The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 160 - Yuru's Betrothal (2)

Chapter 160 : Yuru’s Betrothal (2)

Yuxi could roughly guess the reason for Yuru’s visit this time was presumably because she wanted to ask her about something.

Yuru told Yuxi the purpose of her visit, “Si Mei[+]si=fourth, mei=younger sister has a good relationship with Miss Chiang Xin. I was wondering if Chiang Xin had ever talked about the Xiang family?” If she had no choice, she would have nothing to say about this. However, since she had been given choices, she was afraid that she would choose the wrong one, thus this had made her become extremely tangled.

Yuxi was silent for a moment before responding, “I think I have heard Chiang Xin talk about the Xiang family.”

Yuru’s eyes lit up. “Really? What did Miss Chiang Xin say?” She was just trying her luck, but she didn’t expect luck to be on her side.

Yuxi used to think that Yuru had married well in her last life, but that was based on her previous life’s perception. But now, she saw that Madam Xiang was not an easy person to get along with, and Xiang Zhixue was not someone whom one could entrust all of one’s life with. “Chiang Xin said that her cousin’s aunt had a very bad relationship with Madam Xiang, that she can’t even go back to her maiden house much after she got married. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but Chiang Xin’s cousin’s aunt, whom I’ve met, is a very kind and gracious person.”

Yuru’s face froze. Chiang Xin’s cousin’s aunt was someone that was easy to get along with, which surely meant that even someone like her couldn’t get along well with Madam Xiang. “What about the Fourth Young Master Xiang?”

This was a really bad question. Which family young lady would discuss outside men in such a casual manner?[+]This noob translation was translated by a noob translator, きつね. Please read this chapter at

Yuxi shook her head and said, “Chiang Xin did not say anything about him. But yesterday, when I went to the Master Courtyard, I also heard a few words about him from Eldest Aunt, and I know some basic information about the Fourth Young Master.” After a pause, she added, “I have some personal insights, but I don’t know if Dajie[+]eldest sister wants to hear them.”

Yuru hurriedly nodded and urged, “Si Mei[+]si=fourth, mei=younger sister, short form for Meimei, tell me.”

Yuxi told her, “The Fourth Young Master is sixteen this year, but he can’t even pass the exams for xiucai[+]a person who has passed the county level Imperial Examination, so I guess he has no more hope for the Imperial Examinations. Although the Fourth Young Master Xiang is a di[+]born from a legitimate/legal wife son, he is the third oldest. So even if he abandons the path of an official in the future, the family will not have a lot of resources to spend on him, so his future is limited. Besides, the Fourth Young Master Xiang is the youngest son. I don’t know if Dajie[+]eldest sister has heard the saying, the oldest grandson is like the youngest son, an old lady’s lifeblood.”

Yuru was not a stupid person either, as she pointed out, “Fourth Young Master Xiang is treated exactly like the youngest son in his family.”

Yuxi nodded and said, “Yes. Fourth Young Master Xiang is Madam Xiang’s youngest son and her most beloved son. Generally, the most dote child tends to do as he pleases. As long as he is happy, he will not bother with how others are.” If she had to be specific, this attitude was relatively selfish. He had only himself in his heart. As long as he had a good life, he would never care about the lives of others. Not every youngest son was like this, however Xiang Zhixue was exactly this kind of person.

Yuru was dumbfounded by what Yuxi said.

Yuxi didn’t pause as she continued, “Let’s talk about Young Master Zeng. I heard from my Eldest Aunt that Young Master Zeng is an educated person and very good in martial arts. Now, he already has an official position, so his future prospects will certainly be good. However, there are many problems on his side. Firstly, to be a wife of a shu[+]born from a concubine’s son is going to be difficult, as I heard that Madam Zeng is hard to deal with. Secondly, Childe Zeng will surely have insufficient family assets in the future, and thirdly, Childe Zeng is a military general. So he will always be in a dangerous situation once he goes to the battlefield.” Of course, dangerous situations also meant opportunity for him.

What Yuxi said was more or less the same as what Qingxuan had said, but what Yuxi told Yuru was a little more detailed and clear.

Yuru hesitated for a moment before asking, “Si Meimei[+]si=fourth, meimei=younger sister, who do you think I should choose?”

Qingxuan really wanted to facepalm. What kind of stupid question was her Miss asking? You could come over and ask for information, but how could you let Fourth Miss make the choice for you.

Yuxi laughed as she replied, “This is a great event in Dajie[+]eldest sister’s life. So you have to make up your own mind.” She could only help Yuru analyse it, but she certainly couldn’t help her decide.

Yuru was still very much entangled.

When Yuxi saw Yuru’s reaction, she didn’t say anything. She just sat there and waited. It was Qingxuan who saw that something was amiss and gave Yuru a gentle nudge.

Yuru reacted and immediately said, “Thank you Si Mei[+]si=fourth, mei=younger sister for today’s matter.”

Yuxi responded with a smile, “Dajie[+]eldest sister, why are you being so polite? We are all family, so we are naturally looking out for you. I think, if you still can’t decide, you can ask Grandmother or Eldest Aunt. They have more experience in life than we do, so they see things much more thoroughly.”

Yuru hesitated for a moment before she spoke out her idea, “Si Meimei[+]si=fourth, meimei=younger sister, what do you think if I decide to meet both of them?” She would feel more at ease when she made her decision after meeting both of them.

This was something that Yuxi did not have any position to give an opinion on. “Dajie[+]eldest sister can go and ask her Eldest Aunt. If Eldest Aunt agrees then it’s fine.”

Yuru was too embarrassed to mention it herself, so she specifically told Yuxi in the hope that Yuxi would help her bring the matter up to Mother. Unfortunately, Yuxi did not catch her intention in the words she just said.

After sending Yuru off, Yuxi told Zisu, “The maid beside Yuru, Qingxuan, is actually good.” Qingxuan could persuade Yuru when she did something wrong, and give Yuru advice when she was entangled. Qingxuan also didn’t usually use her shrewdness to be eager to excel over the other maids. It was really a blessing for Yuru to have such a maid.

Zisu nodded in agreement, “Qingxuan is indeed good.”

After agonising for three days, Yuru finally found the courage to tell Qiu Shi that she wanted to see the two people first before making a decision.

Qiu Shi was also very accommodating. Since she knew what Yuru’s meant, she nodded and said, “I will mention this to the Xiang family. There should be no big problem.” When she noticed Yuru’s tangled expression, she suggested, “You should meet with the Xiang family first. If you feel that he is good, then you don’t have to see Childe Zeng.”

Yuru nodded, “I’ll listen to Mother.”

After a few days, Yuru followed Qiu Shi out. That afternoon, Yuxi heard that Yuru had agreed to the Xiang family’s marriage proposal.[+]This noob translation was translated by a noob translator, きつね. Please read this chapter at

Yuxi sighed softly. Xiang Zhixue was very good-looking, with his red lips and white teeth. But that was the only thing he got. He had no talent, and he had also developed a habit of spending money like flowing water. If Yuru chose him, she would definitely have a hard time in the future.

Qingxuan happened to be a bit unwell that day, so she didn’t go to the meeting along with Yuru. When she heard that Yuru had chosen Xiang Zhixue, she became totally muddle-headed, “Miss, didn’t we agree to go and see the Young Master Xiang family first, and then Young Master Zeng? Why did you already consent to the Xiang family marriage proposal?”

Yuru’s face started to blush.

When Qingxuan saw Yuru’s reaction, how could she not understand. Her Miss had fallen in love with Childe Xiang. At this moment, Qingxuan was not yet completely assured with her Miss’ pick, thus she called Qingye, who had gone with Yuru. She asked her what happened when Miss met with Childe Xiang. Qingxuan asked her very carefully, as she wanted to know all the details. Once she had made up her mind, she went to find Yuru.

Yuru looked with shock at Qingxuan who was kneeling on the ground, “What’s the matter?”

Qingxuan requested, “Miss, please go see the Lady and reject this marriage!”

Yuru stared at Qingxuan and asked, “Do you know what you’re talking about?” Not to mention the fact that she herself would not decline this marriage. Even if she did, she had promised Mother. If she went back on her word, it would make Mother become disgusted with her.

Qingxuan replied, “Miss, I heard from Qingye about the process of your meeting today. Miss, this handmaiden is going to say something unpleasant. Young Master Xiang may look like gold and jade on the outside, but he actually is rotten and decay on the inside[+]Chinese proverb : something that is not worth its value. If Miss chose him, Miss would definitely suffer in the future.”

Yuru was out of breath with anger, “You impudent.”

Qingxuan tilted her head and said, “Miss, even if you kicked this handmaiden out today, this handmaiden would still say the same thing. Young Master Xiang had rewarded someone ten taels of silver today. Miss, he rewarded a maid with ten taels of silver just for delivering a message. This shows that he has no restraint when it comes to spending money. The Fourth Young Master Xiang spends money like flowing water, while he is unable to earn money by himself. Miss, I heard Qingye say that Young Master Xiang is very good looking. But what’s the use of being good-looking if a man can’t even support his family? Good looks don’t pay for food.”

Xiang Zhixue was only trying to make a good impression at the time, which was why he was so generous with his money. But he forgot that it was not his own money that he was spending, but rather, they were his parents’ money.

Qingxuan’s words were like a pot of cold water that had been poured over Yuru’s head, which woke her up instantly. Her monthly salary was only six taels, but Fourth Young Master Xiang could even reward a maid with ten taels of silver. Even a mountain of gold and silver would not be enough for him to spend.

Qingxuan added, “There is an old saying that said, ‘if the house is cold then marry a man, you’ll have clothes to wear and rice to eat’. Although this saying is kind of vulgar, but, it is indeed true. Miss, Fourth Young Master Xiang can’t support the family this way. Now you can still rely on Master and Madam Xiang, but what about the future? What about after Master and Madam Xiang reach their lifetime?” Marriage to such a man, not to mention a chore, but he was also not a good one.

Yuru’s heart was distracted and her thoughts were in turmoils[+]Chinese idiom : distraught with anxiety when she heard what Qingxuan said.

Qingxuan continued, “Miss, although I haven’t seen Young Master Zeng, all I know about him was what my Lady had told Fourth Miss. Nevertheless, there must be something outstanding about him that managed to make the Second Master look upon him.” Similar things grouped together, similar people fit together. Those who had a good relationship with Han Jianye must be good in all aspects.

When it appeared that Yuru started to be moved, Qingxuan kept on talking about it until the middle of the night. Although Yuru didn’t respond immediately, she thought about it as she tossed and turned while she laid in bed.

After thinking about it for most of the night, Yuru still felt that Qingxuan was right. To marry a man, she should marry someone who was capable of supporting the family, not a prodigal. “Qingxuan, I had already promised Mother yesterday. If I tell her now that I don’t want to marry into the Xiang family, what will Mother think?”

Qingxuan responded, “Miss, the most Lady will do is to scold Miss. It’s nothing compared to Miss’ great event.” Qingxuan would try so hard to persuade Yuru, half for Yuru’s sake and half for her own. She was Yuru’s personal maid, and she would definitely have to accompany her in the future. If she married into the Xiang family, there would surely be quarrel between the couple because of Fourth Young Master Xiang being so incompetent. Hence, they would be worse off as servants if their Master was not well off in the future. She would accept it if Yuru could marry into the Zeng family, even if Madam Zeng was difficult to deal with. As for the talk of Young Master Zeng would receive insufficient share of the family properties in the future, the man was capable enough to earn his own family properties by himself.

Yuru mustered up all her courage, as she took the pair of shoes she had made for Qiu Shi, and went to the Master Courtyard with a pair of panda eyes. When she saw Qiu Shi, she bowed her head and informed her that she did not want to marry into the Xiang family.

Qiu Shi was stunned. “Didn’t you already agree yesterday?” It seemed like they treating the marriage as a trifling matter by backing out from what had been promised between the two families yesterday.

Yuru didn’t even dare to look at Qiu Shi’s face, so she told the truth as Qingxuan had taught her, “Mother, yesterday, when I saw Young Master Xiang’s good-look, I immediately agreed on impulse. However, after thinking about it all night last night, it just didn’t seem right to me. What’s the use of a good-looking man, if he is unable to provide me with a meal? One has to marry someone who is capable to do so, and only when a man is capable can he shelters his wife and children.”

After she had done speaking, she carefully glanced at Qiu Shi, and saw that Qiu Shi was staring at her blankly without speaking a word. She felt uneasy, but she didn’t know what else could she say.

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