The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 244 - Hidden Danger

Chapter 244 : Hidden Danger

It took a long time for Yuxi to regain her composure. “Wasn’t Xinrong rescued by someone? Why did she suddenly appear in a brothel?” This was something that Yuxi had a hard time understanding.

Han Jianming shook his head as he answered, “I’m not sure about that either. But the one who saved Duan Xinrong has a huge influence, and the person behind the scene is hiding too deep. So I have no way to find out about that person.”

Yuxi frowned and said, “Looking at this person’s behaviour, he should have an undying grudge against the Song family and the 9th Prince. For him to build such a large influence, it shows that he is definitely not a mediocre person.” Thinking of this, Yuxi had an idea flash in her mind. “Dage, do you think it could be someone from the Yan family?” Yuxi would think of the Yan family because she felt it was strange for them to be easily broken apart back then. It should be known that the Yan family was also a century-old family. Although most of their younger generation didn’t bring any credit to themselves, they were not without people with outstanding abilities. Yan Wushuang, for example, had exceptional qualifications.

Han Jianming was silent for half a second before saying, “What you said is not impossible. It’s just that we don’t have any evidence to support this matter, and there’s no way to conclude that it’s indeed the people of Yan family.”

Yuxi didn’t dwell on this for too long. She instead talked to Han Jianming about what Momo Quan had told her earlier. “Dage, Momo said that the drought in Shaanxi was particularly severe. How come there is no news about it in the capital? Is the situation in Shaanxi getting better?” If the Imperial Court had sent disaster relief, there was no way she wouldn’t know about such a big event. The only possibility was that there was no drought in Shaanxi at all.

Han Jianming answered honestly, “Shaanxi has indeed been hit by drought, and its situation has become more serious.”

Yuxi found it to be unbelievable. “Why is there no word of such a big matter outside then? Also, why isn’t there any relief sent to Shaanxi?” Yuxi did not come over to ask about it that day because it was not directly related to her. Coupled with the fact that the wind had dropped and the waves had subsided outside, the situation should have improved. But now, after hearing Han Jianming’s words, she was a little alarmed.

Han Jianming replied openly, “The news from the capital has been suppressed. So the bad news from outside hasn’t trickled in yet. As for the disaster relief you mentioned, the state treasury has no money. Therefore, where would there be any disaster relief?”

Yuxi thought she had heard a particularly amusing piece of news. “I heard the other day that the Ministry of Works is preparing to overhaul the Emperor’s courtyard in Xishan. Imagine how much it will cost if repairing the northern part of the Imperial Garden already cost several hundred thousand taels of silver? Moreover, Guifei Niangniang’s birthday banquet is also coming up. I’ve heard that the Imperial Household Department has already started the preparations and bought many things. How come there’s money to repair the courtyard and hold a birthday party but no money for disaster relief?”

A sneer appeared on Han Jianming’s face. “For the Emperor to build a new courtyard and Guifei Niangniang’s birthday banquet, the Ministry of Revenue has to get the money even if it doesn’t have any.” As for the disaster victims in Shaanxi and Gansu, where would they care!

Yuxi didn’t know what else to say at this moment.

As if this news was not upsetting enough, Han Jianming dropped another bombshell. “Not only is there no money for disaster relief, but they also do not even have enough money to pay or feed the soldiers. The soldiers in Liaodong and the northwest border have not yet been paid for three months.”

“Uh……” They had the money to spend their time drinking and pleasuring themselves while living their life comfortably. And somehow, there was no money for disaster relief and military pay. Fine, Yuxi really had to kneel down for the Emperor and the important officials of the Imperial Court this time.

Han Jianming looked at Yuxi, who didn’t look even a bit nervous. He asked, “You’re not afraid?”

Yuxi had no fear as she responded, “What’s the use of being afraid? Moreover, even if the world is really in chaos, the capital will be the last place to be affected. Besides, with Dage and Er Ge around, I don’t have to be worried about anything.”

Han Jianming smiled a little. “Don’t worry. Although it’s not very peaceful outside right now, the court can still control the situation for the time being.” When the situation was not under control, there would be disorder under the heaven. There would be dangers when the world was in chaos, but there would also be many opportunities for the opportunist. [+]

Yuxi frowned. “The Chen family is the Emperor’s trusted subordinate. If there is chaos in the world, won’t the Chen family be sucked in the whirlpool?” This was not something she was happy to see. The translator was also unhappy to read this chapter not at xinshou blogspot com.

Seeing that Yuxi was finally worried, Han Jianming smiled. “Don’t worry. The Chen family has a deep foundation. Even if there is disorder under heaven, they still have the means to protect themselves.” The Chen family had been established for over two hundred years and had thrived for a long time because they had their own unique way of surviving.

Yuxi smiled bitterly. “I have nothing to worry about. Except that, with the world in turmoil, the ones who will suffer the most are the civilians.”

Han Jianming lowered his voice and said, “This is only the worst-case scenario. If the 9th Prince is capable, he might be able to upend heaven and earth!” As long as the successor was a wise ruler, the world wouldn’t necessarily be in disorder.

Yuxi remembered what happened in her previous life. After the 10th Prince took the throne, he started to reduce the taxes. Although she didn’t know precisely how effective it was, it proved that the 10th Prince wanted to govern the country properly. “How can the 9th Prince be a wise ruler after what he had done? Also, would the forces in the shadows allow him to rise to the top?” Even though the 9th Prince was still young back then, a twelve-year-old child had already reached the age of knowing right from wrong. Selling out the country for his own interests was enough to see this person had no principles or bottom line. She had little hope for such a person to become a wise ruler.

There was one more thing Han Jianming didn’t say. If the 9th prince could not make it, the high position could be given to the 10th Prince. If the 10th Prince took the throne, the Han family would get the most benefit. It was just that he couldn’t say these things to Yuxi. “I heard that you have stopped reading medical books recently?”

Yuxi responded helplessly, “I don’t have enough time. My schedule every day has been so tight. Where will I have the time to read medical books?” The lack of time was just an excuse. The main thing was, her marriage had been settled. If she married into the Chen family, she could not use her medical skills, and Yuxi was a pragmatist. Once she had discovered that she couldn’t use what she had learned, she didn’t want to spend more time on it. As for the history books, she found them very interesting. There were only benefits and no disadvantages to reading them more, so she insisted on reading them.

Han Jianming laughed. “You have no time to read but have time to do embroidery? When will you give Dage a fan too?” Han Jianming was teasing Yuxi with these words.

Yuxi blushed with shame. She had always found needlework to be quite time consuming, so she only made very few things. Somehow, after all these years, she hadn’t given Han Jianming any decent gift. “What does Dage like? I’ll go back and embroider it for Dage.”

Han Jianming was only joking. There was no way he really wanted Yuxi’s embroidery works. “I don’t need it. But you will get married within two years. It’s about time for you to start preparing for your dowry.” Most of the people in the capital had heard that Yuxi was good at sewing. Thus, she had to do all the embroidery for her wedding dress and head covering. She couldn’t even leave it to others. Otherwise, it would be like giving a naked slap to her own face.

Yuxi pondered all the way back to the Taoran House. When she arrived in her courtyard, she didn’t see Zisu. Consequently, she asked, “Where is Zisu?”

Xuntao stammered, “Zisu Jiejie is in her room.”

Yuxi didn’t think much of it as she inquired, “Was she tired and currently resting in her room, or was she not feeling well?” Zisu was usually very diligent. Even when she had nothing to do, she wouldn’t even stay in her room.

Xuntao didn’t know what to say.

Yuxi noticed that there was something wrong. “What’s going on? Did someone bully Zisu?” Since Yuxi’s status had risen, naturally, just like how the boat floated when the tide rose, her personal maids’ status would also be affected. Of all the people in residence, Yuxi really couldn’t think of anyone who would bully Zisu.

Xuntao lowered her head and said, “Miss, I’m not sure exactly what had happened. It’s something Caidie should know better.” Xuntao was not excusing herself, but she really didn’t know what was going on. She only knew that when Caidie had come back from outside and said a few words to Zisu, Zisu entered the house with an ugly face afterwards.

Yuxi’s expression didn’t look too good either as she instructed, “Tell Caidie to come to the study.” Yuxi liked to talk about things in her study. [+]

It didn’t take long for Caidie to come over. Seeing that Yuxi was asking after her, she didn’t hide anything. She relayed what she knew. “Miss, my mother told me that the eldest son of the Wan family has become entangled with his biaomei.” Caidie’s mother was also an old-timer in the mansion. Plus, she was well-connected and relatively well-informed. When she heard that Wan Jiahua was having trouble with his biaomei, she was afraid that Zisu would suffer. So she hurriedly called Caidie to tell her of the news.

Yuxi knew that Caidie’s mother was a proper person and would not have let Caidie tell her about this if she had not been very sure of it. “You’ve told Zisu about this?”

Caidie nodded and said, “I did.”

Yuxi wasn’t deeply affected by this news. She didn’t think much of Wan Jiahua either. Moreover, Zisu hadn’t been betrothed to Wan Jiahua, and the other party had been tangled up with other women. Thus, it was just a matter of eliminating him from the list. “Mama Fang wants to match you with her eldest son. Do you know about this?” It had taken so long for Mama Fang to inform her of the progress on this matter. Obviously, Caidie’s mother hadn’t agreed to the marriage.

Caidie’s face flushed, and she lowered her head as she mumbled, “My mother told me about it two days ago.” Her mother was unfamiliar with the Lian family, so she would not have agreed to the marriage rashly. These days, her mother had been asking people about the Lian family. Only after she had found out more about them and felt that they were good in every way did she ask Caidie what she thought of it.

Yuxi asked, “What’s your decision?”

Caidie was so shy that she bowed her head and said, “This handmaiden will listen to Miss.” She had met the Lian family’s eldest son a few times, and he was a decent man with a good nature. Instead of marrying a person she didn’t know, it was better to marry someone she knew.

Yuxi laughed a little. “This is your lifelong event, so you will have to be satisfied with it. If you agree, I will speak up for you. If not, just directly refuse it.”

Caidie answered softly.

Yuxi waved her hand and said, “Go and call Zisu.”

Seeing Zisu’s red eyes, Yuxi spoke with amusement, “You’ve only met with him twice, and you two are not engaged. So why are you upset?” It was normal if Zisu felt uneasy, but it was unnecessary for her to be so upset that she cried.

Zisu cried out in a very aggrieved manner, “Miss……” Zisu thought that Yuxi would comfort her with a few words, but she didn’t expect Miss would mock her as soon as she came up. This made her even sadder.

Yuxi laughed. “Zisu, just because he looks loyal doesn’t necessarily mean he is honest. In this world, there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing. It’s good to know his true face earlier. You have not engaged with him anyway, and this will not hurt your reputation.” Yuxi didn’t think much of Wan Jiahua and felt that he wasn’t good enough for Zisu. It was only because Zisu herself was so dead set on him just because she thought Wan Jiahua was honest and decent.

Zisu swore, “Miss, I don’t want to get married. I will just look after Miss all my life. Then, I will have a lifetime of peace and quiet.”

Yuxi knew that she could not be hard on Zisu at this time. So, she suggested, “Let’s put this matter aside for now.” It would not be too late to settle on a suitable candidate when they eventually found one.

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