The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 133 - Two Rank Promotion in Succession (2)

Chapter 133 : Two Rank Promotion in Succession (2)

Yuchen knew that Yuxi was coming over for the feast, hence she went out to greet her personally.

Seeing what Yuchen was wearing, Yuxi smiled. Yuchen wore a semi-old, non up-to-date bamboo green dress, while her three thousand strands of hair were held up by a peach coloured hairpin, which was inexplicably plain. But such a costume made Yuchen look more original than ordinary. ᵀᴺHow did she know that Yuchen has 3000 strands of hair? Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)

After Zisu saw what Yuchen was wearing, she felt that it was just a waste for her to be really worried before. After all was said, it was still her Miss who was actually awesome.

Yuchen approached Yuxi and couldn’t help saying, “You’re too thin.” The current Yuxi was as thin as paper, which was way too thin.

There was an endless unspoken criticism in Yuxi’s heart. For more than ten days, she had only been given clear soup every day, so it was no wonders she could be this thin. “It’s nothing. I’ve just reperucate my health.” As long as she was given meat to eat, it wouldn’t take a month to gain back her old weight.

Liuyin saw the two of them chatting up at the door, and she said with a smile, “Fourth Miss, the Old Lady is waiting for Miss inside the house!”

When Yuxi came into the room, she saw the Old Lady sitting on the couch. The Old Lady was dressed in a stone-blue coloured dress and had her hair combed into a simple bun. She also didn’t wear any jewellery at all. To Yuxi’s surprise, since she hadn’t seen her for more than ten days, she felt like the Old Lady had aged ten years older. This noob translation was translated by a noob translator きつね. Please read this chapter at

The Old Lady beckoned towards Yuxi and said, “Fourth Girl, sit next to me.” After the incident, the Old Lady’s attitude towards Yuxi had changed a lot.

Yuxi felt uncomfortable all over when she heard this, but she still sat down beside the Old Lady according to her words. She smiled and asked, “Grandmother, I haven’t been here for ten days, but why have you lost so much weight?” Not only did her Grandmother look so thin, but even her complexion also seemed to be very poor.

Yuchen said, “Yuxi, during this period, Grandmother has been chanting scriptures in the family Buddhist hall.” When one chanted Buddhist scripture, it was natural for one to follow it by being a vegetarian.

When Yuxi heard this, she immediately knew why her aunt had forbidden her from eating meat for the past ten days, and here was the crux of the matter.

Yuxi prepared a mental outline and said, “Grandmother, everything outside has settled down now. If Grandmother still remembers Feicui Jiejie¹elder sister, or can be used to call an older girl than the speaker, please ask the master of the temple to do a few rituals for Feicui Jiejie¹elder sister, or can be used to call an older girl than the speaker to cross over!” The Old Lady’s daily chanting of scripture was nothing more than her feeling sorry. It would be a joke to say that the Old Lady would feel guilty because of the death of Feicui and others. The Old Lady didn’t even care about her own granddaughter’s life, so in what way would she even care about the lives of several maids?

In fact, Yuxi also knew that the death of Feicui and several maids were really unjust. At the age of several of those dead maids, they should have actually been released and got married, but the Old Lady was reluctant to release them and said she wanted them to stay for another two more years. Thus their life contracts stayed in the master courtyard.

The Old Lady lovingly said, “I told your father to ask for it two days ago. It’s just that there are too many people who died in the capital this time, so we can’t arrange for it in the time being.” People were looking for Buddhist monks to release their loved ones’ souls from suffering through worshiping Buddha and chanting sutras, while they were trying to release their servants’ souls from suffering, so it was only natural that they should give way to those who needed it more importantly.

Yuxi was startled by the Old Lady’s sudden loving attitude that she got goosebumps all over her body. The Old Lady had always been indifferent to her. Suddenly, for her to act so loving, instinctively gave birth to a feeling to be more on guard in Yuxi’s heart.

Yuchen was actually very worried and said, “Grandmother, your body won’t be able to stand it like this.” During this period of time, because the Old Lady was being vegetarian day in and day out, Yuchen also followed suit. However, she would have medicated food to nourish her body daily, so she was fine.

The Old Lady smiled and said, “No harm.” After saying this, she also purposely looked at Yuxi. Seeing that Yuxi was barely smiling, she also sighed slightly in her heart. Three feet of ice did not form in a single day²Chinese idiom : It takes a lot of time to achieve something important, and trying to get Yuxi to change her attitude towards her was something that couldn’t be done in a short period of time. However, Yuxi was now twelve years old, and she would be getting married in three or four years. The Old Lady had taken great pains to warm up towards her and in an instant, Yuxi would get married soon. It was the same as doing nothing. Thinking of this, the Old Lady’s attitude towards Yuxi became indifferent again.

At this time, a little maid reported from outside, “The Old Lady, the Third Lady, the Fifth Miss and Miss Biao³family relationship via females Qiu are here.”

The Old Lady’s demeanour became more indifferent, “Come in!” Concubine Wen’s death was said to be the work of the bandits, but everyone knew it was Wu Shi’s doing.

Once Wu Shi walked in with her daughter and niece, the two groups of people were just like rivers Jing and Wei separated clearly⁴Chinese idiom : to be entirely different. The Old Lady, Yuchen and the others were dressed plainly, while Wu Shi’s group was dressed too brightly.

Wu Shi’s face was a little unnatural, as she bowed towards the Old Lady. In fact, Wu Shi and Yurong’s clothes were fine. Although the clothes they wore were brighter in color, they were dressed up in a more solemn manner and didn’t go too out of line. Instead, it was Qiu Yanfu’s outfit that made people take a second look. This noob translation was translated by a noob translator きつね. Please read this chapter at

Qiu Yanfu wore a Su brocade with a bunch of flowers and crescent moons pattern dress, which was clipped against her slender waist. She also had an elegant countenance⁵Chinese idiom : graceful posture. When paired with delicate makeup, her charm was unexplainable.

A smile appeared on Yuxi’s face as she said, “Fu Biaojie⁶elder female cousin from mother’s side is so beautiful tonight, that I can’t take my eyes off you! Though I don’t know, for whom did Fu Biaojie⁶elder female cousin from mother’s side dress this beautiful for?”

The people in the room expression was very subtle when this was said. They still could not forget the previous rumours in the residence. And yet today was a special celebration for the Second Master, and it was hard to not let people think about it more.

Qiu Yanfu was so angry that she nearly made her fingers nipped at her palm. Everytime Han Yuxi saw her, she would always speak in frigid irony and scorching satire⁷Chinese idiom : mock and ridicule, which made her look really bad. Qiu Yanfu cursed in her heart, why didn’t the bandits kill this sly girl that night? If this sly girl died, she wouldn’t have to be humiliated.

The Old Lady looked at Qiu Yanfu with displeasure, not only because of Qiu Yanfu’s outfit, but also at what Yuxi had just said. She knew very well that although Ye-er’s martial arts skills were not bad, but without the opportunity given by the Lu family, Ye-er wouldn’t have been able to display his talents, and naturally, he wouldn’t have been promoted up two ranks, which was the joyous celebration they had right now. Therefore, this marriage with the Lu family must not be faltered. “Alright, all sit down!” The Old Lady had already made up her mind, she had to make sure that Old Three⁸Han Jingyan – Yuxi’s father would marry off this girl quickly. If anything should happen, it would be too late to regret.

Not long after, Qiu Shi and Yuru also arrived. Qiu Shi’s face was so full of joy that she couldn’t even hide it. When her son was promoted, the one with the brightest face was Qiu Shi.

Yuxi took a look at what Yuru was wearing and nodded a little in her heart. Yuru was wearing a half-new light mauve dress with no jewelry except for a pair of silver bracelets on her wrist. Yuru finally learned through experience.

Qiu Shi was a little surprised to see Yuxi sitting next to the Old Lady, but she didn’t say much, just smiled and announced, “Mother, the feast will be ready in a quarter of an hour.”

At this time, the little maid outside reported, “Old Lady, First Lady, Da Nainai⁹da=eldest, nainai=young mistress of the house is here.” Ye Shi was currently pregnant, so no one would be harsh on her for coming a bit late.

Ye Shi entered the room with her big belly, but before she could bow, the Old Lady said, “Sit down! As you are one us, there is no need to particularly pay any attention to those mere formalities.”

In response, Ye Shi immediately sat down without much modesty. She had walked such a long way, she was indeed tired.

After talking for a while, the Old Lady frowned and asked, “Eldest daughter-in-law, why didn’t Yujing come? Send a maid over to ask.”

As a result, the little maid who had been appointed to go check soon returned, followed by Yujing’s personal maid Yunying. When Yunying saw everyone in the room looking at her, she shrank, but she still toughened her scalp¹⁰summon up courage and said, “Old Lady, First Lady, Miss’ body is not feeling well. She has been continuously coughing, and she is afraid to come over for fear of passing her sickness and annoying several masters.”

Yuxi lowered her head to hide the smile on her face. It was reasonable to say that Han Jianye’s promotion should be the most suffocating for Ye Shi. If there was no Lu family, her Er Ge¹¹er=second, ge=elder brother, short form for Gege wouldn’t have the opportunity to make a meritorious promotion, and naturally, there was no such thing as two consecutive promotions. It might even have been Second Master Ye who was promoted. But now, even the most suffocating Ye Shi came to the feast, and yet Yujing didn’t even come. As for whether or not Yujing was really sick, she had been fine during the day without Yuxi herself heard that she was sick and now she was suddenly coughing, who would believe it!

The Old Lady didn’t look very good as she said, “Since she is ill, she should take good care of herself!” It was a waste of all her hard work for Yujing to be this unknowing when to come or leaveChinese idiom : with no sense of propriety. Such a pity that she just showed her true face.

Soon Han Jingyan came over with a few of his sons, followed by Han Jianming and Han Jianye. When Han Jianye arrived, the room was filled with his booming voice.

Yuxi’s smile became much more genuine when she heard Han Jianye’s cheerful voice. Her Er Ge¹¹er=second, ge=elder brother, short form for Gege had always said that he wanted to build a great career in the future. In his last life his wish didn’t come true, in this life her Er Ge¹¹er=second, ge=elder brother, short form for Gege’s wish would definitely come true.

Qiu Yanfu had never really paid attention to Han Jianye before, mainly because his appearance wasn’t her type. But she didn’t expect Han Jianye to become an upper fifth rank officer in just a few months. She knew because her aunt’s husband was only a lower fourth rank official. Looking at the magnificent Han Jianye, Qiu Yanfu felt bitter in her heart. She was now sixteen years old, and she still didn’t know when her marriage would be.

Every little of Qiu Yanfu’s look didn’t escape Yuxi’s sight. She didn’t take Qiu Yanfu seriously anymore, for no other reason than that, even if her Er Ge¹¹er=second, ge=elder brother, short form for Gege was schemed by Qiu Yanfu again, there wouldn’t be a repeat of her last life. Thus there was no need for her to worry.

When the Old Lady looked at Han Jianye, her eyes were full of smiles, but she still had to say, “Now that you have been promoted up two ranks, this will surely make many people jealous. Be careful in the future and you must never act recklessly.”

When Han Jianye heard this, he smiled and said, “Grandmother, I still want to have a good drink today!” Han Jianye wasn’t a rash person either, especially when he was occupied with a mission and naturally he wouldn’t even drink even a drop of alcohol. He didn’t have a drink for over a decade now.

Han Jingyan smiled and said, “Mother, today is a big day and we’re at home, so there’s no need to be so restrained. Just let Jianye relax and unwind.” His nephew had a bright future successful and he looked very happy.

The Old Lady nodded, “There’s no harm since we’re at home, but when you are out, you have to be careful. Ming-er, you’ll have to watch after him all the time from now on.” How many people outside would be jealous at a seventeen-year-old upper fifth rank officer? Those people must have always been watching him closely in hope that he would make a mistake.

Han Jianming nodded and said, “Grandmother, don’t worry, I’ll watch over my Er Di¹²er=second, di=younger brother, short form for Didi.” This time Han Jianye was promoted two ranks in a row to Han Jianming’s satisfaction, and the more he felt that Han Jianye was more suited to be paired up with the Lu family now.

An old woman came in and reported, “Old Lady, the food has been served. It’s time to start the feast.” The Old Lady’s dedicated cook was hacked to death by the bandits. This time, the one who handled the ladle was Yuchen’s cook.

Looking at the table full of food, Yuxi felt very resentful. Why was it all vegetarian? There was not even a speck of meat. She still wanted to have meat today! She didn’t know how much longer she would need to eat vegetarian foods.

What Yuxi actually feels.

On her way out the door, Qiu Yanfu couldn’t help but look at Han Jianye twice more. She suddenly felt that someone was also staring at her. When she turned around, she saw that it was actually Ye Shi. Qiu Yanfu immediately lowered her head, avoiding Ye Shi’s gaze.

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