The Player's System

Chapter 172 - Sage Port 3

Sage port 3

The team members spread to fightback with the sages. Another sage appeared at the back of Albert. Clark shouted to tell him. Albert swept his shield and the sage could not attack. The sages were using tricks in the blink of eyes.

Albert wanted to counterattack but before he could do anything the sage went back under the surface.

Same happened with team head. He got angry and thrust the sword in the ground. The The ground shockingly resumed same stiff and dry appearance.

"I can say we are against some magic crudes. They surely want to give us tough time." Ahram swept his blade chain as soon as he felt the tipping in the air.

The sages were using various methods to confuse them however now team members were also getting familiar how to pin the sages down. Sashi picked second weapon.

The blade chain was tough for sage especially because he was unaware that the player was active. The chain weapon could circle around the players and he could use it at will.

It brought trouble for the sage. He fell on the ground and the pole rolled away from him. The sage tried to reach the pole but could not. Without tapping pole on the ground he could not use magic to go back under the surface.

This gave time and Ahram attacked with the blade chain ruthlessly. The sage looked miserable at this moment.

"Now this is something good. Attack him again." Clark cheered for Ahram. The sage was no more able to drag his body toward the pole. He was half dead.

It was not worrisome for the rest of sages because they were in numbers.

Another sage attacked at Junan. He escaped the attack and hurried to stop the sage. He could not capture but the sword pierced the gown of the sage.

When they injured few of the sages the ground beneath them started trembling. It seemed the sages were trying to scare them.

Jake got the notification.

[Warning: You are under the range of next attack at your left side.]

Jake looked at the left and fired bluntly without thinking twice.

The same moment a sage was appearing to attack him but the same moment attack in the head killed him at the spot. Three team members witnessed this and gasped with shock.

They were amazed at the ability of the younger player to sense the attack. What else they could say other than ability.

The sage that was killed in the middle of ground remained there dead. Jake stepped away from his dead body.

Another notification appeared. [Warning: You are under the range of attack from behind.]

The sage noticed the enemy sharp enough to kill one of sage in the middle of magic spell. They wanted to thrown him on the ground then break the ground open the capture him in the craters underground.

However Jake was ready again. He pretended as ignorant as he could be.

Suddenly he moved at his back and fired more than thrice. The head of the sage riddled immediately bleeding. He was dead now.

Clark stood agape. This time he witnessed with wide opened eyes. This was no more simple ability. They were also trying sense and then answer the attacks but the way this young player put the accurate attack at the miscellaneous direction, it was something oddly odd.

Jake jumped on the ground because the third notification appeared.

[Warning: The sage is going to get you under the ground, avoid his hands]

Jake jumped and fired on the hands. The hands of the sage could not capture the boy instead they started bleeding injured. The sage could not reverse the magic and the hands remained stuck there.

The sages were getting angrier at the kid. They forgot to attack other team members and diverted their attention at the kid. Jake did not mind. He was actually celebrating the way task panel gave him warnings.

Today task panel became generous. It was acting like perfect helper. Soon enough the ground looked like the weird place where the sages were stuck in the ground oddly. They were no more breathing. Some of them still bleeding because of attack.

Junan was most satisfied. He looked at the distance where the first team was keeping eyes at their activities. Not talking about complete team, a single younger player was heavier than any experienced player.

Jake was done getting rid most of sages.

No more sage sneak attacked at them.

"We should look for the Kari and get the card." Junan spoke. He looked at the time. They agreed and explored the sage port. For their dismay this sage port was not some real place. It was similar of small dry island. "Where is the boss? How we are going to get the card?" Orin spoke.

He was standing at the wooden planks near the port. "The earlier boat should appear here or else I will start digging this ground." He showed his thorny mace. This was best weapon to dig out the dry land.

Jake did not ask from task panel. He walked toward the water of the big lack. It looked as natural as it could be.

"This sage port is silent even if we dig there won't be anything surprising. Could there be?" Clark commented. He might smash his hammer to check but before the suggestion of the team head he did not want to exceed his limits.

Albert looked at some distance. The wooden boat that brought the sages here was standing at the shore of another island. It was not near however not far enough to miss their naked eyes.

He wondered whether they could reach the other island and search the mortal enemy who was hiding the card.

"The wooden boat might reach here again. See it has started moving." Albert pointed the direction and spoke. It attracted the attention of others.

There was time lapse in which the boat traveled from one island to the other. "Are we going to borrow this boat?" Clark asked unsure. He was not having some good premonition. This boat must belong to the enemy. Why would he let travel them safe and sound?

"I did not learn swimming." Ahram spoke with half spirits. He was thinking if the enemy's boat threw them in the water he would not be able to swim. Same goes with Jake. With one hand working, he was not suitable for swimming.

"If we need to borrow this boat then get ready we cannot let this boat go back empty. In case we happened to be thrown then those who know swimming will help those who don't know swimming. I will help Jake Lin." Junan spoke. He made up his mind.

The boat was coming to take the sages back. Kari was waiting for them. The sage was sure that his men could kill the enemies.

This island was not part of his magic spell so it was highly unlikely that he could see what was happening here. The boat however could relate if it returned safe and sound.

The first team looked like the bystanders of this show. They could see the third team ready to get the boat.

The lake water moved as peaceful at it could be. Jake stiffened his heart. He was about to wade through in case the boat disliked their presence.

None of them wanted to stay longer in the empty island and wait for time to pass. Every moment was important for their quest. This was what kept them moving without exhausting them.

For others they might look like brainless team players just looking for trouble all time. But for the third team it was similar of real life battle that they did not want to face defeat.

Their cumulative actions were part of their spirits. Their formulated plans were part of their suggestions. At some places they looked irrational and clueless. But every hurdle made them take one step ahead and confirm that they could do it.

It was part of habits. All of them were chosen after much deliberation. Their stubbornness could led them winning the first level. Their reluctance earned them second level.

The journey was still going on. They spectators they were deciding a tough choice. They could sink in the depth of lake or the enemy could appear in the form of some horrible anaconda.

But the third team knew that it was only the fears of players. They were no more individual players instead a team. Perhaps they could get defeated if they stand alone but being a team no one could make them kneel.

They were appearing as strength of the portal. If their actions were approved then there might be new era in the gaming world.

All previous notions might die down. The boat was reaching near and they were getting ready to borrow it for once. "We are borrowing a broken plane of enemy. Get ready for death.." Clark waved his hammer and jumped in the boat.

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