Minos crossed space, passing through the black spatial distortion on his way, a
familiar experience for him, who had already traveled to carry out similar missions for the Hell.
Surrounding him, brown clouds with various lightning bolts and darkness blended together, making his surroundings look extremely threatening. While the path of Minos' infernal chariot was dark, the aura emanating from the surroundings did not let up. Minos could clearly feel the power of a level 127 True Celestial not far ahead-the problem he had seen in his previous vision.
The one he was there to pick up could help him with his current plans, but he wouldn't be able to do so without first receiving Minos' ransom.
Aware that he would have to fight his opponent, Minos went into combat mode, circulating his energy while the Nautilus' Compass seemed to be suffering some kind of interference. At the same time, his prophetic powers failed, gradually ceasing to show much more than a few seconds of the future.
'I'm entering the enemy's domain! Minos recognized who was responsible for these unexpected fluctuations in his powers, already noticing the adversary of his vision, who was, at this moment, acting against Minos' target.
Leaving the distortion through which he had come from Hell to this place, Minos was able to distinguish where exactly his target was at the moment. This time, the boy he had already met twice in summoning like today's, was on a boat, sailing on the sea, far from any continent or island. Everything on the horizon was just water and sky, with the intense blue of midday brightening the surroundings.
The bright light almost made Minos grimace. He was used to the darkness, even though he didn't have a weakness for light.
The level 127 True Celestial, clearly an Entitled Deity from the Upper Realm, was at that moment using his divine powers against the crew of Minos' target's small boat. With a giant golden hand, apparently made of gold, the platinum-haired man, with a smile on his face and classic clothing, with several white robes criss-crossed, smiled in satisfaction at the prey he was about to collect.
Meanwhile, the black-haired young man, dressed in dark red cloth armor, was floating in front of his vessel, his ritual floating around him, supported by the darkness of his soul.Next to the young man was a black throne, while he had a crown and a trident of darkness in front of him, with various metallic artifacts circling around him, trying to protect him.
On his ship, a human woman, a lion and an elf were unconscious, probably passed out given the pressure of the True Celestial's powers.
Minos moved to stop the giant golden hand from grabbing that boy's body, crossing the space and appearing in front of the pale and rather weakened summoner who had called him there.
"Later we'll talk about using a Banishing Ritual to deal with something other than creatures that deserve to be banished." Minos said to the boy, his eyes widening as he realized his appearance there. "Give me a minute and we'll be off to Hell."
"Hell?" Frowned the Entitled Deity standing there that afternoon, not having seen Minos' appearance until this Devil stood between him and his target. "Is Hell getting involved in this, Devil?" He asked in a tone capable of reaching thousands of kilometers away from the scene of this crisis.
Minos let out a 'tks!' as powerful as this person's voice, even though it wasn't as strong as his. Still, with his cultivation momentarily at level 125, Minos wouldn't fear a level 127 True Celestial. A serious fight would be very difficult, but he had his plan and that man would have to overcome his own limits to prevent it from succeeding.
"You've chosen the wrong prey, Entitled Deity. I don't want to fight you, but today you'll have to back down," Minos said, his form transforming into a diabolical five-winged dragon, his Hell guardians growing in size and strength. "Back down peacefully or allow me to test my powers on you!"
The domain of the Entitled Deity shook, as the black-haired boy felt his strength increasing, quickly bringing him to a level he had never reached before.
"That... What's that?" The wounded young man asked himself, now recovering quickly from his injuries as his aura increased, bringing him to a new stage of cultivation. Minos looked in the boy's direction and said, "Go alone on the road to Hell. This will be your only chance!"
Minos' eyes flashed a powerful gold before he turned his attention back to his enemy. Meanwhile, the black-haired young man felt as if he had been struck by a mental blow, his mind sent into an alternate reality.
Several images flashed through his mind, images of a calamitous future, one in which he tried to escape Hell and miserably ended up in the hands of someone equal to or worse than today's opponent.
The young man trembled from head to toe, almost regretting having looked too deeply into the truth of that reality without having the necessary cultivation.
After a moment's hesitation, he reluctantly flew towards the distortion that led to Hell.
"Larissa, Rex and Lyra, keep going. I'll catch up!" He shouted, getting further and further away.
"Thinking you'll escape?" Said the Entitled Deity, now with an enraged look on his heavenly face.
But as silver flames threatened his direction, a gigantic hourglass formed behind him. The divine dragon with golden and silver scales seemed to laugh before saying. "I trapped a level 128 Devil for a few seconds in this time regression. Take advantage of it and compare your differences with her."
The Entitled Deity only saw his movements regress, as he seemed to have lost control of his powers. Meanwhile, menacing flames were advancing against him, with the enemy and his target fleeing amid his inability to move.
"What kind of power is that?" The fleeing man saw his savior's movement and was obviously shocked.
"Time." Minos laughed as he flew away, not wanting to be around when that individual escaped his ability.
He wasn't in Hell, so his abilities were generally weakened.
So Minos reached his target's side, by a tris entering the spatial distortion before the level 127 Celestial could escape and counterattack.
"Bastard!" The two fugitives only heard the crazed scream of the Entitled Deity, who
had narrowly missed them by using a giant golden foot to crush the area they were in. The Hell this True Celestial would never dare to visit, making this narrow escape
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