Chapter 114: Management (1)

Sticky Novel.

Or, as some call it, a Colorful Novel. This genre broadly encompassed martial arts novels with a heavy emphasis on erotic scenes. More specifically, it referred to the risqué martial arts novels that emerged during the dark ages of Korean martial arts literature decades ago.

The Sticky Novels that appeared during this martial arts dark age were essentially pornographic towards the end, hence they were also humorously referred to as Noru-pyo martial arts, a playful inversion of the word for porno.

Fans of martial arts literature often didn’t regard Sticky Novels as true martial arts novels, viewing them more as adult stories. However, the influence of these Noru-pyo martial arts could not be entirely dismissed.

Sticky Novels played a role in distinguishing between the old and the new martial arts novels, and clichés from Sticky Novels still persist in numerous martial arts clichés today.

Moreover, during the dark age of martial arts, the commercial success of these genres was an undeniable fact that kept the genre alive.

My interest in Sticky Novels stems precisely from this commercial aspect.

Even during the lowest points of martial arts popularity, Noru-pyo martial arts novels remained popular.

“Starting with Sticky Novels, I’ll make martial arts novels popular again.”

Starting with Sticky Novels, I would make readers rediscover the fun of martial arts novels.

If I wrote interesting Sticky Novels, readers would find joy not just in the erotic parts but in the martial arts segments as well.

Then, it would be time to write martial arts novels like ‘The Tale of Martial Heroes’ again.

“I’ll become the forefather of martial arts novels.”

Kang Yun-ho, the pioneer of the martial arts genre. Starting with Sticky Novels, he created numerous martial arts novels that resonate with people all across the Central Plains.

When one mentioned martial arts, they would think of Kang Yun-ho. Kang Yun-ho had become synonymous with martial arts.

When discussing today’s martial world, people no longer thought of the Nine Sects and One Union, but of martial arts novelist Kang Yun-ho.

It was as fanciful a dream as claiming to fly on a dragon.

For a mere foreign writer to gain fame in this martial world, such dreams were necessary.

“I’ll start by drawing a dragon.”

Drawing a dragon might end up looking like a snake or a worm. But one must attempt to draw a dragon to be able to draw snakes or worms.

I began jotting down the basic plot for a Sticky Novel that would become a dragon.

“Just write according to clichés.”

I would be the pioneer of the Sticky Novel genre in this world. Though clichéd, the guaranteed fun would feel fresh and innovative here.

“The problem is how to present it to the readers.”

I sighed softly, looking at the clichés I had written for Sticky Novels.

Even if it’s interestingly written according to clichés, it’s still a problem.

Certainly, if someone read ‘The Tale of Martial Heroes’ seriously, they would’ve found the fun in clichés, but no one read it.

Of course, if it failed, I could always print another novel. But everyone wanted to succeed on their first try.

“Maybe I should try a catchy title.”

How about the title ‘Reincarnated into Martial Arts: A Story of the Martial World, but with Erotic Scenes’? Indeed, for a novice author, catchy titles were the best way to attract attention.

“Are you going to keep doing that?”

“Didn’t you sleep? Go to sleep.”

Did my talking to myself wake her up? When I turned my head, Tang Hwarin was lying in bed, looking at me.

“…I felt uneasy sleeping alone.”

She said, avoiding my gaze as if embarrassed.

“The attic is a bit like that. So I told you to sleep at your grandfather’s house.”

The bookstore building was large, so the attic was spacious, but the ceiling wasn’t high. Although I cleaned it up roughly, the cluttered environment and the low ceiling, along with the unfamiliar bed, might not be psychologically comforting.

“Uncle Manager told me to sleep here because he doesn’t know when the mansion will be handed over!”

It was meant as advice, but why phrase it like that? Tang Hwarin raised the end of her sentence, expressing dissatisfaction with what I had said.

“No. Even so, it’s better to sleep at home than to have it handed over right away…”

“Enough. Hurry up and lie down.”

She moved to one end of the bed and deliberately made space for me, tapping that spot.

“How can two people sleep on such a small bed? Just lay down a blanket. I’ll sleep on the floor.”

After clearing out the attic, I found a bed meant for sleeping, but it seemed too small for two.

“How can you sleep on the floor when there’s so much to do tomorrow, from inventory to sorting books? Stop the nonsense and hurry up and lie down.”

Tang Hwarin continued to tap my spot with her fingertips, her expression innocent.

Was this the same woman who initially questioned how a man and a woman could sleep in the same bed?

It’s late; we needed to sleep.

Just as with Sticky Novels, starting was the first step, but I also needed to begin managing the bookstore. Starting tomorrow, there’s inventory to check and books to organize, and soon, I’d have to promote the bookstore’s reopening.

‘Wait, promotion?’

A good idea suddenly flashed through my mind. I energetically got up from my spot and strode over to Tang Hwarin.


“Uh, what? What’s wrong?”

Tang Hwarin seemed to sense something unusual in my expression, clutching the blanket she was under with one hand and pulling it up to her collarbone.

“About the bookstore renovation. Can I try doing it my way?”

“Your way? How?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

I laughed at Tang Hwarin’s puzzled expression and lay down on the bed.

“Since it’s you… it must be a good method, right?”

She watched me smile for a while, then, seemingly convinced, closed her eyes with a satisfied expression.

Right. Just trust me. If things went as planned, we could worry less about Sticky Novels while managing the bookstore. Sleep easy.

“Hwarin, sorry, but could you move a bit to the end? I’m worried we might touch each other while sleeping.”

“This is as far as I can go.”

“…I’m worried.”

The next morning, just as I feared, I woke up feeling like the protagonist of a rom-com that didn’t suit me at all.

“Hwarin. I want to go to the place Uncle Manager mentioned last time.”

After an unspoken agreement not to mention this morning’s awkward situation, we set aside all tasks to buy another bed on our way out.


When I looked at Tang Hwarin, she immediately turned her head away.

Still upset? I was sorry. But was it my fault? You were the one who wanted to sleep next to me. The soft and bouncy touch was still lingering on my fingertips, but I had nothing more to say.


“…Follow me.”

Tang Hwarin walked ahead without looking back at me.

“I’ve heard about the bookstore renovation. I owe the late master a lifetime of gratitude. I’ll do it almost at cost for you.”

The place we visited was a shop in Yichang that specialized in interior renovations.

Whether here or in the modern world, interior renovation was a complex and costly process. Thanks to Uncle Manager, it seems we had come to a reliable shop.

“Yes. You might have heard some preliminary ideas, but I’m planning something on a much larger scale.”

I shared my detailed plans with the contractor.

“Heh, it seems like it’ll be a bookstore unlike any other. But even at cost, it looks like it will be quite expensive.”

The contractor gave us a rough estimate of the cost.

“Wow… Yun-ho. Where are we going to get that kind of money?”

Finally speaking up, Tang Hwarin caught my sleeve in panic after hearing the cost.

“We’ll pay the down payment now and the rest in stages throughout the construction.”


“It’s okay. I’ll pay for it all.”

I reassured her as she looked at me anxiously and made the down payment.

“Are you really okay?”

Tang Hwarin asked with a worried face as we left the shop.

“Don’t worry. If we empty our pockets, we’ll have the construction money.”

Besides, I had another purse of emergency funds. It’s regrettable to use all of my severance pay, but I couldn’t refuse an offer to do the job sincerely at a bargain price.

The renovation must go as planned for the novels to succeed and for us to make money.

It was all an investment in my future.

“For me, you spent all your fortune…”

Tang Hwarin looked at me with eyes trembling with emotion, seemingly lost for words.

“Ha ha. I told you, I’ll continue to help you in the future.”

No need to correct the misunderstanding here. Hwarin, if you’re moved, later on, give me a larger share of the bookstore.

“What I did this morning… No, never mind. Yun-ho. I’ll buy you lunch. Let’s go.”

Tang Hwarin, momentarily stricken with guilt, grabbed my sleeve and pulled me along.

“Hey, you don’t have money.”

“I have some pocket money from Uncle Manager. Follow me!”

I enjoyed the meal Tang Hwarin bought with her little pocket money and returned to the bookstore.

I’d honestly pay for the next meal.

Originally, Tang Hwarin’s maternal grandfather’s bookstore had been running for over 50 years.

Since her grandfather amassed wealth through other businesses, the bookstore, which was fine with just maintaining its current state, definitely looked old and outdated.

Old books were crammed disorderly on the shelves, which were bent under the weight of the books due to age.

Customers were served by clerks pulling books for them, turning the bookstore into a huge book warehouse with 50 years of inventory.

Even the oldest second-hand bookstores nowadays would look more modern than this.

“Let’s move it over there!”

“There are so many books!”

“Miss owner! Where should we move this book?”

“Move it here!”

The construction went smoothly, making the bold investment seem worthwhile.

“Will this really work to improve business?”

Tang Hwarin looked at the completely transformed bookstore and asked me.

“Of course! This is how they do it in Joseon.”

I said, looking at the transformed bookstore with satisfaction.

Even running the bookstore as it was, it would take 20 years to pay off Tang Hwarin’s debts.

But with a better sales strategy and clearing out the dead stock, there’s a way to solve my worries while prospering the business. Why not boldly try it, especially if it’s a proven method?

The renovated bookstore now resembled a modern, large-scale bookstore.

Near the entrance, tables with books replaced the traditional shelves. In the center of the tables were signs like ‘Book of the Month,’ ‘Bookstore Recommendations,’ ‘Year’s Bestsellers,’ etc.

‘I should indeed follow the proven bookstore sales method.’

Not all books needed to be in one place.

Place bestsellers and practical books in easily accessible spots to boost sales. Deeper inside, position shelves with valuable academic books that were often sought after.

The store transformed from a gloomy place with a musty smell of paper and ink, only visited when necessary, into a shop people would casually drop by to see if they needed anything.

The new method will surely increase sales compared to the old way.

‘And I can promote Sticky Novels here.’

Book of the Month. Bookstore Recommendations. It’s like web novel main banner promotions. Even in modern times, publishers vigorously sold their books to bookstores for a spot on these tables.

Now I have the authority to do this however I want.

If I wrote Sticky Novels, I must definitely place my books there.

“A lot has changed.”

Uncle Manager, having heard of the reopening, visited the bookstore with a surprised look.


We greeted Uncle Manager with happy faces.

“It’s hardly recognizable as the same place.”

“Me and Hwarin worked hard on it.”

Though 99% of the work was done by the workers, it’s always the 1% of the idea that counted.

“Ha ha. I see why the lady refused to move into the mansion. You’ve been busy making it like this. It looks set to do well just by looking at it.”

Uncle Manager looked around contentedly and commented. But what did he just say?

“Huh? Hwarin is staying at the bookstore because Uncle Manager…”

“Aack! Hey! A customer just went upstairs, go check it out! I’ll handle things here!”

Tang Hwarin, suddenly flustered, pushed me towards the stairs to the second floor.

“Okay! Okay! I’m going!”

Martial artists needed to control their strength. What if they pushed too hard when there’s a customer?

Pushed by Tang Hwarin, I ascended the stairs to the second floor where the customer had gone.

The first customer of the second floor.

I stood at the staircase, dusting off my clothes for a moment, looking up to the second floor.

‘The second floor has also been newly renovated.’

The renovation wasn’t just for the first floor. The second floor was also ready to be reborn.

Ready to make this bookstore the best in Yichang.

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