The Over-Break System

Chapter 640 Unhappy Reunion, "Are you really my Brother?" (1)

Chapter 640 Unhappy Reunion, "Are you really my Brother?" (1)

With Jessup's level of strength, observing the surrounding area was a simple task, and on more than one occasion, he had spotted the couple running around like bandits, breaking into houses and stealing what they could get their hands on.

At first, he had only looked for any sign of the two. Still, as the days ticked by and his field of searching grew, he eventually located them only to find Cynrik and Selene alive and well, looting every large home in the area like a pair of highly sophisticated thieves.

Although he would have loved to run over and give the two a beating, it was impossible since his presence was required to keep the barrier around the Mansion stable and intact.

Shaking his head as he walked into the main living room, Jessup spotted Aiden, Gabby, Brance, Benny, Melody, and the three Samieer siblings sitting at makeshift desks while Maeve taught them.

It had become a regular sight in the Mansion, as it had been determined that they needed to continue their lessons as long as the kids were here. With her wealth of business knowledge, it made sense to have his daughter teach the kids math and financials, something they would require in their adult lives.

"Cynrik and Selene are returning; everyone should head to the training room as we discussed. Sullaman, Shamaira, and Salim, I want you three to go up and spend some time with your mother; this is a family issue, so you shouldn't interfere." Interrupting their lesson, Jessup spoke up, drawing everyone's attention as he noticed malicious glints shining in the eyes of Gabby, Brance, and Maeve before walking toward the kitchen to inform Cinyah.

As he was leaving, the kids all looked at each other and nodded before getting up and heading toward the training room, while the three Samieer children headed upstairs to check on their mother, who, although healed, had been in a weakened state since Brance cleared her body of Death Mana.


Morning lessons were for Maeve to teach, while the afternoon ones were meant for Cinyah, who would teach Mana Theory and some basic combat lessons. However, before that, the woman would busy her mornings by making lunch and snacks for the kids.

Hearing Jessup's footsteps as he entered the kitchen, Cinyah placed down the rolling pin she was using to flatten cookie dough and met his hardened gaze.

"Tsk, they are prepared to fight; everyone is wearing their combat gear, even Mom and Maeve…but I don't see Dad, Garrison, or Geralt anywhere…weird." Thinking aloud, Cynrik swapped into his battle gear and placed his right palm on the hilt of the kodachi positioned on his hip.

"Uh…do they think we turned into one of those Mana zombies or something? Why would they be kitted out and ready to fight?" Noticing Cynrik's posture and body language as one ready for battle, Selene, too, swapped into her armor and drew her spear off her back.

"Hm…honestly… that's probably what it is." Narrowing his eyes in understanding, Cynrik clicked his tongue as a memory from a week ago came forward.

At the time, he and Selene were in the middle of bashing up another Vault when they were suddenly attacked by what could only be described as a Zombie…well, not so much in the literal sense, as this person wasn't one of the infamous living dead, but they were by no means in their right mind.

Acting instinctively, Cynrik had observed the person with his ocular skill, and what he saw was both intriguing and horrifying. From head to toe, the person had been thoroughly corrupted by Divine Particles, to the point where it could no longer be described as a human being but resembled one of the viral zombies like in that movie I Am Legend.

A creature vaguely walking the line between vampire and zombie; however, there seemed to be a spark of rationality and cognizance within the person, meaning they weren't completely mindless. However, the Divine Particle corruption had driven the person mad and turned them into a semi-rabid beast that could converse and technically pass as a person.

Since the appearance of the first "Mana Zombie," as Selene had dubbed them, the two had encountered them on multiple occasions, and apart from being a lot stronger physically than someone at their tier should have been, they weren't much of a threat as they had trouble controlling Mana based skills or techniques.

Regardless, a handful of the Mana Zombies gave them a hard time, but otherwise, Selene and Cynrik had cleared the ones they came in contact with.

"Tsk, I knew I should have contacted Brance sooner, damn it…" Cynrik cursed as he floated toward the barrier between worlds.

"Due to the high levels of Divine Particles stored in our bodies, right now, we probably don't look any different from what the Mana Zombies do…it's just unlike them; we can utilize the particles and are relatively sane…er, well no less than normal I suppose."

"Looking at things objectively, and from their point of view, we indeed may be corrupted and dangerous, so Jessup isn't willing to take any chances."


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