Codes 7

They walked toward the opened gate. Albert was leading. Flame Herald sensed their advancement. The creature stood on its feet with big effort sneering fire.

It had been sleeping dead for decades. The temperature of the ground tower increased because of the fire breathing of Flame Herald.

The ground slightly turned dusty. The red dust was sign that the breathing was influencing the ground. The long face of the creature was fire red.

The eye part was empty. Herald could not see the enemies it could sense their presence. The sensors detected the breathing humans easily.

They were entering through the gate. Herald breathed out fire at them. Albert spread his shield. The fire fell like bucket of liquid on the shield and flowed.

The shield let out some smoke. It did not burn the shield away however they could compare the type of threat.

"Bruh it got angry already what a fate." Clark commented widening his eyes at the creature. He might have commented on its appearance however he thought to keep it aside for some time.

After seeing the size of the creature which was not bigger than double sized elephant Orin came out of the shield. He took his position at the left side.

Clark was also agile in the movements. He found the moment of silence and immediately took newer place. They were not going to stay under the shield for the fear of the fire.

The fire creature might have kept them limited during attacks if they remained under single shield. Orin and Clark were certain that they could handle fire attacks by mere dodging.

Jake possessed personal shield so he also walked at the distance. Sashi was thinking whether she could take part in the battle against a fire creature. The arrows might not work for proper attacks. There was blood in her quiver and it was third code so her struggle for the battle might not sit well. She preferred to keep it safe. Thinking this she remained at the back end and not burden for the potential attacks.

Ahram looked at his chains with the daggers although fire could transform heat in the chains however he was confident to give damage to the creature. Just that he needed to carefully sheet out the time lapses.

The intervals could be helpful and dangerous too. It was up to the player how perfectly he would interpret it for the sake of better battle.

Ahram was excited to test his grounds in front of the fire creature this was first direct battle with the professional weapon.

The other weapons were not favorable. His profession was new addition in any set of the game. He never witnessed the type of weapon sets for this profession. Well he chose them without thinking twice.

Junan and Albert were in front. From here Junan could order the change of collaboration.

The flame Herald spread around fire in order to keep the Runners away from the single path leading toward the inner entrance. There was closed door in the inner path. This door was the third code of the tower. The Herald was certain that runners must have brought the opening key of the door.

It was trying to protect the inner entrance. "This is so simple." Clark walked ahead and hammered on the fire line created by the creature.

Herald sensed the atrocious runner and sneered, the hidden fire attack moved at the ground unknowingly and reached at the feet. Clark could not make it until Orin pointed that his back gown was burning with fire. Clark jumped with the shock.

He never thought that his back would burn away because of simple fire. The gaming costume was tailored and customized with best material. The game portal has international importance so none of the team wore simple gowns also they have freedom to customize dresses before entering in each level.

It was burning actually. Clark felt his back on fire. He ran at distance and fell on the ground rolling to extinguish. Others were active. Clark did not ask Orin for help because the fire extinguished with little effort.

With this they understood that there was some skill of hidden fire. This means they would face the hidden fire skill if Herald thought it necessary.

Clark shook his head and sighed. His back gown got burned. It was not looking good however going back and bringing any changes in the character was dangerous.

Jake fired bullet to see the difference. It got absorbed in the body of the creature. They witnessed that small amount of attack material would not work on it.

Instead the bullet made the creature happier. It rose up its neck and looked in the surrounding with fire dripping from the mouth. "Consecutive attacks might be helpful. The body is invulnerable against small attacks. Albert your spear might damage some vital organ of this creature so thrust it at the possible places. Other could directly use their weapons at the body if not be cautious." Junan commented.

Their formation and collaboration mainly spot two aspects. First the damage level in normal attacks the second aspect that the team members should not receive damage in case of any hidden attack.

Clark was more careful now. He did not want his back burn away because of his carelessness. He was not worried for the damage. The hp bar was filled to the brim however he was worried about his reputation among the gamer girls spectating level two.

He was told that these levels would earn them international appreciation from the gamers from all over the world.

Clark cared his reputation more than ever. He happened take a look at the graph of the reputation scale all those who battled first level. Jake Lin the youngest player was at the top in the reputation scale while Clark was second. He was not sure what steps appealed to the spectators however now he was conscious that reputation was a thing.

He could tell why youngest player was getting popular.

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