Chapter 1704: Chapter 1704: Turning around… … Is when we meet


Su Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment and did not speak again. She maintained her silence.

Sad… … Of course she was sad …

The person she liked liked liked someone else.

Anyone would be sad, right?

Especially since that person was his childhood sweetheart.

Even if they knew each other, it was someone else before them. At most, she was just a latecomer. What position did she have?

Moreover, this was what Huo Ting had told her personally. He did not lie to her, he just told her the truth.

Ben had waited for a long time, but she had not opened her mouth. He might as well talk to himself “How sad you are in your heart means how much you like him. “since he told me that you are his fianc??e, it means that you are also different in his heart. “everyone has a past, but that is only the past. “Who knows who is the future? ”

This was his own precious life experience.

When he was in school, he had also thought that Wen Qing and Yan Jun would definitely be together in the future, and they would be a very happy couple.

But who knew that Wen Qing would leave midway and Yan Jun would marry Xia Jinqi.

Wen Qing was also unable to walk out for a period of time. He patiently stood by her side. Finally, one day, he let her open her heart.

The wondrous part of life was that no one knew what would happen in the next second.

Some people turned around for ten thousand years, but some people turned around… … And they met …

Su Xiangxiang was shocked by Ben’s words. Her expression also became dazed, and her large eyes lost focus.

Who was the past, and who was the future?

Xia Jinqi was huo ting’s past, so… … Who was his future ? ?

Could it be her?

After Ben finished expressing his feelings, he turned around and saw Su Xiangxiang who was deep in thought. He curled his lips in satisfaction.

He was a very competent psychotherapist, wasn’t he?

His gaze turned and fell on a pair of pink rabbit slippers by the bedside. Ben Chatted casually, “the slippers are very cute! ”

Su Xiangxiang’s mind was pulled back. She also looked at the pair of slippers. After a long time, she finally revealed her face, “yes, very cute! ”

At least, Huo Ting did a lot of things for her, didn’t he?

The Sky outside the window gradually darkened.

A fleet of seven identical cars sped at high speed.

Yan Jun closed his eyes and sat in the fifth car, taking a nap.

Li Jie drove while Li Kun sat in the passenger seat. He took a call and turned to look at Yan Jun. “young master, Zhao Xiong has never come out of the pharmaceutical factory. Our people have surrounded the pharmaceutical factory. ”

This Zhao Xiong was Zhao Chongbin’s father, the current chairman and main person-in-charge of the Zhao Corporation.

Previously, Li Kun received reliable news that Zhao Chongbin and Zhao Xiong had appeared in the pharmaceutical factory.

Zhao Chongbin was very cunning. No one knew when he had returned to Rao city, and he probably knew that someone would find trouble with him. He hid for a few days before finally showing his face today.

Yan Jun did not open his eyes. After a short period of silence, he changed the topic to another person who seemed to be unrelated. “How is Lu Yiming? ”

Li Kun paused. He did not know how Lu Yiming’s current situation was.

Li Jie, who was driving, opened his mouth at this time. “He is under the most strict surveillance in the military area. Unless chief Huo’s iris image and a key that the president can hold are used to unlock the lock, there is a possibility of him coming out. ”

That was the safest cell in the entire military area.

If Huo Ting could leave with ease, it was enough to prove how safe that place was.

When Li Kun heard this, he suddenly realized that young master wasn’t asking him, but Li Jie… …

As he thought, he looked at Li Jie again.

The legendary number one assassin, always had a mysterious aura about him.

“24-hour surveillance of the cell he’s in. ” Yan Jun’s deep voice came from behind.

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