Chapter 1382: Chapter 1382 at least… … leave after meeting the children …


The important figures of the three great clans had all disappeared at the same time. At this moment, Rao Cheng must have been in a state of panic.

Moreover, who would guarantee the safety of Yan Youcheng and grandfather huo?

Faced with Xia Jinqi’s suggestion, Yan Jun didn’t agree immediately. Instead, he pondered for a moment before saying, “let’s wait a little longer. At least… we’ll leave after meeting the children. ”

This time, Lu Yiming was really serious. This time, if he returned, it would probably be a life-and-death struggle.

Yan Jun’s expression was as calm as ever, but a storm was already brewing in his heart.

Since he was already here, he could at least meet the children.

If anything happened, he wouldn’t regret it for the rest of his life.

“…”Xia Jinqi had never seen such an expression on Yan Jun’s face that was similar to a life-and-death parting… …

Even when Yan Qing wanted to blow up the entire Yan family and he wanted to send her away, he didn’t treat death with such ease like this.

Xia Jinqi immediately panicked.

She gritted her teeth and walked to Yan Jun’s side. She squatted down and covered the back of his hand with her soft hands. She looked up at him. “No matter what happens, we will be together. ”

Yan Jun lowered his eyes when he heard her voice and met her determined gaze.

The large palm lifted the side of her face and he smiled. “Are you afraid? ”

“I’m not. ” Xia Jinqi shook her head. Her left hand held the large palm that he placed on her face. “With you around, I will be fine. ”

There was unreserved trust in her eyes. It was so thorough and so persistent.

It was as if she would not hesitate even if she had to put her life in Yan Jun’s hands!

Yan Jun’s heart jolted. Even his soul was shaken… …

Wasn’t her reckless trust in him what he had always wanted?

How could he let her down?

He stared at her and made a lifelong promise. “Ah Jin, I will protect you. ” Even if it meant giving up my life.


Rao City.

The snow from the first night had not melted yet. It had piled up a thin layer.

In the afternoon, pure white snowflakes started to drift in the sky.

Huo Ting, who was dressed in military uniform, returned home. He originally wanted to discuss the annulment of the engagement with the Su family with grandfather huo. Who knew that after searching around the house, he could not find grandfather huo.

After asking the servants, he only said that grandfather huo had not returned since he had gone out last night. After that, he had completely lost contact with grandfather huo.

Huo Ting was instantly burning with anxiety. He searched everywhere, but could not find anyone.

At the same time, he also received news of Yan Youcheng’s disappearance and the destruction of the disciplinary committee building.

The matter of the annulment of the engagement was completely thrown to the back of his mind. Huo Ting began to gather his troops and used all his strength to start searching for these two missing elders.

The matter quickly spread. The entire Rao city knew that something had happened to the Yan, Xia, and huo families.

For a moment, everyone was in a state of panic and self-preservation.

Lu Yiming’s official residence.

The front yard was covered in snow and was completely clean.

The Servant wanted to sweep the snow, but was stopped by Lu Yiming.

“Why are you sweeping so cleanly? You wasted this picturesque beauty. ” Lu Yiming curled his thin lips. He stood with his hands behind his back under a Ginkgo tree that had already lost all its leaves. From Afar, he seemed to be in an extremely good mood.

Qu Yang, who was standing on his left hand, was holding a tablet in his hand. He was flipping something. When he heard Lu Yiming’s words, he also raised his head to look at the scene in the yard. He did not say anything.

Cui Ziyan, who was standing on his right hand, spoke eloquently, “sir, you’re absolutely right. Although this courtyard isn’t big, every part of the landscape is extremely unique. Every time I come here, I feel like I don’t want to leave! ”

Fang Shaoan sneered and spat mercilessly, “Minister Cui’s flattery is truly unprofessional. There’s silver everywhere. How can you tell that the landscape is unique? Do you really think you have sharp eyes? ”

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