Tong Wenqiang looked at the woman and asked, "How do you want to test it?"

Tong Hao was also straightforward. "Didn't you say you wanted to divorce my mother? Since the two of you think of each other as true love, I will choose to support you. However, Father, there are some things you should understand. You ca

ot have both the fish and the bear's paw. Since you want the beauty but not the wife and the child, then please come out of your home. "

"I didn't say I didn't want you."

"I don't need a dirty father," Tong Hao laughed coldly.

Tong Wenqiang frowned. "Alright, alright. You don't understand dad. At his age ??"

"I want to understand you, so I gave you the most reasonable plan, I'll let you go with mom, and you can leave home by yourself. As for the company, you don't have to worry about it, with me here, I'll manage it well.

You are already in your fifties and have lived more than half your life. You can spend the rest of your life with this aunt. "Oh right, I believe that this auntie loves you so much. She will definitely be like my mother back then and will not despise you for being poor. Even if you don't have money, you will still go out to work and earn money to support you."

Tong Wenqiang frowned and didn't say anything.

It was the woman who jumped up and down. "On what basis? Everything you have right now is earned by Wen Qiang. What qualifications do you have to ask for Wen Qiang to come out clean?"

Tong Hao looked at her with a sincere face. "Didn't you just say that you love my father? What, your love for my dad is conditional? If he doesn't have any money, then you won't be with him? "

Tong Hao looked at Tong Wenqiang as she spoke, "This is my test for all of you. If you want to divorce my mother and be together with her forever, you must get out of the family."

The woman walked to Tong Wenqiang's side and held his hand.

"Wen Qiang, you can't just let your daughter be. She's obviously trying to stir up our relationship. I've been with you for so long, don't you know me? I really love you, but you know, I can't lift my shoulder, my hand can't resist, how can I earn money. After we get married, we have to live. We can't really starve to death. "

Tong Wenqiang said to Tong Hao in a deep voice, "I know it wasn't easy for your mother to follow me all these years. After I divorce your mother, I won't mistreat her."

Tong Hao narrowed her eyes at the woman.

The woman raised her eyebrows and looked at her provocatively.

Tong Hao couldn't help but tilted her head and laugh, "Tong Wenqiang, Tong Wenqiang, you really are an old fool, fooled by a little girl who's about the same age as your daughter. Don't you think, if it wasn't for money, why would this woman want to be with you, it's just because you're ugly, short, fat, and bald?

"True love, pui, I feel disgusted when I hear these two words from you two. I sincerely beg you, please don't sully these two words again, you are not worthy."

The woman rolled her eyes. "You don't understand."

"Is that so? I'd like to see how long you can love this old man. "

She walked up to Tong Wenqiang with a cold look in her eyes.

"Listen, Dad, I support your divorce from my mom, but I'll never forgive you. And, don't you want the company? "Here you go, but I promise you, within a month, I'll make the company go out of business."

Hearing that, Tong Wenqiang said nervously, "Alright, alright, what are you trying to do?"

Tong Hao smiled lightly, "You know, I have a very good friend. Her husband is called Huo Tingshen. It's a matter of minutes before he wants to destroy our small company." Most importantly, I went to look for them before I returned. They promised me that they would help me whenever I needed them.

Oh right, Father, you still don't know right? Huo Family people always hate men who do not follow their duty when they have money. Regardless of whether you're willing or not, your life with this woman will not be easy in the future. As your daughter, I hope that after you find true love, you will be able to live well with it for a hundred years. "

She disdainfully watched as the two of them lifted the corner of their lips before turning around and walking away.

Tong Wenqiang's expression turned serious.

The woman beside him also asked: "The Huo Tingshen that she was talking about, could he be the CEO of Imperial Emblem Group that you guys were cooperating with before?"

Tong Wenqiang said in a deep voice, "That's him."

"Huh?" The woman's face tensed up a bit. "Your daughter shouldn't be that capable ??"

On this point, Tong Wenqiang was also a bit worried. Tong Hao was crazy, but she could do anything.

After Tong Hao left her room, she directly called Wen Qing.

Wen Qing was woken up early in the morning by her phone, but she wasn't angry because Tong Hao was the one looking for her.

She picked up the phone, "Okay, how is it?"

"Xiao Qing, my dad has been bewitched by that woman and has gone completely mad. I can't persuade him."

Wen Qing asked worriedly, "How is Auntie doing?"

"She was also out of her mind. After all, this matter was too sudden."

Wen Qing nodded. "You must advise her properly. Also, it's best for her to continue working as an uncle."

"I called you to ask you to help me find the President Huo. Can you cancel the collaboration between the two companies and bankrupt my family?"

"Do you need to do this?"

Tong Hao said in a deep voice, "Now that my dad believes that woman really loves him, I have to let her see the truth. I know that if he loses his money, that woman will not follow him."

"I understand what you mean, let me tell my husband."

After hanging up, Wen Qing turned around and looked at Huo Tingshen, who was beside her.


Huo Tingshen held her in his arms and answered with a "yeah" with his eyes closed.

"Do me a favor."

Huo Tingshen said lazily, "I heard what Tong Hao said just now. Give her a kiss and I'll help you."

He lowered his head, but did not open his eyes.

The two of them had been tossing and turning in the middle of the night, but he was still trapped.

Wen Qing raised her head and gave him a kiss. Just as she was about to leave, he held her head and kissed her deeply ??

After Tong Hao left the district, she took a taxi home.

Huo Tingren was waiting for her at the entrance to the residential complex.

The instant she saw her, Tong Hao's heart ached slightly.

Huo Tingren waved at her and smiled.

Tong Hao walked up and asked weakly, "Why did you come back?"

"I was afraid that you would go back and forth and forget me, so you came looking for me."

His body bent slightly, and his gaze met hers. "It seems like things are not going well?"

Tong Hao looked at him and smiled bitterly, but didn't say anything.

Huo Tingren straightened his body, stepped forward and held her in his arms.

"Don't worry, I'll stay with you as long as I'm here."

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