Chapter 849: Chapter 846 was afraid that you would have to respect yourself


“IT SMELLS PRETTY GOOD! ” Huo Ting glanced at the steaming soup and finally smiled. He was a completely different person from the one who was angry at his subordinates.

Xia Jinqi handed him the spoon, but he threw it aside and drank the soup.

Xia Jinqi watched him drink and asked, “are you investigating the people who attacked you the day before yesterday? ”

Huo Ting heard this and his hand holding the bowl of soup paused.

He looked at Xia Jinqi and asked, “did you hear everything? ”

“I heard you talking about the grenade. ” Xia Jinqi nodded seriously and then asked very seriously, “have you found out who it is? ”

Huo Ting did not answer, but instead, he fell silent.

He had a rough idea of who the person behind it was, but this person and the girl… …

Xia Jinqi saw his hesitation and frowned slightly. She asked, “is it inconvenient to tell me? ”

“Not really. ” Huo Ting shook his head slightly and twitched for a long time before he sighed, as if he had made up his mind.

He looked at Xia Jinqi again. “Girl, close the door first. ”

His tone was a little low and full of seriousness.

Xia Jinqi obediently closed the door. At the same time, she secretly prepared herself. Someone who could make huo ting hesitate for so long must have an extraordinary identity… …

“Okay, you can say it. ” Xia Jinqi took a deep breath and was ready to listen.

Huo Ting looked at her for a long time before he opened his mouth, word by word “The group that attacked me has a new military material grenade. This new material grenade is very tightly controlled. It has always been exclusively supplied by the military. I don’t know how it got into the black market. ”

“since it’s exclusively supplied by the military, then who went through it and what procedures should be recorded in the records. ” Xia Jinqi realized the main point.

Her words also made Huo Ting look at her in a New Light. “You have a quick reaction, girl. You’re right. Every serial number of the things that are exclusively supplied by the military has records. However, we’ve checked and all the records have been destroyed. ”

“So you haven’t found anything? ” Xia Jinqi raised her eyebrows.

“Not really. ” Huo Ting shook his head. When he opened his mouth again, his gaze had already landed on Xia Jinqi. “these things are all done by your eldest sister, Xia Mingzhu. ”

“…”when she heard this, Xia Jinqi was already somewhat silent.

She suddenly remembered that the ten tons of explosives that Yan Qing had previously used were also done by Xia Mingzhu.

Explosives and grenades, these military supplies, were actually under Xia Mingzhu’s control?

“shouldn’t you be in charge of military supplies? ” Xia Jinqi suddenly asked.

She wasn’t surprised that this matter had something to do with Xia Mingzhu. She just felt that it was strange. Why would Xia Mingzhu be in charge of weapons and explosives?

Speaking of this, Huo Ting sneered again.

“This is another kind of mechanism. Civil servants are in charge of logistics, and generals are in charge of fighting. Places other than the military area are not under my control. Military supplies have always been arranged by the higher-ups. ”

The higher-ups referred to Xia Jitian and the people above Xia Jitian.

Xia Mingzhu was Xia Jitian’s daughter. She had been by Xia Jitian’s side since she was young, so it was very strange that she was in charge of these things.

Xia Jinqi almost instantly understood. “If you can control the weapons yourself, they will be afraid that you will have to respect yourself when you have troops, right? ”

As soon as she said this, Huo Ting looked at her with admiration in his eyes. “exactly. I have both the weapons and the people. They will be even more afraid of me. ”

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