Chapter 121: Met with Lady Stella ③


Translated by AmaLynne

「Nooooooooooooooo! Put me down! Put me downnnnnnnnnnnn!」

Stella, who had reached a higher altitude than the castle while being held in her arms, screamed loudly with tears in her eyes.

No wonder. It is impossible for a person who cannot use flying magic to reach such a high altitude.

Moreover, since she was being held by Sam, she had no freedom.

She probably couldn’t help but scream at the thought that she might fall.

Ignoring Stella’s cries, Sam calls out to her.

「Look, Stella-sama. Please open your eyes and look.」

「Impossible! Impossible!」

「Just look at it. There’s a whole world out there that you’ve never seen before.」

「What? ……Ah.」

Stella’s movement stopped as she slowly opened her eyes, perhaps intrigued by Sam’s words.

The entire field of vision of the two of them is the city of Royal Capital and the endless horizon.

「It’s a nice view, isn’t it? Whenever I have a bad day, I like to look far up in the sky like this.」

As Stella gawked at the unusual sight, Sam continued.

「I don’t mean to be arrogant and say that I understand everything you’re going through. I’m sure you’ve had a lot of hardships and bad times. I think it’s very good that you are working hard for your parents. But you are loved.」

「……I know that much. But――」

「Then why don’t you just let it go? There is no need to listen to someone who can only gossip and speak ill of you. Let those who want to say it. Look at this big world. There are not only people who speak ill of you in this world. There are many friends out there, too.」


「I used to be like you, stuck in a small world. I wanted to escape from home and I couldn’t help it, but I couldn’t. The door was open and I was free to get out, but I couldn’t.」

Stella looks into Sam’s face and asks.

「So what happened to you?」

「I got out. That’s why I’m here. I was sad to leave the people who treated me well, whom I can call my benefactors, but compared to rotting away in that house……it was the right decision to jump out.」

It reminds him of his former self.

He was reborn in another world, but his family environment was terrible.

He wonders what would have happened if Daphne and Derrick had not been there.

Thanks to running away from such a suffocating world, he was able to meet Ur.

Learned magic, learned combat, traveled around the wide world, and even learned about love.

All because of the first step he took.

「I…don’t have the courage you do.」

「I’m sure you have courage too, Stella-sama.」

「Even me?」

「Yes, because you stood up to the malice of those around you. Well, I can’t say I don’t think the way you did it was a little bit wrong, but you made a choice to stand up to it. That is an act of courage.」

「I don’t know if that’s true.」

「Of course it is. Look again at the world unfolding before you.」

Stella looked again at the world in front of her.

This time, she did not shout, but seemed to be fascinated by the view.

「This world is very big. Likewise, Stella-sama’s world must be big too. It is good to stay in your room and study, but you should experience many things in the broader world and be happy. Let’s direct your courage toward many things.」

「I will be happy?」

「Yes. Parents always wish for their children’s happiness. Even the King wants the same thing. Which do you love more, your parents who love you with all their heart, or a nobleman whom you hardly ever see?」

「Of course it’s my parents!」

「Then you should just ignore the noise. The world is a big place and there are many fun things to do. Let’s relax our shoulders and move forward.」

He wanted Stella to see the wider world, just as he had done in the past.

He wanted to give Stella a little bit of what Ur had led him to do.

「――Un, you know. I guess you could say that.」

Stella turned to Sam.

Her expression seemed somehow refreshed.

The princess, who had been shut up, smiled.

「Hey, I don’t know what fun is. You said your name is Sam, right?」

「Yes. Samuel Scheidt. You can call me Sam.」

「Okay, Sam. Will you be responsible for teaching me how to have fun?」

「Of course.」

If Stella, who somewhat resembles her old self, can look forward, he wants to help her.

Sam did not hesitate to agree.

Stella nodded her head again and again as if satisfied and smiled the biggest smile of the day.

「Un. Right. I could marry you.」

「――Hmm? ――Aaa?」

(Oh shooooooooooooot! I said a lot of things because she looked like the old me, but what am I supposed to do if she like me! Me idiot!)

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