Chapter 52 Waking up

During Xie Zhiwei's sleep, she felt that someone was applying balm and ointment all over her body, while massaging her. She murmured "Mommy", turned over, and fell into a deep sleep again.

I had a good night's sleep. The next day, when Xie Zhiwei woke up, it was already high in the sun, and I heard Xie Mingxi asking impatiently outside, "Why is my sister still awake? Is she sick?"

Zhu Niang coaxed Xie Mingxi to eat porridge, "Good young master, don't say such unlucky words. The eldest girl was tired all day yesterday, so she must rest well. If she doesn't rest well, she will get sick."

"Oh, but, my sister hasn't roasted chestnuts for me yet."

Xie Mingxi was very disappointed in his words. When Xie Zhiwei heard it, he rang the small bell beside the bed. Xie Mingxi pricked up his ears to listen, and cheered, "Sister is awake."

Zhu Niang followed behind, "Master, please slow down, you can't break into the big girl's boudoir like this."

"Why?" Xie Mingxi was upset, and pouted, "I just want a sister."

"The young master is a man, and the elder girl is a woman. Men are not allowed to enter and leave women's boudoir casually. This is the rule."

Zhu Niang reasoned with a five-year-old child. Xie Mingxi couldn't understand and was very upset, but he was also afraid that his sister would be unhappy, so he stood behind the curtain at the door of Xie Zhiwei's room with a sullen face, unhappy, neither eating porridge nor eating porridge. Take care of Bamboo Niang.

Xie Zhiwei felt distressed, quickly dressed and washed, opened the curtain, squatted down, and held Xie Mingxi in his arms, "Sister got up late, is Brother Xi unhappy?"

"No." Xie Mingxi threw himself into Xie Zhiwei's arms, "Zhu Niang is not good, she won't let me find my sister."

"Zhu Niang's words are correct. Brother Xi is a boy, and my sister is a girl. Boys are generally not allowed to enter a girl's bedroom, especially when the girl has not woken up. disrespect."

Xie Mingxi understood the last three words, he turned his head, glanced at Zhu Niang, and seemed to say, okay, I forgive you.

Zhu Niang breathed a sigh of relief, and was very grateful to Xie Zhiwei for speaking for her. If the young master really doesn't like her, she won't be able to work as a nanny soon.

Xie Zhiwei was about to eat breakfast, when Xie Jibai came, he didn't eat either, the three of them sat at the same table to eat, although the breakfast was simple, it was some game from the mountain village, and the two dishes of pickles were old Zhao's The daughter-in-law pickled it herself. It tastes great and whets the appetite.

Xie Jibai finally came out for a trip, and the weather was good, so he wanted to go for a walk, so he could take Xie Mingxi with him.

Xie Zhiwei still has the holy order, although a woman in the front yard has already passed on Wang Shipu's words, saying that Mr. Lu is fine, but Xie Zhiwei is still worried.

Lu Yan has already woken up, leaning against the head of the bed, a little **** is feeding him a bowl of vegetable porridge, when he sees Xie Zhiwei coming in, he stops quickly and looks over.

The seventeen-year-old youth had a peerless beauty. His eyebrows were dyed with ink, his eyes were like morning stars, and his lips were like pink peaches.

Seeing Xie Zhiwei, the corners of Lu Yan's lips were raised high, he was still recovering from a serious illness, and looked very weak, but his eyes shone brightly, as if containing the most beautiful scenery in the world, every frown and smile were exquisitely elegant.

Xie Zhiwei blessed Fushen, "I have met Mr. Lu!"

"Miss Xie excuse me, saying that you are my life-saving benefactor, I should thank you, but I can't get up now." Lu Yan motioned for Tangyuan to give him a seat.

Tangyuan hurriedly brought a stool over and put it beside the bed. Xie Zhiwei didn't treat Lu Yan as an outsider, and sat down without any psychological burden. He watched the little **** continue to feed Lu Yan the porridge, and by the way admired the demeanor of this sick beauty. The end is very eye-catching.

Lu Yan ate a few mouthfuls, but couldn't take it anymore, so he waved the little **** to back down.

He looked over and met Xie Zhiwei's watery peach blossom eyes. He didn't mind her looking at him like this, but smiled slightly, "Miss Xie!"

Xie Zhiwei hurriedly came back to her senses, she touched her nose in a concealed manner, it was very impolite to look at a person like this, and hurriedly said, "I just saw that Master Lu's spirit is not bad, but Master Lu has the poison of hook-kissing." , the toxicity is very high, and the damage to the body this time is also serious, you must eat well, rest well, and nourish your body, or you will be offended in the future."

"Miss Xie said yes, I will follow the doctor's advice."

"That's good!" Xie Zhiwei moved to the side of Lu Yan's bed, motioning for him to stretch out his hand, "Let me take Master Lu's pulse."

Lu Yan has no doubt that a ten-year-old girl can detoxify him. After he woke up, he was not surprised when Wang Shipu said that his life was saved by Xie Zhiwei.

At this moment, he stretched out his wrist and watched Xie Zhiwei's three fingers resting on his pulse. He took about three or four breaths. Xie Zhiwei withdrew his hand and asked him to change another arm. A smile appeared on the face, "The toxins are almost cleaned up. As long as the wound is nourished, don't touch the water for ten days, and change the dressing on time, it will be fine."

Wang Shipu approached and asked in a tone of asking for instructions, "Miss Xie, do you want to make some adjustments to the prescription?"

"Of course it is necessary. I will write a prescription later. The internal medicine needs to be changed, and the external medicine is not needed." After finishing speaking, Xie Zhiwei said to Lu Yan apologetically, "Master Lu, your wound was caused by too much pain." It's urgent, the arrow wound was deep, I was in a hurry to save my life, and I didn't pay too much attention, the wound medicine I used didn't have the function of removing scars, and it might leave scars."

"It's okay. I'm very content to be able to save my life, and I'm very grateful to the girl. I'm not a girl if I don't leave a scar. Even if it's on my face, why should I care?" Lu Yan said slowly, he spoke When he was talking, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and his voice was soft and soft, which made people feel relaxed and want to fall asleep.

Xie Zhiwei said heartily, it can't be on the face, it won't look good. Of course, if it was on his face, she would also try to help him get rid of the scar.

After talking for a while, Lu Yan lost his energy, and Xie Zhiwei couldn't continue disturbing him here, and was about to leave, Lu Yan said, "I heard that the fourth master Xie is here?"

"Yes, I asked someone to bring a letter to my family last night. The elders in the family were worried, so my fourth uncle rushed over."

"I was the one who disturbed Miss Xie." Lu Yan said politely, "My injury is fine, and with Wang Shipu here, Miss Xie doesn't have to worry. If it happens repeatedly, I will definitely send someone to seek medical treatment from Miss Xie. Now that the fourth master of your mansion is here, if Miss Xie returns to Beijing, please feel free to do so and don't worry about me."

Xie Zhiwei didn't speak, she was thinking. It stands to reason that by this time, Lu Yan is no longer in serious trouble, but as long as she thinks of Lu Yan's side and weak crown in her previous life, she will look like an old man, and her heart will hurt for a while.

Lu Yan glanced at her, and before she could speak, he shouted, "Tangyuan, come in!"

Chapter 6!

(end of this chapter)

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