The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 252 - Taking Over The Title (3)

Chapter 252: Taking Over The Title (3)

Han Jianming was not in a hurry. He just simply stood in the room. The wood was already made into a boat anyway. Grandmother couldn’t stop even if she wanted to.

The Old Lady paused her hand from turning the Buddhist beads and asked, “This matter, was it the Fourth Girl’s idea?” After her eldest child brought back Concubine Mei last year, Yuxi had a deep talk with Han Jianming. The Old Lady suspected that this matter had been encouraged by Yuxi. How could she put it? She had personally watched Han Jianming grow up, and she did not want to believe that Han Jianming would try to manipulate his father for the sake of profit; Yuxi was different. That girl had a treacherous character. Though she wouldn’t do something like posting this chapter at other site. She would rather read this at xinshou blogspot com.

Han Jianming said without thinking, “Grandmother, this matter has nothing to do with Yuxi. Grandmother, whether I inherit the title or not is of no benefit to Yuxi either. There is no need for her to come up with such a thankless idea.”

The Old Lady was clearly unconvinced, but she knew she couldn’t ask anything more from her grandson. “How did you persuade your father into this?” Seeing Han Jianming’s hesitant look, she instructed coldly, “Tell me the truth.”

In response, Han Jianming could only tell the truth. “I had someone tell Concubine Mei that if she could not persuade Father to give up his title, not only would she die without a burial place, but I would not spare her entire family. But if she can get Father to give up his title voluntarily, I will guarantee her a lifetime of glory and wealth.” Han Jianming had also listened to Qiu Shi’s words, so he wanted to try this method. He didn’t expect that Concubine Mei’s ability was something that he should not underestimate. It only took her a month or so to persuade his father. But it was also this incident that made Han Jianming realise that women should never be underestimated.

The Old Lady clutched the Buddhist beads in her hands and asked, “Is that all? Nothing else?”

Han Jianming shook his head and said, “There’s nothing more.” He had a follow-up method, but he didn’t expect things would go so smoothly.

The Old Lady’s face instantly became livid. If Han Jingdong did not want to be the Duke of State and therefore wanted to give up his title to Jianming, there was nothing she could say. After all, Jianming was the rightful heir to the title, so it was fine for him to give it up. However, this unfilial son gave up his title because of a woman’s few words, making the Old Lady extremely angry. It was surprising that he treated something as big as the inheritance of a title as a trifling matter.

Han Jianming didn’t know what the Old Lady was thinking, so he didn’t rashly speak.

After half a second, the Old Lady asked, “What are you going to do with that despicable woman?” Originally, the Old Lady had thought that Concubine Mei was carrying flesh and blood of the Han family in her belly, so she had given her a status. But such a restless woman dared to interfere in such a significant matter as the inheritance of the title. There was no telling what misfortune she would bring to the Han family in the future if they kept such a person. Therefore, this woman must not stay in residence any longer.[T/N]

The Old Lady didn’t even consider Concubine Mei’s situation either. Although Han Jianming was only probing, for Concubine Mei, it was a matter of life and death. If she didn’t try her best to convince the Duke of the State, should she just sit and wait for her end?

Hearing these words, Han Jianming knew what the Old Lady intended to do. “Grandmother, Concubine Mei cannot be touched yet. At least not until after I have successfully inherited the title. If Father backs out from his words now, the Han family would have to be reduced to the talk of the capital.” Han Jianming hadn’t thought of getting Concubine Mei killed. It wasn’t that he was merciful, but he felt that it would be better to let that woman live on than to kill her and make his father mad. As for the possibility that the woman might reveal that he was the mastermind behind this matter of letting go of the title, Han Jianming was not worried. As long as Concubine Mei had a weakness, she wouldn’t dare to say anything. And that weakness could be the child in her belly or her family.

The Old Lady nodded her head for a moment. No one knew her son more than her, his mother, especially the nature of that unfilial son of hers. Concubine Mei’s death now could turn their world upside down. Therefore, they could not touch this woman for the time being. “Jianming, the Fourth Girl has a rebellious bone and is cold by nature. You should be extra careful with her.” If Yuxi could be indifferent to her biological father and heartless to her adoptive father, what else was she if not cold by nature? As for the fact that she had a rebellious bone, it was also a conclusion from this incident. [T/N]

Han Jianming disagreed with the Old Lady’s words. “Grandmother, Si Mei is very respectful to Mother. When Mother was in a bad mood, she stayed with her all day long. In terms of filial piety, I, her son, can’t even compare.” For what Yuxi had done for his mother, he was ashamed of himself. Not only did he not think that Yuxi was a cold-hearted person, on the contrary, he felt that Yuxi was affectionate and righteous.

His words choked the Old Lady. “That’s because she knows that she can only get a helping hand if she pleases your mother.” The Old Lady did not think that Yuxi was sincere about Qiu Shi. She believed that Yuxi was only good to Qiu Shi because she was lonely and helpless in the State Residence and wanted Qiu Shi to be her support. As it turned out, that girl was very good at what she did and did it successfully. Otherwise, Qiu Shi wouldn’t have treated her like the apple of her eyes.

Han Jianming smiled a little. Perhaps back then, Yuxi had been kind to his mother for her personal interest. But after all these years, that girl now truly filial to her as if she were her actual mother. “Grandmother, Yuxi has many flaws, but there is one thing I’m sure about her. That child has a right heart. So Grandmother does not need to worry that she will go astray. As for me, I know in my heart what I can and cannot do and will not be influenced by others.” All these years, he knew in his heart how Yuxi had treated his mother and Jianye. It was only because his grandmother was prejudiced against Yuxi that she was always wary of her.

The Old Lady knew it was useless to say more. “It’s good that you know what you’re doing. You are also old enough. So I won’t say any more. This family will depend on you from now on.”

Han Jianming nodded and promised, “Grandmother, don’t worry. I will revitalise the Han family.” This was the lifelong goal that he had been striving for.

After sending Han Jianming away, the Old Lady had a tired look on her face. Mama Luo was worried at sight. “Old Lady, are you not feeling well anywhere?”

The Old Lady smiled bitterly and said, “No, I’m just a bit tired.” Even if her son was a jerk, he was still her son. But to not even want the title because of a few words from a woman still made the Old Lady feel frustrated. How could she have given birth to such an unfilial man?

Mama Luo quickly suggested, “Old Lady, do you want to go and rest for a while?”

The Old Lady shook her head and said, “No need.” She was mentally tired, not physically exhausted, and couldn’t sleep even when she lay in bed. [+]

The two were talking when the maid outside announced the Third Lord’s arrival.

The reason Han Jingyan came over was simple. He just wanted to ask about the matter of his Dage giving up the title. “Mother, why is Dage giving up the title for no good reason?” Han Jingyan had no other thoughts. After all, the title would not fall on him. It was just that the matter was so sudden that he felt strange. [T/N]

The Old Lady answered, “I don’t know. I sent someone to call him back to the house before, but he didn’t return either. Just now, I called Jianming, but Jianming was also confused. Hai, your Dage is a man who does everything on a whim. I guess this time, his mind got hot-headed that he submitted the folded booklet!” The Old Lady exactly knew what Han Jianming was planning to do, but she couldn’t say it to anyone. The Han family had to rely on her eldest grandson to hold it up, and she could not let his reputation be tarnished even the slightest.

Han Jingyan agreed with this statement. It was really because his Dage had been out of tune since he was a child: “Mother, if Jianming had inherited the title, it would be time to split the family.”

When parents were still around, the family didn’t split up. When the Old Lady heard this, her face chilled as she asked, “Did you hear anyone gossiping?” Not only did Qiu Shi complain about the Third House only knowing how to receive but not contributing, Ye Shi was just as displeased with the situation. With the connivance of the two, there was some chatter in residence about this as well. This wind could not be stopped just because the Old Lady wanted to.

Han Jingyan hadn’t heard anyone gossiping about it. It was just that as an official in the Imperial Court, he was very conscious of his reputation. He didn’t want to hear anyone saying that he was living off his nephew. Han Jingyan shook his head as he explained, “No, there isn’t. I just think that if Jianming assumes the title, it would be a bit unpleasant to hear that the family is not divided. Mother, don’t you think it would be better to divide the property once Jianming takes over the title? Then we can handle the accounts separately. That way, no one will say anything.” Han Jingyan was talking about dividing the property but not the family. By doing this, the property was divided, but the family still lived together. In other words, in the future, all the expenses of the three houses would not go through the public accounts but would be paid for by themselves.

The Old Lady knew that Han Jingyan had a point, but she also had her concerns. “Yan-er, your salary is not much. What will happen to your whole family?” Her son’s salary was not much, and he had to support such a large family. Once the family was separated, this would seriously reduce their quality of life. Even with her support, their lives would not be as comfortable as now.

Han Jingyan was not worried as he said, “Mother, don’t worry. I have a salary. When the time comes to divide the family, I will still get some property, so I won’t have to worry about food and clothing.” Han Jingyan had made a lot of money during his years of service, which he had exchanged all for properties. However, it was not easy to say these words to the old Lady. Before the separation of the family, it would not be nice if people found out that he had acquired private properties. These properties received considerable interest every year, and they still had to be hidden for now. However, after the separation, he would not have any more worries.

The Old Lady was not stupid. How could she not know about this? After thinking for a while, she said, “Let’s talk about this later!” It was indeed a good idea to divide the assets and not the family. At least, there would be less conflict in the future, and she would not be accused by Qiu Shi and Ye Shi of being biased. However, they could only put this matter on the agenda after Yuchen was married and Han Jianming had assumed the title.

After talking about the separation of the family, Han Jingyan talked about Yurong’s marriage. “Mother, two days ago, Master Jiang said to me that he wanted to match Yurong for his youngest son. What do you think, Mother?” Jiang Wenrui had been promoted again and was now a third-ranking official as him. But the title of vice Minister of the Revenue was much higher than his, and with the Yu family as his backer, Jiang Wenrui’s career was in good hands.

The Old Lady did not refuse. The last time the Jiang family came to propose marriage, Jiang Hongjin was only a xiucai. Still, now, he held the title juren. The Old Lady thought that it was not bad. “How is the Jiang family’s child?”

Han Jingyan had inquired about him on purpose. “The boy’s talent is outstanding. His teacher said he would make it to the 2nd rank of candidates who passed the Imperial examination without incident.” When teachers spoke, they wouldn’t talk about something impossible for their students to achieve.

The Old Lady thought for a moment and then asked, “What do you think?”

Han Jingyan answered, “I’ve seen that boy. His talent, character and appearance are all first-class, and he will have a good future.” This meant that he had taken a fancy to him.

The Old Lady thought a bit more. “That child will attend another examination in the upcoming third lunar month. Why don’t we wait until after that?” The Old Lady still had one more concern. Yurong was three years younger than the other party, and when Yurong got married, it would be two years later at any rate. Who knew if there would be any changes. If something went wrong in the future, it was better to let it go for a while and chill out.

Han Jingyan argued, “If he passed the examination and won as the 2nd rank of candidates, Yurong might not be his potential marriage choice.” There were two levels between a juren and a jinshi. If they did not make the decision now, Han Jingyan was worried that there would be a change of heart when that time came.

The Old Lady said, “If she can’t make it, then she can’t make it. My family’s Yurong is not bad in any way. So there’s no worry that you won’t find someone better than the Second Young Master Jiang.” Yurong was a good-looking girl, and she was not bad in any other way either. She also had a sister, Yuchen, who would become a wangfei. Thus, she would not need to worry about not finding a good match for herself.

Seeing that the Old Lady had made up her mind, Han Jingyan said nothing more.

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