting the swordman of blacken flame and Vanessa devastating the people whom she was sent to.

Danzel party with Agares and Shiro were soon enough able to hear distances noises of clashing metal.

Exchanging glances with Agares, Danzel nodded and dashed ahead of Agares.

It wasn´t because Danzel was faster or anything, if one were to compare their speed, then Agares would one-sidedly beat him.

Although their relationship was somewhat awkward, Danzel was aware of Agare's overprotective nature of his granddaughter.

Though she had a much greater talent of magic than even himself, right now Shiro was a mere inconvenience to Agares.

Using [Swift Movements] Danzel was already fast enough, but with the additional buffs that he receive from Velkir, his speed reached an absurd level.

The Spell [Greater Being Undead] respectively increased all his stats except his intelligence by a whole of 200 points!

Making his agility reach over 1000 attribute points!

His [Superior Undead] Talent multiplayer also helped Danzel reach a state of power that made him almost feel that he set a foot on the gates of the 4th-tier.

The most amazing fact of this spell was that the strength came so naturally to him, that there wasn´t a need to get used to his new strength.

The other buff called [Greater Shadow Haste] also increased his agility by another 100 attributes, but that was only the side effect of that spell.

The true nature of the spell was to surround his body with dark mana of some kind to hide his presence and all noises that he would make. From the outside it looked as if his armor was mixed with a mist of darkness, making it difficult for others to recognize that his armor was made out of some sort of metal.

As for the third spell, he wasn´t too sure by the description alone that was displayed on his status screen.

It only mentioned that it was a protective layer of some kind.

Nevertheless, Danzel found the two previous buffs to be good enough.

No, they were so good that Danzel was disturbed by them.

Though it might be a small glimpse of Velkir´s power, that alone was enough of a reminder of Velkir´s power.

`I will pay more attention to Velkir´s lesson next time...´ Danzel swore to himself.

While he was admiring his newfound power, he soon picked up several presences with the use of [Eyes of the Damned]

Once he reached his destination, Danzel saw several corpses of the Dynast soldier, with only a few remaining trying their best to block the entrance of a cave.

They were 3 people in total, two of them being of the 3rd-tier while the one in the middle was giving the aura the pressure of a 4th-tier. All three of them were severely wounded.

Taking the other party into account, there was a clear number advantage.

With over 30 of the 2nd-tier and 10 of the 3rd-tier, they were also respectively 2 that gave the same aura as the man of Dynasty.

`They have 4th-tiers...´ Danzel all previous confidences vanished as if they never existed before.

He was fairly confident that with his attributes now increased, he could have found a way to deal with all the 2nd-tier and 3rd-tiers, albeit risky.

Sure it would have been close, but if he thought of his agility and the fact that he had his trump card, [Sin of Wrath] still to use. Victory couldn´t be far of if he resurrected all the nearby corpses to win him some time.

But not even Danzel was suicidal enough to dare and challenge either of that 4th-tier.

Against them, there was an invisible wall that one couldn´t pass if they didn´t reach the same tier of strength.

And to his luck, the two 4th-tiers had their focus towards the soldier of Dynasty, who in question held a sword and a shield respectively.

The moment the 4th-tier of the Dynasty raised his sword and gave a shout, a warm yet at the same time, disturbing light fell upon the soldiers of the Dynasty.

Watching all the wounds close and the color on their faces returning, Danzel knew why he felt so disturbed from watching the light.

`Holy Magic...´

Though he felt annoyed seeing it, Danzel was actually relieved for his "ally" to be the one capable to use that.

As the more, they shined, the more attention they bought to themself.

Knowing the fact that Agares will shortly come, Danzel used the fact that his presence was that of a ghost to deal with a surprise attack.

With Velkir´s buff and his [Presentless Steps], the soldiers of Arcana only then noticed his presence when their throats were cut.

Of course, that was only the case for the 2nd-tier soldiers.

"Enemy reinforcements!" One of the 3rd-tier mages shouted as he channel his mana into the air and formed an elemental of air to face Danzel.

Slightly surprised by the entity in front of him, Danzel swung his sword and cut the elemental in half, but a second after ended up forming/regenerating (?) once more and giving out a punch to Danzel.

But Danzel reacted accordingly.

Knowing that this was an entity made out of mana, Danzel directly aim to cut the mana of the entity by itself with the use of his dark green air blades.

Resulting in the air elemental being cut like butter to the magic caster's surprise.

He prepared to summon his next elemental but found the dark knight right in front of him.

Without being able to cast any sort of barrier, the magic caster was cut and contributed by turning into XP.

Danzel though wasn´t done.

The 3rd-tiers who recognize the threat that he possessed, imminently gave up their support on the two 4th-tiers and instead went aiming for Danzel.

The 2nd-tier soldiers didn´t sit there idly but also moved to surround Danzel.

Once they were halfway done so, a mist-filled with dead mana spread around Danzel. The mist in question entered the corpses of the previously fallen soldier and risen up once more as one of the undead, wielding their blades towards their former allies for their new master.

Instead of using the surprise to push forward, Danzel decided to retreat back, while silently preparing his next [Greater Raise Undead].

The 3rd-tiers of Arcana who saw the undead made a swift decision to chase after the necromancer instead of his minions, even if many of the 2nd-tier died from them.

They knew what a necromancer was capable of with still so many corpses being around.

Danzel understood what was going through the mind of the 9 who were after his head. And because of that reason alone, he couldn´t help but grin to himself.

`They fell for it

If Danzel were to go full out right here, he would have a chance, but against 9 of the 3rd-tier with no further support of his undead, it would become a hard-fought battle where he might die.

Afraid of that result, Danzel went out and chose the easiest way to deal with them.

And that was not dealt with at all.

Appearing from the distance, was an elderly wearing a silver mask covering only his mouth and a weird-looking hat (Jingasa) while carrying a child with one of his hands.

But most noticeably was the large sword that was reversed curved.

Noticing that grandpa, Danzel who was previously letting the other 9 catch up had to the surprise of the soldiers of Arcana speed up.

"There are all yours." Danzel whispered to Agares before passive him.

Agares in return frowned at Danzel's words but didn´t say anything.

"Little Shiro, hold tight at this grandpa of yours." Agares said while raising his scythe sword.

His scythe sword emitted a feint gray smoke similar together with his body tougher.

The soldiers of Arcana who noticed the old man's strength, cursed out aloud and turned their backs and ran away.

"It was a trap!"

"Run! We need to tell the General about him!" one of them said while bringing his communication device.

They didn´t know that the moment they turned their backs to Agares, their fate was already sealed.

Disappearing from his place, Agares moved faster than the speed of sound and appeared in front of all the 3rd-tier soldiers.

Without having any other choice, the soldiers send their strongest attacks at Agares in hopes of revealing a chance for them to run away.

But once Agares swung his sword in the air with a speed that even Danzel couldn´t keep up, the mist spread like lethal blades and cut through all their techniques and spell before the mist found its place at the soldiers.

It was too fast.

Without even being able to process what just happend, the soldiers found themself dead on the ground cleaved into two parts.

Holding his regret from losing all the XP from those guys, Danzel walked towards Agares.

"Those were all the 3rd-tier, 2 of the 4th-tier with a mix of 2nd-tier soldiers should be remaining. On the Dynasty side, there is another 4th-tier. Though he might die at any moment."

"Can you deal with them or should we abandon the mission?" Danzel said with his cold and serious voice.

He knew that Agares held incredible power, but he wasn´t sure if it was enough to face 2 of the same rank as him.

Even with him and Shiro, he wasn´t sure if they were of any use against the guys of Arcana. Considering also the fact that Shiro could be used against him, things could go ugly really fast.

He expected Agares to understand his point of view and give up on saving the miners. But once he heard his decision, Danzel was surprised.

"We aren´t going to abandon the mission. Or rather, first we will see how strong the enemy is and then decide. I might not look like it, but I am confident of facing multiple of my plane or what you call tiers."

Nodding his head, Danzel went back with the other two to a given location, the only thing now to be seen were undead fighting the living and the 4th-tiers exciting clashes with another.

Each of the arcane 4th-tier was using swords techniques that used mana to generate various spells that affected their battle style.

The Dynasty's 4th-tier had a hard time dealing with those two.

The other two of the 3rd-tier had passed away, with him being the only one remaining left thanks to his holy magic.

Danzelimminentlyy turned the nearby corpses into undead, making the 2nd-tier who had already had a hard time with the first patch despair at the impossible task in hand.

"How is it? Can you do it?" Danzel asked Agares who looked at the 4th-tier of the Arcane kingdom.

"Yes, don´t worry." A

Dashing forth, Agares appeared in front of one of the sword mages and swung his scythe sword, aiming for his head.

Suprised by the newcomer's appearance, the sword mage blocked Agares's sword and jumped back to create some distance.

Raising his palm, spears made out of ice were created in almost an instant and were respectively shot at Agares.

Shiro who was being carried, stretched her pale white arm and generated a barrier made out of flames and stopped the ice spears with the barrier barely keeping itself from breaking.

Danzel was surprised by her being able to block an attack of a 4th-tier, but after seeing her hand shaking and the mana that the barrier held, he knew that she used overtaxed herself and her hand was probably heating up from the inside.

The one of the Dynasty, who Danzel called a paladin was a relief for the appearance of allies just like the report of not long ago said.

He frowned towards the necromancer that was Danzel, but looking at how his undead was massacring the enemy of his kingdom, he let it slide.

But remembering the reason why he and the mercenaries were here, the paladin shouted at Agares in urgency.

"Go to the cave! I let some small flies slip inside! I can hold out against those two for 20- No, at best 15 minutes! Before I reach my own limit you have to save the miners!" The paladin said as he pushed the sword of the sword mage with his shield away.

Growing at those words, Agares remembered why they were here for. But considering the value of a 4th-tier and the miners, Agares thought that the Dynasty would more likely have someone of the 4th-tier than some miners.

Which brought Agares into a dilemma, if he were to leave and go save the miners, the paladin might die before he even saves the miners.

He didn´t know the insides of a mine, and as far as he was aware, taking a wrong turn might cost him a huge amount of time. Worst case scenario, he would be too late to save the miners and to return back to the paladin, resulting in his death.

With only one option being the most reasonable, Agares shouted towards the only available combatant that was currently free...

"Abdiel! Go to the cave!"

Hearing this name being called, Danzel needed a good second to process who was Abdiel in the first place. Once he remembered Abdiel was the name that Velkir had given to him, he gave the remaining soldiers who were fighting and dying by his undead a look of regret before dashing towards the cave.

The two particular sword mages wanted to stop him from entering, but respectively Agares and the paladin stopped them from advancing, with Agares almost taking the life of one of them.

Danzel in turn who entered the cave, run at an incredible speed in the dark cave.

Being one of the undead, he could see without any light.

"Let´s see where do guys are..." Danzel mumbled to himself before activating [Eyes of the Damned]

Staring left and right for a few seconds, he finally noticed several presences spread all around the passages of the cave.

Choosing the path with the most presence, Danzel dashed toward them

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