The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 292 - Preparation (1)

Chapter 292 : Preparation (1)

Yuxi looked at Han Jianming and said, “Dage, did you just say I could go to the northwest at the beginning of next spring? Who knows what changes will happen in the meantime? I’d better set off for the northwest in a few days!” She couldn’t stand the irritation that she felt any longer.

Han Jianming shook his head and said, “No, you don’t know how chaotic it is out there. If you go to the northwest now, the failure to keep what you bring is secondary. What I’m afraid the most is that you won’t even get there safely.” Now there were bandits and robbers everywhere. If Yuxi took so many things with her and didn’t have enough people to protect them, it would be strange if her belongings were not being stared at by bandits and robbers.

Yuxi was depressed. “What if something happens in these three months?” Yuxi really didn’t want to stay here for another day. She had to leave quickly.

Han Jianming shook his head. “No. Nothing will happen. It’s also a good time to prepare and pick out something useful to take with you. I’ll go and arrange an escort for you.” He didn’t know if it would take the year of the monkey and the month of the horse for Yuxi to return from this trip this time.

Yuxi said, “I heard that Xinglong Escort Agency is good. Dage, apart from the people from the residence, let’s hire some escorts. It will be more secure.”

Han Jianming also thought it was a good idea. “That’s doable.”

Yuxi thought for a moment and added, “I don’t know much about the border town either, so can Dage help me gather information on this so that I won’t be in the dark when I arrive in the northwest?”

Han Jianming nodded, “This is natural.” After saying this, Han Jianming looked at Yuxi and said, “Yuxi, you have to remember that if you don’t want to be cut up like fish and meat on the chopping board, then become the one who holds the knife.” This meant that if you didn’t want someone to dominate your life, then become the one who dominated others.

Yuxi’s heart jumped, and she deliberately pretended not to understand. “Dage, what does that mean?”

Han Jianming looked at Yuxi and slowly said, “I mean them literally. What you’ve learnt will be of use when you get to the northwest.” By marrying Yun Qing, all the history books and strategies that Yuxi had read and learnt over the years would have a use in the future.

Yuxi smiled, “Dage, I was worried that I would be killed by Yun Qing’s sword, but you’re already thinking so far ahead.”

Han Jianming smilingly said, “I have faith in you.” Yuxi was so intelligent. If she had put her mind to it, Yun Qing would not refuse to accept her.

Yuxi muttered, “But I don’t have confidence in myself!” Although she was braver now, the thought of facing a man full of murderous aura made her fearful. That was the legendary murderous devil! When she thought of the first time she saw Yun Qing, ahem, she honestly didn’t want to think about it. Remembering it would only make her in tears.

After the brother and sister duo finished talking, Han Jianming went out. “I’ll go and plead for leniency. The Imperial Palace will definitely send down Imperial Physician to check on you, so be prepared.” One had to have evidence to prove what one had brought forth. The people in the Imperial Palace definitely wouldn’t believe the evidence from the physician of the State Residence.

Yuxi nodded and said, “Okay.”

Song Guifei knew that Yuxi was seriously ill, so she smiled and had the Imperial Hospital send two Imperial Physicians to pay a visit to Yuxi. In fact, there was no need to send the Imperial Physician to look at her. The eunuch who had gone to announce the Imperial Decree had already told her about Yuxi vomited blood. This was just a precautionary measure.

Momo Hua, who was beside Song Guifei, said, “Niangniang, the Emperor has already issued an Imperial Decree. Even if she is seriously ill, she must be rushed immediately.” Qinxin Gongzhu had abandoned Chen Ran and chosen the young master from the Tang family, so Song Guifei no longer had her heart set on Yuxi. It had been this Momo Hua’s idea that Yuxi had been chosen this time. Momo Tian had once saved Momo Hua life, so she had always wanted to seek revenge on the murderer who had killed her. It was rare to come across such an excellent opportunity to take advantage of this darned girl. Hence, how could she let it go? [T/C]

Song Guifei fiddled with her exquisitely carved red and gold nails as she said indifferently, “If this girl is really seriously ill, once she dies on her way, Yun Qing can still marry the girl from the Zhao family. Therefore, this girl cannot die just yet.” If she wanted Yuxi to die, Yuxi would have to die in the northwest after her marriage to Yun Qing. If Yun Qing were to remarry, it would be at least a year later.

When the two Imperial Physicians arrived at Taoran House, they saw that Yuxi looked pale, like she was about to die. When they checked Yuxi’s pulse, it was still faint. After taking her pulse, the two Imperial Physicians looked at each other and then mulled over the prescription.

There was a downside to Yuxi pretending to be sick, that was, one of the two Imperial Physicians would go back to the Imperial Palace, and the other would stay at the State Residence. It was good that they didn’t have to stay at the Taoran Residence. Otherwise, it would have been inconvenient for Yuxi to do anything.

When Song Guifei heard the Imperial Physicians’ diagnose, she was somewhat surprised. “About to die from her illness?” She had thought that Yuxi would have been overstimulated and scared at most.

The Imperial Doctor dared not lie to Song Guifei. “In reply to Niangniang’s words, the Fourth Miss Han has a weak pulse, and her heart has been petrified. If she does not recuperate properly, her life will be in danger.”

Song Guifei nodded. “Then you should go and check on her every now and then during this period! We can’t let this girl die. When she recovers, she must go to the northwest to complete her marriage with General Pingbei.”

The Imperial Doctor lowered his head as he promised, “I will do my best to cure Fourth Miss Han.”

Song Guifei leaned back in her chair and said languidly, “Withdraw!” Even if Yuxi was cured, her body still suffered great blood loss. After a long journey of several months, Han Yuxi would not survive for much longer. [+]

The news of Yuxi had been sanctioned a marriage soon spread, and there was not a person who heard the news who didn’t say that Yuxi was unlucky. Great Master Liao Tong’s face reading was accurate. Just look, who would have a worse fate than this?

When Marquis Taining got the news, he asked his Shizi, “Hasn’t the Song family ever thought about how much help it would give to Yun Qing by marrying Han Yuxi to him?” Marquis Taining was a real man who did not think much of women. Although he knew that Yuxi was intelligent, he hadn’t thought too much about it. He just thought that marrying Yuxi to Yun Qing would be tying the Han family to Yun Qing. One should know that marriage was the best and fastest way to make an alliance. Although the Han family was not that powerful, they were a centuries-old family, and their in-laws were all particularly influential. As long as a situation did not harm their own interests, they would always give some convenience to their in-laws.

Marquis Taining’s Shizi shook his head and said, “It was very sudden. Even the 9th Prince found out about it after the Imperial Decree had been issued.”

Marquis Taining stated objectively, “Even if the 9th Prince knew about it, he would not stand in their way.” The 9th Prince had said a few good words in favour of Yun Qing in front of the Emperor. The 9th Prince’s move had already caused discontent from the Eldest Master Song.

Marquis Taining’s Shizi commented, “The Song family is currently amassing a lot of money and gathering power in the military, and the Yu family is also pulling in officials to expand their power.” He was worried that even if the 9th Prince were to ascend to the throne and become Emperor, he would have to become a puppet by then.

Marquis Taining sighed. “The Emperor is obedient to Song Guifei and heavily favours the words from Marquis Song.” They, the old ministers, had tried to persuade the Emperor, but unfortunately to no avail.

Marquis Taining’s Shizi said worriedly. “Duke Han of State became the Assistant Minister of War because he followed the path of the Yu family. The Yu family has always wanted to get their hands on the military, but they have no way to do so. This time, when Song Guifei married Han Yuxi to Yun Qing, it was an opportunity for the Han family. A chance for them to get their hands on the military power in the northwest.” Han Jianming was able to walk through the Yu family’s path not by spending a lot of money on, let alone because he was a Duke of State, but because of the resources in the Han family’s hands. These resources were the things the Yu family needed the most.

Marquis Taining sneered as he pointed out, ”If Yun Qing was that easy to control, the Song family wouldn’t have this headache. Don’t end up losing your bride and your soldiers to the enemy as well.”

Marquis Taining’s Shizi did not see it that way. “Father, Yun Qing hates the Song family, a hatred that he has never concealed. If an alliance with the Han family would allow the Song family to be brought down, how could Yun Qing not agree?”

Regardless of this speculation, both father and son were clear about one thing, and that was that Song Guifei had just made a stinky move. This Imperial Decree regarding the sanctioned marriage had built a bridge between the Han family and Yun Qing.

When the Lady of Taining heard that Yuxi had been given in marriage to Yun Qing, she smiled a little but did not say anything. For there was no need to say anything else, as her son was already engaged to the girl of the Yu family girl and was now staying well at the Hanlin Academy. As for what would happen to Han Yuxi, it had nothing to do with the Chen family.

The only person with mixed feelings was Chen Ran. Thinking of the words he had asked Yuxi back then at the Lingshan Temple, he never thought what he had assumed at the time would now come true.

Ah Li grunted and said, “Second Master, Fourth Miss Han deserved this. If Fourth Miss Han hadn’t withdrawn her marriage with you, Master, there would be no need to go to the northwest to eat sand.” The northwest winds were full of sand, which would be blown into a person’s mouth. That was why people in the capital often said that going to the northwest meant eating sand.

Chen Ran said coldly, “Don’t ever say that again.” Even though the Han family had withdrawn from the marriage, they hadn’t wronged the Chen family. At least the Han family hadn’t done that right after Han Yuxi had almost been assassinated for the first time. Of course, the Chen family owed just as much to the Han family for proposing marriage. All that could be said was that the two were destined to meet but not fated to be together.

As for the story about Yuxi vomiting blood, Chen Ran didn’t know if it was true or not? It was because the rumours were so realistic that he couldn’t even say that she was faking it. He felt it was better not to say anything in this regard.

The day after the marriage was given, before dawn, Yuxi got up from her bed, put on a piece of clothing and then felt that something was wrong. She was still in a severe stage of illness! If she ran to the Main Courtyard like this, the news would probably reach the ears of Song Guifei right away. Yuxi said to Zijin, who was waiting beside her, “Zijin, go and call Dage to come over and say I have something important to ask him.”

Zijin didn’t ask anything. She just turned and went out at a brisk pace.

“Bang bang bang……” The vigorous knocking on the door woke up all the people in the Main Courtyard. Han Jianming heard the sound and hurriedly got up from his bed. He didn’t need to guess that the person knocking on the door was here to find him, and he didn’t know what was wrong.

Han Jianming got dressed and came out of his bedroom to see Zijin. He asked anxiously, “Has something happened to Yuxi?” If something hadn’t happened, it wouldn’t have been possible for Zijin to come and call for someone before dawn. He didn’t know what was so important about that she had her maid hastily called him over.

Zijin shook her head and said, “Miss said she had something important to ask the Lord Duke.”

Hearing this, Han Jianming hurried to the Taoran House.

Women’s clothes are more cumbersome to put on, so they were a step slower. When Ye Shi came out, she could no longer see Han Jianming’s figure around.

Old Woman Hua said, “I don’t know what’s happening on the Fourth Miss’s side. Does my Lady want to go over and take a look?”

Ye Shi shook her head and said, “No, I’ll go and see her after dawn!” Ye Shi knew very well in her heart that Yuxi was pretending to be sick.

Old Woman Hua shook her head and said, “Speaking of which, the Fourth Miss is really unlucky.” If it wasn’t for Song Guifei’s interference, the Fourth Miss would have been the daughter-in-law of the Chen family by now. There was no need to marry in the northwest, a place no ordinary person could bear.

Ye Shi sighed faintly and commented, “Who could say otherwise!” Originally, Ye Shi was very angry with Yuxi for sticking her nose into Concubine Jia’s affairs. However, now she was thankful that she had not poisoned Concubine Jia that day because of the presence of Mom Quan. Otherwise, her life would not have been as good as it was. Since Concubine Jia had given birth, the Lord Duke had not been to Concubine Jia’s courtyard. Apart from being busy with his official duties, he spent most of his time in her courtyard. Even if he did not rest in her yard, he would come to see the two children and talk to her. If her husband knew she had killed Concubine Jia, he would have been outraged. Although he would not turn against her, there would have been a rift between them. If this happened, it would be impossible for them to have a warm and happy life just like right now.

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