Huo Tingchi raised his eyebrows, "Let's talk."

Huo Tingshen said to Huo Tingren, "Take Second Sister-in-Law to her car in Second Brother."

Ye Wanluo turned to look at him, but Huo Tingshen's expression was calm.

Huo Tingren stepped forward, "Second sister in law, I'll send you off."

Ye Wanluo bit her lips and followed him out.

After Huo Tingshen sent everyone out, he pulled a chair over and sat in front of Huo Tingchi.

Huo Tingchi said coldly: "I've said it before, you are not allowed to interfere in my family matters."

"That's what I want to talk to you about," Huo Tingshen said calmly. "I will not interfere in your and Ye Wanluo's matters. Similarly, you need not meddle in my and Wen Qing's family matters in the future."

Huo Tingchi smiled, "Deal."

He turned the wheelchair and headed for the door.

Huo Tingshen did not stop him.

Huo Tingchi, on the other hand, stopped first: "Tingshen, you really changed."

Huo Tingshen did not say anything.

Huo Tingchi's wheelchair came to the door. He called for someone to come in and pushed himself out.

Not long later, Huo Tingren returned.

He asked worriedly: "Third brother, what did you talk about with Second Brother?"

Huo Tingshen looked at Huo Tingren and reproached, "Tingren, did you forget what I said?"

Huo Tingren was guilty, he knew that his third brother stopped Second Brother to interrupt him on purpose.

"I just think that second sister is too pitiful and would like to advise Second Brother."

"Where is she?"

"Being raped, imprisoned, and forced to become pregnant by the Second Brother, isn't that pitiful?"

Huo Tingshen sighed, "Have you seen all of this with your own eyes?"

Huo Tingren did not say anything. He realized that the reason Third Bro asked him this question must be because of his previous thoughts.

"Tingren, you are too impulsive, let me remind you one last time, you ca

ot interfere with the Second Brother's family matters. If you have not personally seen the matter, you do not have the qualifications to judge who is in the wrong, much less rely on your own judgement to label who is in the wrong."

Huo Tingren said in his heart: "Third Brother, it's just that I was in a rush and didn't think things through properly. I will pay attention in the future."

Huo Tingshen nodded, "It's time to go back."

He was about to leave when Huo Tingren said, "Third brother, you really aren't worried at all. What if what second sister said is true ??"

"Everyone has the instinct to protect themselves. If Ye Wanluo really had no other choice but to escape from the Second Brother, do you think she would choose to look for us?"

With Huo Tingshen's words, Huo Tingren instantly understood.

No wonder Third Brother was so calm.

"Third brother, it was really my problem just now. I will change it."

Huo Tingshen left arrogantly without saying a word.

In this family, the Huo Family descendant that resembled second uncle the most was Tingren.

Like his name, he was unworldly and had a kind heart, so he could be easily used and hurt.

But sometimes, thinking about it, wasn't the fact that he could live so simply proof that he and Second Brother had protected his younger brother and sister very well?

Perhaps this was something to be proud of.

When Huo Tingchi's car drove out of Huo Family, he coldly said: "From the begi

ing to the end, he never mentioned your matter."

Ye Wanluo frowned slightly.

"Hoh, I would quite like to see how long you can continue being sentimental for."

Ye Wanluo looked at him. "So, you purposely let me go today, letting me take my own disgrace?"

Huo Tingchi mocked, "In the future, you can freely move around your house, or you can run away as you please. However, I've stopped all the cards under your name. From now on, you have to pass me all the money you spend."

"You ??"

Huo Tingchi sneered: "That money is not yours to begin with. I can make you squander it without any limit, or I can make you lose all your money."

Ye Wanluo clenched her fists. "You wouldn't have forgotten about our deal, right?"

Huo Tingchi lowered his head to look at her lower abdomen: "You have to wait until the child is born before you have the right to mention this to me."

Ye Wanluo was slightly worried. She could feel that ever since that incident with Huo Tingchi, he had changed. Especially the look in his eyes ??

When Huo Tingshen returned home, Wen Qing was sound asleep.

When she woke up, it was already 4 in the afternoon.

Seeing Huo Tingshen lying beside her, she smiled and snuggled up to him.

Huo Tingshen wrapped his arms around her.

Wen Qing snickered. You even know to hug your wife when you fall asleep. Not bad.

At this time, Huo Tingshen said, "Did you sleep well?"

Wen Qing was surprised. "You're still awake?"

"I'll wake up when you get close," he said, turning his head and kissing her lips.

Initially, he had wanted to hide his feelings as he watched her belly grow larger day by day. However, this woman was simply too alluring ??

After the two of them had sex on the bed, Wen Qing lazily snuggled back into his embrace.

"It's already daytime. We really have enough ??"

"Who said it was daytime? It's already past five. It's already dusk."

Wen Qing pouted. "The sky is still bright."

Huo Tingshen tightened his hold on her, "You're not going to ask me, did you go back to your old home today?"

"If you want to say it, then say it. I won't ask."

Huo Tingshen couldn't help but laugh, "Wen Qing, you're so capable."

Wen Qing looked at him and snorted, "To be honest, I'm not really curious about Ye Wanluo's stupid thing. I even suspect that the way you look at people is different from how I look at them. "

"The current Ye Wanluo is really different from the former her," he said, looking at Wen Qing. "It's better if you stay away from her. I don't want her to transfer her negative energy to you."

"What did you do with her in the end?"

"Aren't you curious?"

Wen Qing curled her lips. "Forget it if you don't want to say it."

Huo Tingshen rubbed her head: "Second Brother came and took her back."

"It's that simple?"

"Otherwise? The problem between the husband and wife was originally something that should be resolved by them. "

"Then why are you still ru

ing back so anxiously?"

Huo Tingshen knew that she was a little jealous again. He couldn't help but smile. "I'm going back for Tingren. I don't want Tingren to get involved with their relationship."

Wen Qing snickered. It was fine as long as he didn't meddle in other people's business.

She got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she came out, Huo Tingshen wasn't there.

She went downstairs and saw that he was sitting under the wutong tree in the courtyard.

Huo Tingshen patted the seat beside him when he saw her.

Wen Qing went over and sat down. Huo Tingshen put his hand on her shoulder, turned his head and sniffed her hair. "Smells so good."

She embarrassedly patted him: "Butler Tong is still inside the house."

Huo Tingshen couldn't help but smile, she was the only one who was shy.

Her eyes touched the wooden horse in the corner of the yard and said, "Tingren said that it was organized from Second Uncle's storage room. Second Uncle doesn't have any children, so why would he collect these?"

"That was personally made for his child by Second Uncle."

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