Huo Tingshen looked at her.

She shook her head, enduring the pain in her heart, "Huaien just came back and doesn't know me well enough. It's normal for her to misunderstand me. I will deal with the matters of the Second Brother first. After he leaves, I will return to the ground and rest. "

Huo Tingshen suppressed the anger in his heart and said apologetically, "Sorry to trouble you."

With his love, how could she feel wronged?

She didn't feel wronged.

The funeral was grand.

Almost all the big shots of Northern City rushed to the scene to express their condolences.

Within a single day, this matter had made the headlines in the financial news.

But no one from the Huo Family was in the mood to care about the news.

After all, Huo Tingchi left too suddenly and nobody expected it.

When he got home at night, Huo Tingshen took off his tie and sat on the sofa.

Wen Qing and Butler Tong looked at each other and personally made him a glass of lemonade.

She placed the cup in front of him and sat beside him. "Drink a cup of water."

"Put it here," Huo Tingshen said to the Butler Tong. "Let everyone out, I want to be alone."

"Alright, Lord Third."

Huo Tingshen said to Wen Qing, "You should go upstairs to accompany Huo Huo Huo Huo. I'm going to the study room to stay for a while."

Wen Qing nodded and watched Huo Tingshen enter the study room.

She stood up and said to Butler Tong, "I'll go see Huaien."

"Third Mrs. Huo, Eldest Miss has great enmity towards you ??"

"Even if there is enmity, I can't possibly avoid her at this moment. After all, we are a family. If there is enmity, it must be resolved."

Butler Tong nodded his head. Third Mrs. Huo's way of thinking was always different from others.

Wen Qing went to the kitchen and got a cup of juice. After that, she carried it to Huo Tingchi's room.

Huo Huaien lives here now.

When she pushed the door open and entered, Huo Huaien was sitting in her room hugging Huo Tingchi's photo and crying.

Seeing Wen Qing, she pointed at her and yelled, "Who allowed you to come here? Get out!"

Wen Qing said to the aunties in the room, "All of you can leave first."

Huo Huaien snapped, "I'm asking you to leave. Wen Qing, I don't want to see you."

After the aunties had left, Wen Qing walked to the opposite side of the tea table and put down the juice.

"This is the orange juice I squeezed for you. Have a drink."

"Don't pretend to be kind to me. I'm not my third brother, so I won't be fooled by you." Huo Huaien looked at her coldly with tears still in her eyes.

Wen Qing nodded her head, "Huaien, you can dislike me, but at this time, I hope you don't have any enmity towards your Third Brother and your Fourth Brother. They are all like your Second Brother and love you very much."

"Who asked you to come teach? "I don't need it," Huo Huaien said, sweeping the orange juice off the table.

Wen Qing walked up and sat beside Huo Huaien.

"Huaien, I am Bai Chengtai's daughter, but I have never done anything that would harm the heavens and the earth. I can understand your hostility towards me, but I also feel wronged. I came here to see you because you are Huo Tingshen's sister and he is a good person. I love him very much, so I want to be nice to his family, but that doesn't mean that I was wrong. Since you said that you have grown up, I hope that you can remember this point. "

After she finished speaking, she stood up and picked up the cup that fell to the ground. After placing it on the table, she turned around and left.

Huo Huaien looked at Wen Qing's back with hostility and stubbornly wiped away the tears on her face.

She must not remember, and she absolutely must not approve of this Third Sister-in-Law.

After Wen Qing returned to her residence, she had Butler Tong take care of Huo Huaien herself.

After all, she had just returned from abroad and had suffered such a huge blow. If she didn't have someone to take care of her, it would be difficult to control her emotions.

At around 9 PM in the evening, Huo Tingshen still hadn't gone upstairs.

Wen Qing was a little worried. She wanted to go downstairs to have a look several times, but she held herself back.

Huo Tingshen must be in a lot of pain now.

She shouldn't have disturbed him.

Wen Qing lay awake, tossing and turning.

From time to time she picked up her cell phone and checked the time.

Ten o'clock, twelve o'clock, one o'clock ??

Wen Qing sat up. Huo Tingshen was not by her side. She really wasn't sleepy at all.

She looked in the direction of the door, but she couldn't help herself, so she got out of bed and left the room.

She went quietly downstairs. The light in the living room was off, but the light on the balcony was on.

Huo Tingshen was sitting on the balcony, drinking his wine.

There was an empty bottle beside him, and he was still holding the other half of the bottle in his hand.

Wen Qing's heart throbbed in pain as she looked at his lonely figure.

She walked slowly forward and crouched down beside him.

Huo Tingshen turned around and looked at her with a serious expression: "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

Wen Qing stared at his face. "Can't sleep. "Why are you sitting here drinking by yourself?"

He raised his hand and rubbed her head. "Since you can't drink, I can only drink by myself. Be good and go to sleep."

Wen Qing sat down beside him. "I know you're not in a good mood. Let me accompany you."

"I'm afraid that my bad mood will affect you. Listen to me and go up. Leave me alone for a while."

Wen Qing shook her head. She would only let her imagination run wild the more she drank.

"No, I want to talk to you. You can't hold it in. The more you hold it in, the more difficult it will become."

"Talk to me. I'm really worried about you."

Huo Tingshen leaned his head against hers.

"Second Brother left too suddenly, he couldn't even leave us a single message. What a

oyed me the most was that the last time I saw Second Brother, it was to beat him up. I really didn't expect him to leave. Second Brother will definitely resent me in his heart, and even at the very end of his life, he still wasn't able to wait for me to make peace with him ?? "

Huo Tingshen sighed and took another sip of the wine, "After big brother left, I made an agreement with Second Brother that no matter what happens in the future, we brothers will work together ?? "But I ??"

Wen Qing's heart ached when she heard those words. She turned her body to the side and hugged him.

For the first time, Huo Tingshen leaned on her shoulder like a helpless child.

"Little Qing, I did hate him for nearly ruining my happiness. I wanted to punish him and make him feel the pain of my pain, but I really never thought that he would die. Tingren reminded me, Second Brother's health hasn't been good recently, but I only told him that if he's sick, Second Brother will go and take a look himself, I don't know, I ?? How can you be so cold? "

Wen Qing's heart really hurt when she heard Huo Tingshen blaming himself one after another.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she hugged Huo Tingshen tightly.

"Huaien is right, I am the one who harmed the peace and harmony of the Huo Family. If I didn't know you, didn't come to the Huo Family, and didn't make you go against the Second Brother for my sake, you wouldn't have been in such a bad mood because of me.

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