The Primordial Record

Chapter 544 Shario The Scourge

Shario could feel the strength pulsing through her Divine Body in an ever-growing wave, reminding her of the journey she had embraced for so long.

Fetching out the two Authority she had mastered, Fire and Light, her body became shrouded by a bright glow as the temperature inside her core reached that of a star, her two horsemen behind her lent her their own Authority, and the Temperature in her core quadrupled!

Her form began to transform from the heavy-set woman to a goddess made from blue flames, her eyes shone with a bright white light, and her dress extended for thousands of feet until they shrouded the earth below in flames measuring millions of degrees.

If this was not a Major World and Scario controlling the might of her flames, this planet would have been reduced to ashes in a short while.

All this energy, enough to burn a thousand worlds to ashes brought to her hands and made from it a blade so massive that it was more than fifty thousand feet in length and so bright that the light from it covered half of the Major World.

This was the reason she was called Shario the Scourge. At this moment in time, she was the brightest being here and her glory made Rowan's eyes light up as an excitement he could hardly contain began to burn inside his hearts.

If he could, he would weep for joy, as he felt blessed witnessing powers like these—A goddess made from blue flames, holding a flaming sword long enough to easily cut a planet in half.

The one-eyed Ouroboros Serpent was beheaded halfway through by the chop from Shario's heavenly blade, its roar of frustration and pain was cut short as it was fully beheaded by the other two Horsemen of War and Judgement as they conjured massive flaming-bladed chains that sliced through its neck.

An exhilarate god rejoiced too early at this victory but the falling head of the Ouroboros Serpent which was larger than a hundred-story building suddenly snapped towards him, and the millions of needle-sharp teeth inside its mouth grounded the god to dust.

The massive body of the first Ouroboros Serpents began to fall from the skies covered by bluish-white flames burning millions of degrees hot, as it slowly turned to ash. Shario's heavenly blade could not be easily withstood, even by an Ouroboros Serpent.

Its single eye held such hatred and rage towards the gods that the reality around its disintegrating head collapsed to pieces. The light in its eyes slowly faded as its massive body collapsed into dust.

The remaining five Ouroboros Serpents coiled among themselves, presenting a large ball of golden flesh that was as large as a small city, and then they weathered through the blows from the gods, as building-sized golden scales began falling off their bodies from the massive blows they were withstanding.

"Hahaha, Scario, why did you make us scared with your speech, these beasts…. They ain't so tough, all bark and no bite!"

An exuberant warrior god with the head of a shark called out while laughing aloud. He was clawing at the skies, his claws creating a black claws attack in space larger than a thousand miles which slammed against the bodies of the Ouroboros Serpents tearing massive gashes on them.

Shario cursed, "Focus more closely you fool, they are more dangerous than this. Before the Formation is completed there can be no mistakes, or I will have your head."

The words had not finished leaving her mouth when she sensed a faint stirring inside her heart and her Divine Sense screamed at her, with a roar of rage she exploded into a massive ball of flame and vanished only to reappear in front of the gods who were busy transferring their Divine Power into the two Grand Formation and she channeled all her power into a flaming shield, thousands of miles in size, the shield was as large as a continent and could be seen easily from outside the planet.

It was just in time as a wave of something that resembled silver and darkness erupted from the coiled bodies of the Ouroboros Serpents

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