The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 217 - Father And Daughter Quarreled (2)

Chapter 217 : Father And Daughter Quarreled (2)

Han Jingyan did not move, and Yuxi did not say anything either. Father and daughter were confronting each other, with neither of them giving up a step. Han Jingyan did not want to lose his authority as a father; thus, he disagreed with him being the one to give in first. While Yuxi knew that if she surrendered, she would right away be sent to the nook and cranny by Han Jingyan.

Han Ji had to toughen his scalp as he said, “Third Lord, if something were to happen to the Fourth Miss, Third Lord will have to bear the reputation of forcing her to die. This would be greatly detrimental to Third Lord’s career.” These words were, in fact, a threat to Han Jingyan, indicating that he would not keep this matter hidden by spreading it.

Han Jingyan didn’t expect a dog lackey to dare to threaten him. “Good! My nephew has trained a very good lackey. ” For a slave to threaten his master, wasn’t it the same as rebelling against the residence?

Han Ji put on a long face and said, “Third Lord, Master Shizi asked me to come over and take care of the Fourth Miss. If anything happens to her, this little one won’t be able to live.” It meant that there was nothing he could do. As for what would happen if the Third Lord sought out Master Shizi, Han Ji wasn’t worried at all. Although Han Jingyan was an elder, he could not lord over Master Shizi.

Han Jingyan stared at Yuxi and asked, “Are you coming with me or not?” Seeing Yuxi’s expressionless face, he added, “If you don’t come with me today, from now on, I won’t have you as my daughter.” These words were a threat to Yuxi. If she did not come with him, he would break off his relationship with her, and she could no longer be the young miss of the Han family. A woman expelled from her family would only have one way. That was the path to her ruin.

Yuxi answered coldly, “Suit yourself.” She was no longer a fool who only knew how to cry when things went wrong, as she did in her previous life. This time, she could just take Zijin and Zisu to settle in Jiangnan with her. Even if she didn’t have any money, she wasn’t afraid that she wouldn’t be able to support just a few people with what she had learned. With Zijin around, Yuxi would not be fearful of being bullied in the future. Previously, she had been patient because she was not yet capable enough. But now, she could live without the Han family. She was no longer willing to put up with it. If she endured any longer, she would either be suffocated or killed by Han Jingyan himself.

Han Jingyan sneered. “Very well. I only hope you won’t regret it later.” After saying this, he left the Red Jujube Villa furiously with a dozen of his entourage.

Zisu rushed up and took the knife out of Yuxi’s hand. She then hugged her and cried bitterly, “Miss, what can we do from now on?” For the Third Master to put down such words, this was like forcing her Miss to die. She had never seen such a cruel and heartless father.

Yuxi pushed Zisu away and said, “There will always be a way for us to live.”

Back in her room, Yuxi began to grind ink. She shed tears repeatedly while grinding, and her tears fell drop by drop into the inkstone. Although Han Yuxi had no expectations for her father, she still felt sad to be forced like this.

When Zisu came in with the medicine and saw Yuxi crying, tears also fell from her eyes. How could her Miss’ fate be this cruel? She had already been sent to the hamlet and now, being driven to her death.

Yuxi had injured the skin of her neck. Since the wound was so small, she was not worried that she would have a scar. After Zisu rubbed the medicine onto her injury, Zisu withdrew.

Once the ink was finally developed, Yuxi’s mood calmed down. She took out a handkerchief from her sleeve, wiped her tears, and then put her writing brush onto paper as she wrote a letter. After writing it, she called for Zisu and said, “Have someone send this to Zijin.” She did not want to disturb Zijin’s martial arts training considering that the opportunity for Zijin to be able to do so was rare after all. Ever since Zijin had gone to the mountain, Yuxi did not allow her to return except to get some food and clothing. But now, she couldn’t help but ask Zijin to come back. Only when Zijin was by her side would Yuxi feel at ease.

After the letter was sent away, Yuxi walked out of her bedroom and spoke to Han Ji, who was waiting in the parlour, “You heard what he said just now. He is trying to break off his father-daughter relationship with me and wants to expel me from the family.” Only great treason or a significant mistake would lead to expulsion from the family; Han Jingyan simply did not have enough reason to remove her from the clan. Still, Yuxi prepared for the worst.

Han Ji looked at Yuxi, whose face was as normal as ever, and his heart went pit-a-pat. He could tell that there was something strange about what had just happened, but now it seemed that the Fourth Miss had done it on purpose. “What does Miss want from this little one?”

Yuxi said, “If I’m truly driven out of the Han family, there will be no place for me in the capital. I hope Dage will help me with my household registration and travel permit to Jiangnan. Jiangnan is my mother’s hometown. I want to go there to see the place.” Ning Shi’s hometown was in Jiangnan, but Yuxi was using it as an excuse. Jiangnan was rich, but a few years later, there would be a great disaster there. Of course, going to Jiangnan was the next best thing. It was better not to go, though. After all, it was too hard to survive without family protection.

Han Ji’s eyelids jumped. He lowered his head and said, “I will have someone tell Master Shizi about this.” Unexpectedly, Miss had even thought of a place to go.

For Han Jingyan, wanting to expel Yuxi from the Han family wasn’t a matter that he could just do because he wanted to. Not only would Han Jianming and Qiu Shi go against it, but even the Old Lady would also disagree. [+]

The Old Lady asked, “What treacherous things the Fourth Girl did that she should be expelled from the Han family?” Even if Monk Liao Tong said that Yuxi’s fate carried bad luck, she should not be kicked out just because of this. How would outsiders look at the Han family then?

Han Jingyan told her about the rumours outside. “Mother, this girl will only be a curse if she stays. I will pretend that I never had this daughter.”

The Old Lady was not that easy to be fooled that she asked, “What is going on? If you don’t tell me clearly, I will never allow you to do so.” Although that girl was not very good-natured, she had grown up under her watch. Yuxi might be arrogant, but she would never do anything like that. There must be a misunderstanding here.

Han Jingyan informed her what had happened on the Red Jujube Hamlet. Not in great detail, but just briefly described the process. “I merely wanted to send her away from the capital, but she dared to force herself to death and made impertinent remarks. We should have never kept such an evil beast.”

When the Old Lady heard this, she asked sternly, “Where do you intend to send Yuxi?”

Han Jingyan was silent for a moment and said, “A hamlet far away from the capital.” Han Jingyan wanted to send Yuxi to an uninhabited mountain village. That mountain village was used to send out people who had made big mistakes. But at this time, he wouldn’t make it that clear to the Old Lady.

The Old Lady stared at Han Jingyan, watching the fire of hatred in her son’s eyes, and sighed quietly. After quite a while, she finally spoke, “Yan-er, since you hate the Fourth Girl so much, just pass her on to the Main House!” Jianming cherished Yuxi. Not to mention that Yuxi had not done anything wrong to the family so far. Even if Yuxi did, as long as it was not something major, Jianming would not let his son throw Yuxi out. The uncle and nephew would surely clash, and no matter who prevailed in the end, it was not something the Old Lady wanted to see.

Han Jingyan didn’t expect the Old Lady’s suggestion. “Mother, I disagree. This girl can’t stay here. If she stays, she will only harm the Han family.”

The Old Lady looked at Han Jingyan and said, “Old Third, you have lost your calmness when it comes to Yuxi. Although she is a bit contrary, she has been brought up by me, and I know very well how she is. But you brought people to her hamlet without distinguishing red-green or black-white first and just told her that you would send her away. How could it not chill her heart?”

Han Jingyan said, “I just want to get her out of that place that is rife with trouble.”

The Old Lady didn’t want to listen to her son’s prevarication, nor did she wish to dilly-dally any longer, as she said, “I’ll speak to your Dasao. She, Jianming and Jianye have always been fond of that girl, and they will certainly not object to this.” Anyway, Yuxi had always been cold towards the Third House but had always been very kind to the Main House. By passing her on to the Main House, Yuxi would have a greater sense of belonging to the State Residence.

Han Jingyan was reluctant. Such a disobedient and unfilial thing could not be taken back to the residence even if he didn’t manage to drive her out of the Han family.

Even though the Old Lady did not have deep feelings for Yuxi, she was still a little upset to see her son behaving like this. She did not want to see trouble arise behind the screen walls of the home, and she had to settle the matter quickly while Qiu Shi and Jianming did not know about it yet. Otherwise, this conflict would be inevitable. [+]

The Old Lady said in a tone that allowed for no doubt, “You can’t object. This matter is settled.” Father and daughter had already become enemies. She would not let Jianming have a falling-out with her son next.

Han Jingyan did not dare to disobey the Old Lady, so he could only reluctantly agree.

Qiu Shi was delighted to hear the Old Lady say that she wanted Yuxi to be passed on to her as her daughter. Soon, however, she became worried again as she asked, “Mother, will brother-in-law agree?”

The Old Lady nodded a little and said, “He has agreed. Now it is up to you to decide. If you also agree, we will choose a good day to do it.” By passing Yuxi on to Qiu Shi’s name, would also raise her status. After all, Qiu Shi was the wife of the Duke of the State.

Qiu Shi had no objection to this. “I’ll have someone pick a good date, and when this is settled, I’ll bring Yuxi back.”

When the Old Lady looked at Qiu Shi’s overjoyed look, her heart became even more flustered. She said, “It’s enough for us in the family to know about this. Don’t announce it to the public for now! Yuxi should not be brought back either. Just let her come back during the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Qiu Shi was a little hesitant, but she thought that it was only a month or so before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then it would soon be over. At that moment, she nodded and said, “Okay.” These days, she had wanted to go to the hamlet to see Yuxi, but the Old Lady had stopped her. The thought of Yuxi suffering outside was difficult for her heart to bear. Now that Yuxi would be put under her name as her daughter, she would never let Yuxi suffer again.

The Old Lady nodded and said, “Then that’s good.”

After Han Jianming learned of the Old Lady’s decision, he was also satisfied and said, “This is indeed a way to have the best of both worlds.” He was certain that he would not let Yuxi out of the family, which would definitely cause conflict between him and his San Shu. Now it was good that Grandmother had settled the matter, and he didn’t have to worry about the follow-up issues. So it was true that ginger got spicier as it got older (Chinese idiom: the older, the wiser). Of course, it was also because of the Old Lady’s status in the family. If it were anyone else, his San Shu would not have compromised.

Han Hao asked, “Master Shizi, should we send the letter to the hamlet now?”

Han Jianming shook his head and said, “No, I’ll go there myself tomorrow.” He still had to talk to that girl. She must have come out with the plan when she made such a fuss today.

Han Hao inquired, “Master Shizi, do you think that if the Third Lord managed to kick the Fourth Miss out of the clan, would she actually go to Jiangnan? The Fourth Miss has always been intelligent. Doesn’t she know how dangerous it is for a single woman to be out there all alone? If she strayed outside without the help of her clan, she wouldn’t even know how she would die.”

Han Jianming laughed a little. “That girl has a tricky mind! Saying she’s going to Jiangnan is just a test. She knows I won’t let her go to Jiangnan.” He didn’t know if the drama today was deliberate on that girl’s part.

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