The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 192 - Wicked Trick (11)

Chapter 192 : Wicked Trick (11)

Han Jianming looked at Yuxi and calmly said, “Yuxi, I am sure that you must have your reasons for not stopping it from happening.”

How could Yuxi not know what Han Jianye’s nature was? Thus, she was not going to get angry over his outburst. She just looked at Han Jianye and coldly questioned, “Er Ge, from the time the maid beside Qiu Yanfu, Yan Yanyu, started to contact your personal attendant, Ah Zhao, it added up to more than ten days. For the maids in the backyard to frequently contact those around you, Er Ge, tell me, did you notice this? Or rather, did someone close to you tell you?”

Han Jianye didn’t know why Yuxi suddenly mentioned this, but he still nodded and said, “Yes, Ah Yi mentioned it to me. I even asked Ah Zhao about it, but Ah Zhao said they were from the same village, so he has to take care of her more. When I heard his explanation, I ignored it. Is there any problem with that?”

Yuxi chuckled. “If my personal maid frequently comes into contact with men in the outer courtyard, even if I don’t beat her to death, I will send her out of the residence immediately.”

Han Jianye countered, “Ah Zhao has grown up with me since we were children, and he only has contact with a maid. If we have to kick him out just because of this little thing, wouldn’t that be too cold?”

Yuxi directly rolled her eyes. How come she hadn’t noticed before that her Er Ge was so stupid? Well, if he were smart, he wouldn’t have married Qiu Yanfu in his previous life, so she shouldn’t have expected too much from him.

Han Jianming was about to die of anger. “What your Si Mei means is that Qiu Yanfu has long wanted to plot against you, so she has the maids around her in close contact with your personal attendant.” After saying this, Han Jianming looked at Yuxi and told her, “If you have something to say, say them directly. Don’t be tactful; he won’t understand.”

Han Jianye felt that he had lost all of his faces.

Yuxi asked, “Er Ge, do you know why Qiu Yanfu is scheming against you at this time?” Seeing Han Jianye’s face torn between saying and not saying, Yuxi snorted. “Er Ge, did Qiu Yanfu told you that she genuinely loves you, thinking that you’re going to get married, she couldn’t help herself for a while, and that’s why she did that……” These words were not something that Yuxi made up. Qiu Yanfu said the same things to Han Jianye in the previous life.

Han Jianye looked at Yuxi in amazement and blurted out, “How did you know that? Could it be that your maid was outside eavesdropping at the time?”

Han Jianming felt his teeth hurt a little. Why did he have such a stupid didi? This feeling of his was really unlike the usual depression.

Instead of arguing with Han Jianye, Yuxi spoke to Han Jianming, “Dage told me more than half a month ago that Qiu Lilong wanted to send Qiu Yanfu to Eldest Young Master Wang as his concubine. Dage, didn’t you tell me this yourself?”

Han Jianming nodded as he added, “Qiu Lilong has already decided to send Qiu Yanfu to the Wang family in a few more days.” After saying that, he also kindly gave Han Jianye a little bit of information about the Eldest Young Master Wang. To sum up, this Eldest Young Master Wang was an unreliable financial backer. If a financial backer could casually give away his concubines at will, how reliable could he be?

Even if Han Jianye was a bit stupid, he knew this time that what Qiu Yanfu had said about being unable to help herself was a lie. At this moment, Han Jianye truly felt that he was completely stupid.

Yuxi said, “You don’t care about something as big as your personal attendant Han Zhao’s frequent contact with the maids in the inner courtyard. That’s the first problem. The second problem is that you said that Han Zhao grew up with you, and you treated him like a brother. But what about him? Just because of a woman, he has sold you, his master, out.”

Han Jianye wanted to defend Ah Zhao, but under Han Jianming’s cold glare, he didn’t have the guts to do so.

Yuxi ignored the interaction between the two brothers as she went on to say, “Why did Han Zhao dare to do this? The reason is simple. He was sure that Er Ge wouldn’t chastise him for it. Since that’s the case, what does he have to worry about?”

Han Jianming stared at Han Jianye with the feeling of hating iron for not becoming steel.

Yuxi continued, “The third problem is that when Qiu Yanfu arrived at your study. It was as if she had entered like it was nobody’s business. It was that easy. Er Ge, there were not only two personal attendants in your yard but also five to six servants waiting for you. Where were the others at the time of the incident? I heard the maid say that Han Zhao sent everyone out at that time. Er Ge, do you know what this means?” At that time, Han Jianye was drunk and needed to be taken care of, but Han Zhao sent everybody out. Anyone with a clear eye would have noticed that something was wrong. However, none pursued the matter and just left the courtyard, leaving Han Zhao to do as he pleased.

The more Han Jianming listened, the more his face sank. “This means that Han Zhao can be the master of your Er Ge.” What did it mean that a servant could give orders like a master? This showed that Han Jianye wasn’t only unable to control his servant, but rather, a servant could easily coax him. [+]

Yuxi nodded in agreement with Han Jianming and added, “There is also the fact that they hold the same mindset as Han Zhao. Even if something happens to Er Ge, Er Ge won’t punish them.” Being too loose with the people who worked for them made those people feel that even if they did something wrong, it didn’t matter as they wouldn’t be punished. They even felt that even if something happened, the people in front of them would bear it.

Seeing that Han Jianye did not say anything, Yuxi continued to speak on her own. “Dage is the shizi and the future Duke of the State, while Dasao may not be able to have any more children. Logically, Qiu Yanfu will get more benefits by scheming on Dage. But do you know why Qiu Yanfu doesn’t scheme on Dage but you?”

Han Jianming bluntly said, “Am I someone she can calculate on just because she wants to? If the people around me dare to betray their master, I will let them die a horrible death.”

When analysed by Yuxi like this, Han Jianye felt like a fool. A complete and utter joke.

Yuxi swept a glance at Han Jianye and continued, “Now let’s talk about Qiu Yanfu’s hanging. If she wanted to die, why did she wait until lunchtime to do so? Why didn’t she kill herself when Eldest Aunt found her sleeping in your bed? It was she who ran to your study on her own, not Er Ge, who forced her to do so. Under such circumstances, how could Er Ge still believe that she wanted to kill herself?”

Han Jianming felt that Yuxi was still speaking too euphemistically, but looking at Han Jianye, he didn’t interject anymore at this time.

Han Jianye didn’t know what his mood was right now.

Yuxi turned her head, looked straight at Han Jianye and said, “Er Ge, you said you wanted to become an ever-victorious general in the future. You can’t even manage the few subordinates who follow you. Do you think you can lead soldiers well in the future? Can you win any battles? To put it bluntly, a woman who even lacks the strength to truss a chicken can quickly enter your courtyard and sleep with you. Has it ever occurred to Er Ge that when you do lead an army, even without you going into battle, the enemy will just buy your personal guards to sneak into your tent and assassinate you, and the war will already end?” With the commander-in-chief dead, the rest no longer needed to be feared.

At this point, no one cared that Yuxi was speaking rudely either.

Han Jianming looked at Yuxi, and his eyebrows twitched. He knew that Yuxi had another reason for not stopping this from happening. The original focus was here. There was no denying the fact that Yuxi’s words also shocked him.

Han Jianye’s heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

Yuxi shook her head and said, “It’s humiliating enough to be set up by a woman, but you even pity this woman. You even go so far as to disobey Eldest Aunt for her. While the people you grew up with betrayed you so easily, and none of your subordinates is loyal enough to be of use. In the army, the commander-in-chief is the soul of the army. If the commander is partial to his personal feelings and rewards and punishments are unclear, do you think this team can win the war?”

Han Jianming added a sentence in due course, “This kind of army is the life of cannon fodder.”

Yuxi looked at Han Jianye, who had a complicated and torn expression. She said, “Er Ge, you asked me why I didn’t stop Qiu Yanfu. In my eyes, Qiu Yanfu is not a problem at all. The issues revealed by her scheme against you made me extremely worried. I thought that after this incident, Er Ge would be aware of such problems, but the result……” After a pause, with a highly disappointed look, she then continued, “Er Ge, you have to know that the people outside are not Qiu Yanfu. If you let those who are intent on harming you successfully calculate you, then you will lose your job, your life, and even your family.”

Han Jianye was truly ashamed at this time.

Han Jianming did not expect that Yuxi raised such a profound question through this incident, “Er Di, what do you think after listening to Yuxi’s words?”

Han Jianye didn’t think about it that much. “I……” He didn’t know what to say, as if everything he said would be wrong.

Yuxi said, “Er Ge, I heard from Dage that there are many factions in the army. These people are always fighting for military power by any schemes and tricks. If this incident doesn’t make you realise your shortcomings and you learn nothing from it, I don’t think you are fit to lead the army into battle. Otherwise, not only will you put yourself in danger, but you will also bring disaster to your family.” What was the use to be good at martial arts and fighting when the time came, a random ploy would just get him killed as easy as that?

Yuxi didn’t know precisely how Han Jianye died in his previous life. Still, she only vaguely heard that it seemed that Han Jianye shouldn’t have been the one who led his troops to fight in that lousy battle, but was calculated to do so, which meant that Han Jianye was schemed to die in his previous life.

Han Jianming didn’t even expect Yuxi to have such a long-term vision. In this respect, he was not even as good as Yuxi! Han Jianming advised, “Er Di, you have been counted on so easily. If you still don’t raise your guard and correct your shortcomings, you aren’t fit to lead an army into battle.” Seeing that Han Jianye looked like he had something to say, Han Jianming waved his hand and urged, “Go back and think about it yourself. Think about what Yuxi said.”

Han Jianye nodded heavily, then said to Yuxi, “Yuxi, Er Ge was wrong just now. Er Ge shouldn’t have yelled at you.”

Yuxi shook her head and said, “Er Ge, I know by saying this will make you uncomfortable. But I would rather you hate me or even ignore me in the future than wish you ill. I hope that you can realise your dreams smoothly and become a great hero.” In his last life, Han Jianye failed to realise his ideal life.

Han Jianye said sincerely, “Yuxi, Er Ge thank you.” His mind couldn’t turn that fast, but he knew that Yuxi was genuinely looking out for his good. At least before, he hadn’t realised the problems that Yuxi was talking about. [+]

After Han Jianye went out, Han Jianming smiled and asked, “Is there something else you want to tell me?” He pondered away in his heart; could it be that he, too, had done something wrong?

Yuxi answered, “Dage, I do have one thing to tell you.”

Han Jianming put away his smile and looked grave, “Tell me.”

Yuxi put the already no longer warm small hand stove on the table. “Dage, while Qiu Yanfu was scheming against Er Ge, Dasao was pushing the wave and adding to the billows from behind the scenes. If it weren’t for Dasao opening the floodgates wide, it would be impossible for Qiu Yanfu’s maid to meet with Han Zhao that frequently.”

Han Jianming’s face sank, “Are you sure?”

Yuxi nodded slightly. “I won’t falsely accuse Dasao without sufficient evidence.” Ye Shi was acting behind the scenes this time, and when Lu Xiu passed through the gate, the two sisters-in-law would not be able to get along peacefully. Yuxi did not want the discord between the two women to affect the brotherhood between Dage and Er Ge.

Han Jianming slapped the desk. Ye Shi, how dare she lie to him.

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