The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 300 - Leaving The Capital (4)

Chapter 300 : Leaving The Capital (4)

きつね: Sorry for the late posting. 😓 I’m having a kind of personal issue right now, plus with the increase of my workload. So the chapters released for this week will be a bit late (day/time) than usual. This will also affect the early release on my ko-fi page. I’m seriously sorry for this and the inconvenience this will cause to everyone. I will try my best to settle my personal issue first so that everything will be back to normal. 🙇🏻‍♀️

On the first day of the second lunar month, Yuxi set off for the northwest. Apart from the Old Lady and Han Jingyan, everyone else came.

Yuxi’s belongings, together with those brought by the others, made up a total of fourteen vehicles. In addition to the thirty armed escorts and twelve guards from the Lu family, the Han family also sent more than twenty people, plus the eight people brought by Yuxi, making a total of more than seventy people.

Before she got on the carriage, Yuxi looked at the crowd while holding back the tears that were about to fall and said, “Take care, everyone.” After saying that, she got into the carriage without looking back.

Qiu Shi choked back tears and said, “Be careful on the road.” As she watched the carriage move away, Qiu Shi cried so hard that she couldn’t even stand up, for she didn’t know when Yuxi would return. In the end, it was Ye Shi and Lu Xiu who persuaded her to return home.

Zijin looked at Yuxi in silence and asked in a small voice, “Miss, do you feel uncomfortable?” Miss had not left the capital since she was a child, and now she would be going thousands of miles away in a border city. Although Yuxi didn’t show it on her face, Zijin knew that she was still a bit scared and terrified in her heart.

Yuxi’s eyes were also astringent, and if she hadn’t been forced to hold them back, her tears would have fallen down. “I’m fine.” It would be a lie to say that she wasn’t scared, but what was the point of being afraid? She still had to face it all the same.

At the gates of the city, she met Mama Fang, who had been waiting for her. She hugged Yuxi while crying and then presented her with two large bags of prepared things. But because Yuxi had to hurry, she didn’t have much time to catch up with Mama Fang.

Mama Fang wiped her tears and said, “Take care of yourself on your journey, Miss.” She didn’t know if she would see her again in this lifetime.

Yuxi nodded and said, “Take care of yourself too, Mama.”

After the carriage and the people had left, Mama Fang wiped her tears and said to Lian Shan, “Husband, let’s go back!” Miss’ life was terrible. The Lady passed away soon after she was born, and she was not liked by her biological father and grandmother. It was not easy for her to be adopted by the Main House, and after spending happy days there for a few days, she came across such a bad day. When Mama Fang thought about this, her tears came out again.

Lian Shan said, “Why are you crying? Miss didn’t even cry, so why are you the one who ended up crying?” Yuxi could not come out; thus, Mama Fang had to get into the carriage to say goodbye to Yuxi. However, when Lian Shan heard Yuxi talking from outside, her voice was very calm, and she definitely had not cried.

Mama Fang said, “If Miss had cried, I would have been more at ease. Miss is the kind of person when she breaks her tooth, she would just swallow it with the blood into her stomach.”

Lian Shan couldn’t help but sigh, “It’s useless for you to cry! We can’t help her in this matter either. Moreover, if you ask me, I think she should marry to the northwest than to be criticised in the capital.” Mama Fang did not know that the broken engagement between Chen Ran and Yuxi involved Qinxin Gongzhu. She only thought that Yuxi had been unlucky enough to fall ill before her wedding date.

Mama Fang was choked with sobs as she argued, “The northwest is a barbaric land where not even grass can grow. How can Miss be well after going there? And I’ve heard that Yun Qing is a murderous man?” Thinking of this situation gave her heartache, and because of this, she didn’t dare to visit Yuxi the other day.

Lian Shan let Mama Fang cry and did not advise her anymore. It would be over when she had cried enough. In fact, if Lian Shan had to say, Mama Fang’s worry was too groundless. An intelligent person like the Fourth Miss wouldn’t have a lousy life wherever she went.

Yuxi was now sitting in a half-bigger carriage than a normal one. Hence, after moving everything out of the way, there was enough room for two people to sleep on a quilt in the middle, and if they were willing to squeeze, it could support three people. As for the jewellery, Han Jianming had put them all in between double layers of the carriage floor, which was a more secure method than Yuxi had thought.

Since the carriage was big enough for Yuxi to sleep in, the journey afterwards could be much easier. Apart from the carriage in which Yuxi was sitting, there were two other small light carriages, and the other six people in Yuxi’s entourage were in those light carriages. The other two carriages had a dozen quilts in them in addition to the people riding them, so they were not as spacious as Yuxi’s carriage.

After leaving the city gate, Yuxi fell asleep.

When Luo Shuigui came looking for Yuxi, he heard she had fallen asleep and sighed with emotion. If other women were to marry out of the country or to a place like the northwest, they would be heartbroken. But the Fourth Miss Han family was okay with it. Not only did she not cry, but she was also sleeping soundly. This Fourth Miss Han had a huge heart, if he had to say.

Zijin lifted the curtain and said, “My Miss didn’t sleep all night last night and is too tired right now. I wonder what Guard Luo wants from Miss?”

Luo Shuigui replied, “It’s not an urgent matter. Let’s just wait until your Miss wakes up!”

As Yuxi’s side had just set off on their journey, the sanctioning marriage decree had just arrived in the northwest. Because Yunqing was hated by the Song family, the eunuch who issued the Imperial Decree didn’t like Yunqing either, making the meeting have a somewhat cold tone. Unfortunately, the northwest was not the capital. Yun Qing took the Imperial Decree and ignored these people from the Imperial Palace.

The eunuch who issued the decree sneered, “Such an ungrateful thing would only be worthy of someone with a bad fate.”

Yun Qing didn’t like the eunuchs who issued the decree, but someone else did! Qin Zhao invited these people to stay at the best inn in Yu City, treating them well and asking them about Yuxi. Han Jianye would tell Yun Qing about Yuxi because he was already her designated husband. He wouldn’t speak about her to other people.

Naturally, the eunuch did not hold back and told him about Yuxi having a bad fate.

Qin Zhao’s eyes lit up as he asked, “Did you say Han Shi had a bad fate?” It was good to give Yun Qing a bride with a terrible fortune. If she could bring down Yun Qing’s luck, he wouldn’t even have to do anything since Yun Qing would do it to himself.

The eunuch drank another cup of wine, which was far worse than the one in the pleasure house. But in this barren place, it was just as good. “This comes from a highly respected Great Master Liao Tong of Huangzhi Temple himself. How could it be false? If not, how could Guifei Niangniang marry her to Yun Qing.”

Qin Zhao was interested to know how bad Han Shi’s fate was.

The eunuch began to talk about Yuxi’s childhood where she had been abused by Han Jingyan and Old Lady Han, all the way to the time when Yuxi withdrew from her marriage until she had vomited blood after the Emperor sanctioned her marriage. He described Yuxi’s life as miserable as he could. [+]

After listening to this, Qin Zhao drew an image of a wretched little girl before his eyes. Such a poor little thing. In that case, let’s hope that Yun Qing enjoyed taking care of this little wretch!

Before the eunuch who issued the decree had even left, word spread through the streets of Yu City that the Fourth Miss Han was an unlucky person with a terrible fate. Naturally, this news also reached Yun Qing and Huo Changqing’s ears.

When Huo Changqing got this news, he asked Yun Qing, “What do you think about this?” Inwardly, Huo Changqing did not quite believe it. Perhaps this was another deliberate attempt by the Song family to get Yun Qing to lose his mind and achieve their goal.

Yun Qing laughed coldly. “Uncle Huo, didn’t an old wandering monk say that since I had killed too many people, I had lost a lot of my secret good deeds merits, and I would not end well in my life? I was told to do more good deeds. Then what happened?” It turned out that the old wandering monk had been instructed by someone to say such things on purpose to shake his determination to build up his career and take revenge.

Huo Changqing asked, “Are you saying that this information is false?”

Yun Qing nodded and said, “That old bald donkey Liao Tong has some skills when he is actually that poisonous woman’s running dog. He will do whatever the poisonous woman tells him to do.” He suspected that the news was deliberately released by Song Guifei to ruin the marriage between Yux and Chen Ran. Without a doubt, the poisonous woman had achieved her goal. However, he wouldn’t eat this kind of stuff.

Huo Changqing also thought it was possible. “The rumour could be false, but her body is just too bad.” Yuxi had vomited blood at a young age, so it was clear that she was not in good health. The climate was not good in this northwest part, and Huo Changqing doubted that Han Shi could adapt to the Yu City environment. No. This place was thousands of miles away from the capital, and it was unknown whether her body could even endure the journey to the northwest.

Yun Qing shook his head and said, “No, I’ve heard from Han Jianye that Fourth Miss Han has excellent health as she has been doing the wuqinxi every morning and evening, and she doesn’t get sick all the year-round.” So, the vomiting of blood must have been a fabrication too.

Huo Changqing asked with some disbelief, “Really?”

Yun Qing said, “There’s no need for Han Jianye to lie to me. Whether it’s true or not, we’ll know when Fourth Miss Han arrives in the northwest.”

After hearing Yun Qing’s words, Huo Changqing questioned, “Is she really as good as Han Jianye said? How could that poisonous woman let her marry you if she was such a good girl? Could there be some kind of conspiracy here?” It was no wonder Huo Changqing would be puzzled. It was really because this situation was out of the ordinary. They had experienced too many conspiracies. They had survived until now was half because of their own strength and another half because of luck.

Yun Qing disagreed and said, “I don’t think so. As for what the truth is, Fourth Miss Han should know it all too well, and when she finally arrives, we will naturally know the truth.”

On this side, Yun Qing was calm, but on the other side, Han Jianye was not so when he got the news. If Yun Qing also thought that Yuxi’s fate was terrible, that would be dreadful! If she was disliked by her fiancé even before she married him, it would be a tragic life for Yuxi.

Han Jianye told Yun Qing, “Yun Qing, don’t believe the nonsense of those eunuchs. My Yuxi is not someone who has a bad destiny. This is all the poisonous plan of that tramp Song Shi, who ruined Yuxi’s marriage in the first place, and now wants to ruin the rest of her life.” Song Guifei was indeed the most vicious woman in the world.

Yun Qing asked, “Then why did the eunuch say that your sister’s fortune was tainted with bad luck?”

Han Jianye had always said good things about Yuxi to Yun Qing, but he never told him about the bad ones. But since things had come to stage, it wouldn’t work if he decided not to speak about them. At that moment, Han Jianye told Yun Qing about how Yuxi didn’t get Han Jingyan’s love since she was a child, and when he finished, he questioned, “Sometimes I wonder if my Si Mei is his real daughter. No matter how biased you are, you can’t be that biased, right?”

Yun Qing had heard many instances of biased parents. “Didn’t you say Old Lady Han didn’t like your sister either? Is it not?”

Han Jianye shook his head. “Naturally not, my grandmother treated all of my sisters the same, except for my San Mei.” After saying this, he sighed again and said, “Perhaps because of this, my Si Mei has been sensible and clever since she was young, and my mother has been particularly fond of her. Alas, to say the least, I still don’t understand. They are both my San Shu’s biological daughters. How can he be so biased?”

Yun Qing was silent. What else could one do when encountering such a biological father but admit that one was unlucky.

Han Jianye added, “It’s also because my Si Mei has a strong nature. If she was someone with a slightly weaker temper, she would have been unable to bear it.”

Yun Qing couldn’t help but think of the Yuxi he had seen that year, small, round and adorable. Only he didn’t know that she had gone through so many ups and downs too!

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