Chapter 1497: Chapter 1497


Zhao Chongbin hummed a tune as he pushed the cart back to his office.

He took out a small white medicine bottle and threw it into the trash can. Then, he took the key and opened the innermost row of cabinets.

Inside were countless small black medicine bottles with no production date and no manufacturer.

Each bottle only had a name on the white label — M3491.

It turned out that Lu Yiming had placed all these things with Zhao Chongbin.

Zhao Chongbin, on the other hand, would not do nothing while guarding the medicine.

From the moment he received this batch of medicine, he had started to pick the targets in the hospital.

Those patients who were frail and had multiple hospital records in a short period of time with complicated conditions became the best candidates.

First, these people were already sick. Even if the medicine worked, they would not be noticed in a short period of time.

Second, with more hospital records, no one would suspect him alone.

He had always followed a rule when doing things. It was better to be careful than to be careless.

Only in this way could he protect himself to the greatest extent… …

He randomly picked a small black bottle and pushed the cart out.

As for why he found so many people to secretly give them drugs?

New Drugs always needed more white mice to try stability.

There was one more thing… …

It was really boring to do boring and boring work day after day in this hospital.

He had to find something else to pass the time… …


The next day.

It was not easy for the weather to clear up for two days before it turned into a continuous drizzle.

The Sky was also gloomy, as if mourning for the funeral procession… …

Yan Youcheng’s grave was chosen on the Dragon Head Mountain on the east side of Rao city, signifying the arrival of purple clouds from the East. Moreover, there were outstanding people there, the mountains were clear, and the water was beautiful. Most importantly, there was the dragon line that hugged the mountain, and it was said that it could bless the future generations.

When they came out of the city, they still drove over, but on the way up the mountain, they could only walk.

In the vast and mighty procession, Yan Jun was dressed in mourning clothes, carrying the portrait of Yan Youcheng as he walked at the front.

The North Wind of the mountain stream mixed with the patter of the drizzling rain, flapping wildly on his face. It was abnormally cold and piercing to the bone.

He did not hold an umbrella. His handsome face quickly lost weight after a few days, and he looked much more haggard.

Ji Xinyu and Xia Jinqi each held a child in their arms as they walked in the middle. There were people holding umbrellas beside them.

Adults would not say much. If a child was caught in the rain and the wind, he would definitely catch a cold.

Based on today’s weather, Xia Jinqi would definitely not allow the two children to go out. However, under today’s circumstances, the two of them had no choice but to come.

At this moment, the two children were covered in a thick layer of clothing. Their hats, gloves, and down jackets only revealed their two large eyes, which were rolling around.

Yu Han was very quiet from the start. However, Xiao Puff also whimpered a few times in protest at first, but later on, she gradually felt the heavy atmosphere. She pursed her lips and did not make a fuss anymore. She continued to lie on Xia Jinqi’s shoulder, swaying from side to side until she was actually sleepy.

Xia Jinqi gently patted her back to comfort her, but the steps she took became more and more careful.

Even though the limestone road wasn’t muddy, it was still easy to slip when it rained.

“Mom, be careful. ” Xia Jinqi looked worriedly at Ji Xinyu who was beside her.

“It’s fine. ” Ji Xinyu’s walking speed was relatively slower. After all, she was getting on in age.

Xia Jinqi saw that she was having a hard time, so she turned around and looked behind her. “Li Jie, can you help me carry Yu Han? ”

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