"Third Sister-in-Law, don't make things difficult for me. I've been here all day, so how would I know what's going on with third brother?" he said as he put down his bowl and chopsticks.

"I'm done eating, so I'm going to school now."

"Stop," Wen Qing called out to him. "When did you become so enthusiastic about going to school?"

"I was very active to begin with. You can't order me around as you wish, Third Sister."

Wen Qing frowned as her voice turned more serious, "Huo Tingren."

Butler Tong was troubled: "Third Mrs. Huo, don't ask anymore."

Wen Qing stood up and asked with a displeased expression, "You want me to go back and take a look myself?"

Butler Tong lowered his eyes. "Third Mrs. Huo, I say, actually, San Ye ??"

"Butler Tong," Huo Tingren snapped in displeasure.

Wen Qing looked at him, "Tingren, are you still treating me as your family? Are you trying to make me die from anxiety?"

Huo Tingren said to Butler Tong: "If you say this, you will be implicated. Let me say it, bring Huo Huo over to the courtyard."

Butler Tong looked at Huo Tingren gratefully before leaving.

Huo Tingren looked at Wen Qing, "Third sister, take a seat."

Wen Qing sat down and looked at him. "Tell me quickly. Don't beat around the bush."

"After we left, third brother fell sick. It's been two months and he still hasn't recovered. Yesterday, Butler Tong called home and heard that my third brother is already so ski

y that he doesn't even look human anymore."

Wen Qing's tears fell from her eyes without any warning.

"Third sister in law, don't cry. We didn't dare to tell you because we were afraid of your worry."

Wen Qing turned her face to the side and wiped the tears off her face.

"What's wrong with him?"

Huo Tingren frowned. "It's a psycho-functional disorder caused by too much mental stress. It's kind of like anorexia."

Wen Qing's expression instantly turned pained.

She raised her hand to cover her chest and took a deep breath.

Huo Tingren hurriedly said, "Third sister, you have to calm down. Third brother won't let us tell you because he's afraid you'll be worried. He's already seeing a psychiatrist and is trying really hard to get treatment."

Wen Qing lowered her eyes and didn't say a word.

"Third sister ??"

She shook her head: "Tingren, you should go to school. I'm fine."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and shakily went upstairs.

Looking at Wen Qing's back, Huo Tingren sighed gloomily.

God damn you.

Wasn't there a limit to how much people could suffer?

Wen Qing went back to her room and sat on the bed.

She picked up the photo on the nightstand.

It was her only picture with Huo Tingshen.

It was something the Teacher Li had bought for them when they were admiring the flowers in the Flowerfruit Lake last year.

Her fingers gently caressed Huo Tingshen's handsome face in the photo as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I deliberately didn't ask for any news about you, purposely didn't think about you. Could it be that I wanted you to become like this?" Idiot, bastard, I beg you, please pull yourself together or I'll hear the bad news about you and how I'm going to get through the next day. "Wuu wuu, bastard, how could you let me hear such bad news two months later, Huo Tingshen ??"

She cried as she held the photo tightly in her arms.

"I miss you so much, what should I do?"

At the door, Huo Tingren listened to the crying in the room and felt terrible inside.

He had promised Third Brother that he would take good care of Third Sister-in-Law.

But now ??

He wanted to knock on the door and comfort himself.

However, thinking about it, wasn't Third Sister-in-Law only like this because she loved Third Brother too much?

He went in. Was she supposed to cry for her third brother?

He had never thought that Third Brother and Third Sister-in-Law would be so troubled by love.

Love was truly too terrifying.

He didn't want to get involved with it for the rest of his life.

He went downstairs, but did not go to school.

After nearly an hour, Wen Qing came back down from upstairs.

Seeing that Huo Tingren was still there, she said in surprise, "Why didn't you go to school?"

Huo Tingren pretended not to notice her red eyes and said with a mischievous smile, "I'm in trouble, how would I dare to go to school?"

"What kind of trouble?"

Huo Tingren walked to Wen Qing's side, "My Third Brother repeatedly reminded me not to offend you, but in the end, I told you about him. My Third Brother knew that he would definitely scold me, so I decided to make up for it."

Wen Qing looked at him with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"

Huo Tingren said seriously, "Third sister, you should contact my third brother on your own accord."

"I... "Can I?" Wen Qing lowered her eyes and looked at him again.

Huo Tingren frowned. "Why not? Even if you can't be husband and wife, you are still family. Don't tell me that family can't communicate with each other?" "My third brother feels that life is very hopeless right now. He needs a belief to support him. You and Huo Huo Huo can do it."

Wen Qing bit her lips. "What should I do?"

"Send a video to Third Bro and tell him that Huo Huo Huo's recent change has made him feel a bit hopeful every day. My Third Bro is a smart guy, he'll definitely be able to get out of this predicament as soon as possible."

Wen Qing nodded. Of course she wanted to help him. No one wanted Huo Tingshen to be healthy more than her.

Huo Tingren gave Butler Tong a call.

Butler Tong returned with Huo Huo Huo in her arms.

Wen Qing carried the child upstairs.

After placing Huo Huo on the bed, she took out her phone to take a video of Huo Huo Huo.

She imitated the tone of a child and said while patting, "Dung, hello, I am Huo Huo, I already weigh 15 Jin, I just wet my bed, Mama gave me a change of urine, and laughed at me. Dung, how are you, how are you?"

After she finished, she played the video over and over again. After confirming that there were no problems, she finally found Huo Tingshen's WeChat message and sent it over.

After less than two minutes, Huo Tingshen replied to Ye Zichen's message.

"Daddy is also very good. You have to stay with Mommy, take good care of Mommy, don't let her be sad, and don't always wet the bed. Mommy will be very tired like this, do you understand?"

After two months, she finally heard Huo Tingshen's voice again. She bit the corner of her lips and couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

She calmed her breathing and pressed her voice, saying: "Huo Huo Huo is very obedient and rarely cries. It wasn't hard for me to take him along. Don't worry, you also need to eat properly and rest properly. Promise me, okay?"

Huo Tingshen replied, "OK."

Wen Qing was afraid that he would be unable to do so, so she pressed the voice message again, "In the future, can I send you a lot of updates? I'm afraid you'll miss him. "

Huo Tingshen only replied with two words, "Sure."

This feeling made Wen Qing feel that Huo Tingshen didn't want to talk to her too much.

Just when she was at a loss as to whether she should send him something else, Huo Tingshen sent another message over.

"Little Qing, I miss you more. I really miss you."

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