The Player's System

Chapter 197 - Refuge House 5

Refuge house 5

"We saw them secretly searching something." Clark whispered. Junan told that there were more than three enemies in this refuge house. This alerted team members.

"What could possibly they be searching?" Junan asked but there was no answer instead few wolves entered in the refuge house sniffing the culprit whereabouts.

They sniffed and reached where Jake was sitting. Junan and others walked behind because it was something strange.

The wolf tried to grab the kid but team head and others umped in between. They were not sure why wolves came looking for the kid but they did not want to let them harm younger player.

The wolf groaned at them. They were not expecting that the matter would get complicated. They could not leave empty handed. Clark perhaps understood something and asked. "In which refuge house you were assigned?" he asked Jake in hurry.

Jake told that he was in the ninth refuge house.

Clark understood the whole scenario. Now it was more necessary to confront the wolves. "There will be battle perhaps." Clark did not explain.

Team head perhaps got the situation. He held his dagger and the others got ready.

The bulky people those wanted to scare earlier stood away. It was middle of the night and the wolves came bothering. It turned out one of the bad experiences.

Today the wolves first time showed up in any refuge house. It was scary because they heard about the strong pack of the wolves. Someone perhaps offended them. The refugees wanted to shout for help but their throats seemed dried out.

Jake also got active because he received notification.

[Race of wolf: They are currently looking for the card.]

[Warning: Do not let them think that you are weak target.]

[The card should belong to you in the end.]

Jake was hundred percent sure that the task panel wanted him to forcefully get the card.

The wolves thought they could scare these refugees yet they seemed fearless. Almost all wolves attacked at the team members. Team head and others acted as if ready to tear them apart. Their daggers moved. The agile movements stunned the wolves.

Team head injured a wolf then come Clark. He also did brutal attack, the wolf could not use its huge mouth to capture the human.

It frustrated the third wolf. The fourth and fifth wolf saw them injured. They left in hurry. The refugees were real enemies so it was necessary to inform the Alpha.

Junan stopped Orin to not follow behind wolves.

"We should hurry and leave. These wolves might bring bigger force with them." Junan commented. The three enemies were looking how these snatchers killed wolves. One of them followed behind.

He wanted to get rid snatchers however after knowing that wolves were after the card he was sure that it was no more possible to keep the card hidden. He was afraid that if the wolves found about him they would kill. The car was root of evil. The wolves might destroy refuge houses and hundreds of refugees would starve to death. The card should belong to the stronger.

"The card is hidden in the forest. Take it and leave this refuge area." The man whispered near Junan. Team head looked at the man. He was short of time to ask any question. They were yet to inform the girl.

Albert was sent to bring the girl. Ahram was also missing.

Two enemies were glaring him. They thought that he would give up or battle however he was much patient to not start the battle first.

Junan sent Clark and Orin to search Ahram. They ran in the various refuge houses and finally found the team member. The enemies got stumped to see his companions. Only few kicks and they gave up.

They left like wind.

Time was short. Albert brought Sashi. They gathered and decided to hide behind the refuge houses. Before leaving in the forest direction they wanted to create some confusion for the wolves.

They could sniff and reach earlier but if they got confused, it would earn time for the team members.

Now they at least knew that the card was hidden in the forest. According to the gesture of the man the direction was clear for them.

The most pressing issue was that they should find the card before the wolves reach them.

Two wolves reached back and told the circumstances. The Alpha got angry. He took close to hundred wolves and hurried to surround the refuge house. The team members were moving around the back forest. After that they ran toward the forest.

They heard the hurls of the wolves. The civilians woke up and notice rush at the outside but they did not come to take a look knowing that wolves spread in the area.

Who would want to offend wolves?

The sniffing wolves got confused for some time.

The team was running in the forest and closely looking at the ground. The man told the general appearance of the soil where the card was hidden.

He also told that card shined in the dull surrounding so it was easy to feel its presence despite the fact that it was buried under the soil.

The wolves found the direction where the enemies were going. "Hurry we should get the card before wolves reach here. We might not be able to battle with wolves for long especially with empty hands." Junan reminded them.

Jake thought to get the help of task panel. A notification suddenly appeared.

[The sixth card of Theola: Hidden under the soil, left side fifteen feet away from the current location of the host.]

Before Jake could tell the team head he heard the wolves coming.

Jake ran as fast as he could. Junan noticed his rush and followed. The wolves were getting close to them. Four of them were getting ready to face the plight.

The card was nowhere near them so it was expected that they would need to battle first.. Jake fell on the soil and started digging with the dagger.

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