The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 254 - Yuchen's Marriage (1)

Chapter 254 : Yuchen’s Marriage (1)

In the blink of an eye, it was a day or two before Yuchen’s wedding. During these two days, relatives from the Han family would come over to add to Yuchen’s dowry. Zhou Shiya also followed her mother over, and as soon as she arrived at the State Residence, she went looking for Yuxi.

Yuxi was a little surprised when she saw Zhou Shiya. “How did you make your mother let you come over?” She hadn’t seen Zhou Shiya for half a year, and they were always in contact through letters during that period.

Zhou Shiya answered with a smile, “My mother came over to add San Biaojie’s dowry, so I followed her over. Do you know how suffocating it has been for me these days?” Zhou Shiya had been engaged last year to the Second Young Master He, He Yan. Ever since the engagement, Second Lady Zhou had kept Zhou Shiya at home to embroider her dowry and forbade her to come out again. She also forbade anyone from reading this chapter not at xinshou blogspot com.

Yuxi smiled and gave her a word of advice, “Your wedding will only be at the beginning of next year, but it will only take a year before you marry into the He family. When you marry into your husband’s family later, you can’t say such things anymore.” After you married someone, you wouldn’t be so free.

Zhou Shiya’s face fell as soon as she heard about her marriage. “Say, don’t you think it would be good if we didn’t have to marry anyone?” When she thought of her sisters’ lives after they married, Zhou Shiya did not want to get married. It would be so lovely just being a young miss at home with no restrictions. Once she went to her husband’s house, she would suffer hardships and get into a lot of trouble.

Yuxi found Zhou Shiya’s words particularly childish and asked about her wedding dress. “How is the embroidery of your wedding dress going? Is it finished yet?”

Zhou Shiya replied bitterly, “Even half of it hasn’t been embroidered yet. By the way, I haven’t seen your wedding dress yet. Show me!” As far as Yuxi’s embroidery skills were concerned, her wedding dress must have been stunning.

Yuxi shook her head, though. “It’s better to wait until the day I get married. You can see it then!” Yuxi was worried that after Zhou Shiya had seen her wedding dress, she would not want to embroider her own wedding dress when she went back.

Zhou Shiya didn’t think about it so much and said, “I’m not going to wait for it anymore. I want to see it now. Yuxi, I have come here especially to see your wedding dress. You can’t let me make this trip for nothing.”

Under Zhou Shiya’s insistence, Yuxi also wavered, and she warned with a smile, “I just hope you won’t regret it after you see it.” After saying this, she asked Zisu and Caidie to fetch her wedding dress.

Yuxi’s wedding dress was embroidered with a picture of a phoenix among the peonies. The wedding dress was mainly made of gold and silver thread, supplemented by embroidery thread of other colours. The overlapping, juxtaposition and interlacing of various colours produced a beautiful effect, which made people unable to turn their eyes away.

After looking at Yuxi’s wedding dress, Zhou Shiya chuckled embarrassingly for a while. “Yuxi, after looking at your wedding dress, I think I can just throw mine away.” This was the case of ‘comparing oneself to others, would just make oneself angry’ and ‘it was better to throw away one’s own good since other people’s thing was much better’! Compared to Yuxi’s wedding dress, hers was not even worthy of being seen.

Yuxi looked at Zhou Shiya and laughed. “I told you not to look, didn’t I! You didn’t listen.” This wedding dress was something that she had spent a lot of effort to embroider. After all, it was once in a lifetime, and she didn’t want to carry any regrets anymore.

Zhou Shiya despised Yuxi as she said, “You won’t let me see it now, but when you get married, I’ll be able to see it just the same.” Although envious, Zhou Shiya didn’t think much of it since she had known about Yuxi’s good embroidery work for a long time anyway.

Yuxi asked Zisu to put the wedding dress away. Zhou Shiya then said to Yuxi, “Yuxi, I heard from my mother that Chen Ran will be able to get into the top three positions in the Spring examination this time!”

Although Yuxi had a guide in her mind, it was better not to say anything significant before this matter indeed came out. “This kind of thing, where can it be determined? But my Dage said that with Chen Ran’s talent, he will definitely be on that list.”

Zhou Shiya was not talking to Yuxi about this matter to discuss whether he could win the examination or not. She actually had a mega gossip to tell Yuxi. “Yuxi, do you still remember Jiang Qi?”

Yuxi felt strange that she asked, “What’s wrong with Jiang Qi?” Jiang Qi, she would recognise her even if she turned into ashes! It was just that Zhou Shiya’s tone sounded as if Jiang Qi was not doing well.

Zhou Shiya lowered her voice and said, “Let me tell you. Don’t be coaxed by her sweet words if that woman uses many excuses to get close to you. That woman has bad intentions.”

Her warning was puzzling. Yuxi asked with a smile, “What does that mean? Do you know some secrets?”

Zhou Shiya lowered her voice and said, “I have thought about this matter a lot, but I still feel like telling you. Otherwise, if you don’t watch out, you will suffer huge losses. ”

The more Yuxi listened, the more confused she became. “What is it exactly? Don’t stop a story at a climax to keep the listeners in suspense.”

What Zhou Shiya told Yuxi was simple: Jiang Qi had fallen in love with Chen Ran. Of course, this was not something Zhou Shiya made up, but something Zhou Shiya had heard from her biaomei.

Hearing this, Yuxi flinched for a moment before asking, “How is that possible? Chen Ran is already engaged to me, so how could Jiang Qi still have that kind of heart?” In Yuxi’s mind, Jiang Qi had always been the kind of person who was ambitious and arrogant. How could she possibly like Chen Ran, who already had a fiancée! Yuxi’s first reaction was disbelief.

Zhou Shiya knew that this would be Yuxi’s response, so she said, “This isn’t something I made up. My biaomei overheard it.” Zhou Shiya’s biaomei had gone to the Yu family residence as a guest and accidentally got lost, only to bustle into a somewhat secretive place and hear this great gossip.

Yuxi asked with a suspicious look on her face. “Which biaomei of yours?” Zhou Shiya had too many biaomei, so who knew if she could be someone who had an axe to grind with Jiang Qi and had deliberately put out these kinds of rumours. Although Yuxi hated Jiang Qi, she didn’t want to be a target for anyone.

Zhou Shiya gave Yuxi a blank look and said, “My biaomei only knows that you and I are as close as sisters, so she told it to me secretly. Don’t be ungrateful!” Zhou Shiya did not say who it was. It was not that Zhou Shiya was deliberately trying to be secretive, but it was not good for anyone to overhear such a secret topic.

Yuxi smiled a little and said, “Then please thank her for me.” Whether this matter was true or not, Yuxi didn’t care. Even if Jiang Qi liked Chen Ran, so what? Chen Ran was already engaged to her, and they would soon be married. Even if Jiang Qi truly liked Chen Ran, it would only be useless.

Seeing the way Yuxi didn’t even care about it, Zhou Shiya told her, “I didn’t want to tell you, but when I came over, my mother told me that the Jiang family might want to tie the knot with your family. I thought it would be better to remind you.”

Yuxi was stunned. “Tie the knot? Whose marriage?” The Han family did not have a young master of Jiang Qi’s age. When Yuxi thought about it more, her heart suddenly jumped. She hoped it wouldn’t be what she thought. [+]

Zhou Shiya said in a mosquito-like voice, “The Jiang family wants to match Yurong Biaomei with their Second Young Master. But I heard Gu Zumu, and San Biaoshu have not yet agreed. But my mother said that as long as the Second Young Master Jiang passes the spring examination, the marriage will be a success.”

Yuxi was shocked when she heard this. Then she asked with a strange look, “How did your mother get this news?” Second Lady Zhou’s information was a little too well-informed.

Zhou Shiya answered with a smile, “You still don’t know my mother? She had her eyes on Chen Ran and Jiang Hongjin before, but both of them didn’t work out. So she wanted to see what kind of family the Jiang family finally settled on for Jiang Hongjin.” Having paid close attention to the Jiang family, naturally, she would soon get the news.

Yuxi was furious in her heart, but her face did not show it.

Zhou Shiya couldn’t help laughing after she finished speaking. “The two people my mother had her eye on ended up becoming the Han family’s sons-in-law. Do you know, my mother was depressed to death.” Zhou Shiya didn’t feel much for either Chen Ran or Jiang Hongjin, which was why she could speak about this with such ease.

Yuxi pressed down the strange feeling in her heart and continued to chat with Zhou Shiya casually. It was not until Zhou Shiya went back that Yuxi pulled a long face.

Seeing Yuxi’s expression, Zisu asked, “Miss, what’s wrong with you?” Yuxi was in a good mood just now, but why did she suddenly change her look in the blink of an eye.

Yuxi took a deep breath and replied, “It’s nothing.” After saying that, she went into her study. She needed to calm herself down. Otherwise, she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to control her emotions.

When she reached the study, Yuxi sat in her chair and closed her eyes. In her last life, Jiang Hongjin had married her. In this life, she was already betrothed. Therefore Jiang Hongjin turned his target to Yurong. Yuxi didn’t know if she should interfere. If she didn’t interfere, her conscience would feel bad. Whether in her previous life or this one, Yurong only acted arrogantly and was always impolite to her, but she had not committed any great crimes. Yuxi could not bear to let her jump into the Jiang family’s pit fire. But if she wanted to meddle, she had no position and no reason to do so.

She had been thinking about it for a long time until that evening, but she still didn’t have any clue.

At this time, Zisu called out from the outside, “Miss, Zhiqin Jiejie is here and requests you to come to Tingyun Pavilion.”

Suppressing her emotions, Yuxi walked out from her study and asked Zhiqin, who had come over to invite her, “For San Jie to call me over, is there something wrong?”

Zhiqin felt that the way Yuxi spoke was getting even more formidable. In the past, when she asked the Fourth Miss to go to Tingyun Pavilion, she would go without saying a word. It was not like now, where she looked like she did not even care. Zhiqin criticised Yuxi in her heart, but she did not dare to show half of it on her face and said, “My Miss is upset. She invites Miss to go over and have a talk with her.” [T/N]

Yuxi was silent for a moment before saying, “Let’s go!” She was not qualified to interfere in Yurong’s marriage, but Yuchen could. If Yuchen stepped in, Han Jingyan and the Old Lady might refuse the marriage. After all, Yuchen’s words carried a lot of weight, and there was no way they would not take her words seriously.

Yuchen was in a slightly irritable mood. Before this, she had been looking forward to this wedding with great anticipation. But now, she felt so bitter that she wanted to talk to someone, and it was none other than Yuxi.

When Yuxi heard what Yuchen told her, she looked doubtful. “What? Song Linger is pregnant? How is this possible? Where did you get this news from?”

Yuchen smiled bitterly. “Song Linger is indeed pregnant, and my source of information is absolutely reliable.” She had long ago asked Marquis Chiang to place someone in Jing Wangfu, so there was no way this information could be wrong.

Looking at Yuchen’s depressed expression, a wave of sympathy welled up in Yuxi’s heart. “I always thought that the 10th Prince was truly infatuated with San Jie.” Only now did she realise how naive she was. If he was genuinely fascinated with Yuchen, how could he still have gotten Song Linger pregnant!

After hearing these words, Yuchen’s face was full of bitterness. “I thought he was sincere to me.” Although Momo Gui had always told her that among the royal family, the last thing she needed was love and affection so that she could guard her heart and not fall deep into it. Because once a woman fell into love, it was hard to keep her calm. Yet, she did not listen to Momo Gui, believing that the 10th Prince wouldn’t fool with her heart. Even if Song Linger was made Ce Fei, she still believed in the Tenth Prince. Unfortunately, reality had slapped her hard in her face.

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