The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 37 - White Paw Tribe II

"First, ill be teaching you about Earth magic. As you might or might not know, most elements react to something within you. For example, Air will react to your spirit, Earth will react according to your physical and mental fortitude, Fire will react to your instincts and finally, Water will react to your Emotions. This doesn't mean that you cannot manipulate the elements without these conditions being fulfilled but rather, it will either strengthen or weaken your attacks. The goal for every magic user is to become one with their element, and that improvement can be seen over time as their body and eventually, their aura combine to represent the element."

"When you use your mana, you also release your will from a flame within you. You may not know what it is, but we call it 'The flame of life'. When you use any kind of spell your will is transferred into the elemental particles in the air or on objects. If you're a beast, you should be able to emit those elemental energies from your 'Mana heart'. The mana heart is invisible to the naked eye, but to those tuned with elemental energies, they can either feel them or even see them." Said Juilam while conjuring a small rock from the fragments all over the ground.

So they call the soul flame 'the flame of life'? What a lame name! Nevertheless, this is some good information that I had just received. Humans might use runes and hand seals/ signs to make spells due to their lack of elemental energy within their body... That is just a theory though since I have no way to confirm it. Another important thing he said was about the mana heart... That must be what i ate from the wolf. I'm pretty sure I have one but it is so small that I might as well not have one. Maybe over time I can make it larger?

The information about the elements are priceless though. It connects many dots but at the same time, it doesn't apply to me. I used hard logic and science to attack while these beasts use their emotions, instincts, mental fortitude and Spirit? Wait! Was that why my last attack on the oversized lion was so strong? Because the water reacted to my emotions, making the waters more violent yet controlled?

"Well, anyway. I am not here to teach you all of that, I'm here to teach you about earth and light magic! First you must be able to have a high mental fortitude so you must experience many battles. I cant do much in 2 days, but honestly, looking at how you killed your fellow humans without batting an eye, I don't think you will have a problem with earth magic. You do have to work on your body a little though. You might be stronger than most humans, but in beast standards you barely qualify."

"Furthermore, I have studied the flame of life for the last few decades to the point I can manipulate my own and feel other's. This takes me to my second point, and its that unlike the rest of the elements that either rely on your mental or physical state to work, light and darkness magic rely on the state of your flame of life. The flame of life directly emits these elements, and while some might be more profound to using light magic, others like undead use darkness magic instead. The two elements cannot go hand in hand even though they are two sides of the same coin. I may be able to teach you how light magic works, but I am unable to identify a darkness user from a light user."

"All humanoid species' do not have an affinity for either of them and neither do most beast species. Instead, only a few humanoids like dwarves, humans and elves are able to actually awaken their 'light affinity'. On the other side, use beasts cannot awaken light or darkness if it was not bestowed upon our species or upon a mutated cub." Stated Juilam while sniffing me while bringing his snout closer to my head by the second. Anyhow, lets get a move on and learn some earth magic spells shall we?"

For the entire day, Juilam showed me spell, showed me how to construct the earth particles and mana before casting the spell before forcing me to try over and over again until I either do it or run out of mana. I had learnt earth spear, earth wall, earth prison, earth spike and many many more spells in such a short amount of time. Every time I would fail 3 times in a row I would get a rock slammed into my body before he would heal me and allow me to continue. This would carry on until I could preform the technique 10/10 times.

DAMNIT! Why the fuck am I taking this torture? This is so many times worse than staying at home and listening to my mother's lectures on repeat. Maybe I should have said no? And why the hell does he actually want me to learn from him? It's not like I can help him out right now and nor does it seem like it would be a good investment for the future, especially since I'm human. I might give them more troubles than profits making the oversized wolf's decision very stupid.

I'm not complaining, I just don't see how this might help him in the long run. Anyway, every time I see him use light magic I feel like something is about to click within me. My body heals well on its own, but I still excepted his healing without complaining to allow me to analyse the magic he is using on me.


2 days later I was jumping from branch to branch shooting any animal that dared to stand in my way. I had been learning from the oversized winged wolf for 2 days straight and I had gained the basic mastery over the earth element and had grasped how the light element worked. Whenever Juilam would use light magic, I could see his flame would start burning calmly while brightening up a little. White specks of light would go through the vein like tubes within the wolf's body which were illuminated by the light of the white specks.

Earth magic wasn't much of a pain either. I would practice spells for the whole day and only taking breaks to refill my mana. From Juilam I had learned how beasts and the humanoid races referred to the level of magic that was being casted. A simple spell was usually something that didn't need casting for the humans while for the beasts, it was the simple form of manipulating the particles to create an element. Fire using the existing oxygen, water using the humidity, earth using dirt or rocks and air using the already existing air particles.

Basic, Intermediate and advanced were the first true spells that could be cast. Humans would use hand signs, runes or chants to make this tier of spells and above while it believed if a magician is wise, with enough experience and strong enough, they can manipulate these tiers without needing hand signs. Basic was just an upgraded simple spell like turning a candle into a fireball. Intermediate was the use of basic spells but manipulating them into becoming constructs. Intermediate could also be ranked my the level of power it had compared to a basic spell. Advanced spells were either upgraded intermediate spells or new spells with the destructive power to destroy a small group of attackers with the single spell.

The wolf didn't tell me the tiers after that for reasons I was not aware of. He had taught me up to the advanced tier so I'm guessing he would only allow me to learn about the tiers above if he were able to teach me them, yet the day was almost over and I was on my way home.

The spell he had taught to me was called crush. I would use the ground, the pebbles, rocks and finally, boulders to crush the enemy into a huge earthen sphere. I decided to make my own addition by adding fire magic to the mix and making a huge magma sun sphere in the air. I called it lava crush due to my lack of imagination.

While I was using 'windy steps' to get back home, I saw a huge amount of humans going towards the white wolf settlement fully armed to the teeth with armour and weapons. I didn't really care where they were going, but the least I could do was warn the tribe if the humans were after them.

I tailed behind the humans who moved in a group of 3, each group composing of 15 warriors and mages.

-"yeah bro, I'm sure its this way"-

-"I heard their hides make pretty good blankets due to their healing and soothing effects they have on the wearer"-

-"I'm pretty sure 15 gold per wolf is a lot more than just a blanket."-

-"The cubs might make for good pets"-

Why does this always happen? Why is everyone on this planet so despicable? Yes, I get it. On earth we slaughtered cows in the millions every year while not batting an eyes but this is too much. They are slaughtering a tribe of beasts that are just as sentient if not more sentient than them. And for what? Food? Shelter? NO! F*CKING GREED! Ugh... I better tell Juilam about this before the humans get there. I should buy enough time to get them all to safety before the humans get there.

-10 minutes later-

"What do you mean 'We're not going to leave?' Those bastards want to slaughter your whole tribe and your just going to let that happen?"

"As I said before, I am very appreciative of your efforts of coming here to warn us but we wont move for some silly humans. They cant do anything to us, and especially when I'm here. I could kill them all with a single basic spell if I wanted to. Now you better get out of here before the humans come. They might think you betrayed human kind or something and try to kill you too." Stated Juilam without a hint of worry in his voice.

"oh... You're probably right. I should leave before they come and get home before sunset. Again, thank you for everything you had done for me." I said while giving a deep bow before walking out of his lair and towards a round about which would allow me to avoid the humans coming this way.

While I was walking toward the eastern side of the village, I heard a loud ear piercing "BOOM!" which followed up with cries of wolves and whimpering of others. In front of my eyes, I could see that there was a man standing 6ft 2 in height. He was very slender and wore a top hat and an overcoat while doing what I could only describe as commanding his soldiers on what to do.

I Jumped toward the top of a house just to see that the whole village had been surrounded by both humans and flames. There were cubs on the ground writhing in pain while their fur burned to a crisp. The cubs whimpered and writhed until they were unable to do so any longer. Their cries of pain and their whimpers for help were left unanswered, letting them die in the most brutal way possible.

My eyes were wide open and my breaths were shaky. My vision shook and blurred as i looked at the cub on the floor leaking blood from it's stomach area. The only thing it could say before succumbing to its death was a small "help... me..."


My breath turned ragged while I started to gasp for air. My heart was burning with stinging pain as all the memories of the times I almost died, the times I was tortured and beat to a pulp, the times where my sister would incapacitate me all flashed before my eyes. When I looked at the cub once again, the only thing I could see was the old me, laying in his on blood waiting for the moment he would die so his cruel existence would stop. Yet he never died, he couldn't... Because he was scared. He was scared of dying yet the last thing he did during his life was take his own miserable life away with his own hands.

What did this cub do wrong? Why did it need to suffer like this? To watch everything it knew and loved burn around it and turn into ashes, while all it could do was wait... Wait for the moment when its suffering would end....

"You bastards... I'll kill you all..." I muttered while grabbing the cub to my chest and hugging it tightly. I didn't spend time with the cub, but only one thing was clear right now. The cub didn't deserve to die, and neither did I. Yet, those humans didn't deserve to live.

-"hey look, there is a human girl among them... Are you thinking what I'm thin-" -


The men stared at me in disbelief just to realise that the wind around them had turned violent and the fires had started to gather at the palm of my hands while turning blue.

"create a flash point, bring both oxygen and hydrogen yet keep them apart with an air partition. Then ignite both with the flash point and throw it at the enemy and let kinetic and chemical energy do its thing..." I muttered under my breath.

The blue flame had turned into the size of my head coiling around itself as I injected high concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen into the fire, yet kept them apart. Finally, after a few seconds of casting a spell and having the men and women look at me in awe, they started charging towards me at the realization they were going to be on the receiving end of this spell.

They didn't know how I was making a spell without hand signs, yet they didn't care. or maybe they did? I couldn't hear them over my thoughts of committing a genocide on humans.


"Too late..." I said while throwing the orb of fire towards the enemies that left a blue trail behind it. I created the best protection out of earth magic I could make in front of and waited for the explosion.


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