The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 92 - An Abandoned Country

"'re kidding right?" Arnold laughed, "We're in 2025 and this is East America? When did this even happened?"

"I know it is a lot for your to take in but what I'm saying is true." Amanda said in her emotionless voice, "As for your question, not long after the failed attempt to close down an SS ranked dungeon break... the United States of America for divided into two parts, namely : West America and East America. ​​

"East America, where we are now, is the place where the dungeon break happened... It happened in Florida to be exact. The state was destroyed in a couple of weeks and the neighboring states soon consumed by the monsters within the following months. Millions died, including Warriors as well as civilians, during the failed attempts to close the dungeon. The nation pulled any and every resources that we had in order to put an end to the war but it was in vain. Even when the twelve elite families came together, they still couldn't do much. Following which, the then president, Dobald Tramp, authorised a nuclear attack to be done, the families and warriors were against it but the ex-president did it anyways thinking that they were hatching a plan to take away his position of power, and saying he was wrong would be the biggest understatement in the history of humanity."

"Why? What happened?" Arnold asked hoping to get some more details about the Black Family in the process.

Amanda continued, "Initially, the attack seemed to have worked, the satellites didn't picked up any monster activities for the next month, thus we thought it worked. However in order to verify it group of warriors and researchers were sent into the 'Dead zone' or wastelands, as we call it, to check things out. Sadly they couldn't make it back but they did manage to send us some information. The radiation that spread due to the nuclear bombing on a large scale helped the monsters to mutate and evolve into stronger beings. 4 years later, we don't know why it happened but somehow normal 'low classed' monster's such as goblins evolved into a different species which was a bit like Orcs while the Orcs evolved into more savage avg dangerous species like giants... you can figure out the rest on yourself. But it wasn't only the monsters who mutated following these event, humans and animals too got mutated into monsters that were never seen before, they are even more vicious than the monsters themselves.

"Following this, the government was overthrown and replaced by the ones who people trusted more than themselves... the warriors. A governing body was formed by the remnants of the elite families, who decided to divide the States into two parts, namely, East and West America. The West America stayed the way it was four years ago, but the East America couldn't. Even though no one says this, East America is just an enormous military base now and acts as West America's last line of defense. Most of the low ranked warriors are stationed here as members of the newly formed army. The only task of the army is to prevent any further expansion of the monsters and find a way to put an end to the them."

Amanda stopped for a brief moment and drank some water before continuing, "The radiation from the nuke, destroyed the remaining typography of Florida, Washington DC, New York etc, and turned those places into wastelands, 'The desserts that are filled with radiation', no life is possible in those places anymore. You were the first person we found out there who was neither mutated nor dead due to the radiation, we thought you might be able to answer a few of our questions but now... it isn't possible since you don't have any recollection of what happened four years ago."

"Although I'm glad that you're walking me down the memory lane... but even if what you're saying is true, I'm having a hard time believing that the UN or the other countries didn't stepped in to help us out?" Arnold said once Amanda was finished with her explanation.

"They didn't because they deemed our country to be a 'lost cause'." A little bitterness could be felt in Amanda's words, "To keep it simple, I'll say that our country isn't the world leader anymore all because the people overthrew an incapable government who would've damned us to hell. According to them, they don't want to be associated with a country that's no longer run by a 'democratic' government."

Arnold simply nodded after hearing her words. It was unfortunate yet it seemed to be the case... America had been abandoned by the world, so much for being the global leader. Arnold could feel that the 'Non-democratic rule' that the United Nations and the other countries were citing to cut ties with America was bullshit and nothing else. He could already imagine the smug look on the faces of the leaders from Russia, China and North Korea. But something else was bothering Arnold as well.

"What you're telling me might be true, but why are you giving such 'potentially confidential intel' to a complete stranger?" Arnold placed his hands on the table, before continuing, "Shouldn't there be some kind of punishment for 'leaking' such information?"

"Well it's not like there's much to hide about our current situation, now it's there?" Amanda smiled, "Of course, you'd be sentenced to treason or to death, if you're unlucky, for leaking this intel. But you don't need to worry about that, because apparently, few of the higher-ups back in West America, are generous enough to let you in on the info as they think you'd be willing to help us to deal with our problem, after all you're a creationist right?"

"Who the hell told you that?" Arnold gave Amanda a charming smile.

"We might be going through so shit," She waved the folder that was in her hands while smiling back at Arnold, "but our intelligence network is as strong as ever. So what do you say, would you join the army?"

"I could but first, I need to contact my family."

"Your family? It's stated that you're an orphan in the files."

"Looks like your intelligence isn't that strong after all." Arnold smirked and pointed his right arm towards the One way mirror before continuing, "Don't you think so to, Nathan?"

Just then a voice broke through the speaker that was present inside the interrogation room, "To think you identified my aura the moment I walked in. You're as sharp as ever after all. It's been long, but it's good to see you alive. Let's get you out of here and then we can chat."

"Sure. Whatever you say." Arnold replied.

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