The Omnistore System

Chapter 13 Sharing? (R-18)

Chapter 13: Sharing? (R-18)

Kevin sat naked on the bed, his eyes closed, focusing on the sensations within his stomach. A soothing energy coursed through him, and he recognized it as the yin energy, the first step in his cultivation process. He had absorbed this yin energy from Sia during her orgasm, while she, in turn, received his yang energy that now flowed within her own stomach. Unfortunately, Sia couldn't utilize this energy for cultivation like Kevin could; she could only sit calmly and allow it to nourish her body.

Now that Kevin had sensed the energy, according to the cultivation technique, the next step was to open the meridian known as the 'Ren Mai,' the central pathway for energy flow in the human body. He simply needed to sit and concentrate on the specific point where this main meridian resided. To initiate cultivation, one must first open the meridian and nourish it with various energies, such as fire energy or water energy, commonly referred to as 'qi.' In Kevin's situation, the energy at play was yin qi.

'Found it,' Kevin whispered in his mind, locating the meridian situated at the center of his abdomen. Upon its discovery, the energy that had been roaming within his stomach began flowing towards the meridian, following its natural course. Kevin's role in this step was merely to supervise the process and intervene if any unusual occurrences took place, which, fortunately, did not happen."

As the energy gracefully surged toward the meridian, Kevin gradually felt a gentle warmth emanating from his stomach, spreading throughout his entire body. The yin energy, with its nurturing essence, opened the gate of the meridian, a magnificent display of silver hues growing brighter with each passing moment.

Yet, Kevin's initial excitement soon transformed into frustration when he realized that the yin energy he had received from Sia was nearly depleted, and his meridian had not fully opened. He inwardly sighed, considering the need to engage in the act once again. However, in the next instant, his excitement returned, accompanied by a shockwave that rippled through his entire being, starting from his stomach.

'It opened!' he exclaimed joyously within his mind as the gate of his meridian swung open just before the gathered qi was fully consumed.

With the first step complete, Kevin opened his eyes, his body filled with a vibrant energy, making him feel lighter and stronger. Excitement brimmed within him as he tightly clenched his fist. However, his elation quickly turned to discomfort as his facial expression contorted, and he instinctively covered his nose.

"I completely forgot about this," Kevin exclaimed, realizing his oversight. He hurriedly rushed towards the washroom, knowing that after the opening of his meridian gate, a cleansing energy would surge through his body. This energy was responsible for extracting impurities that had accumulated over time. Without proper cultivation or the aid of specific treasures, these impurities would linger within one's body.

And these impurities emitted a foul odor, as Kevin discovered when he caught a whiff of them. With a sense of urgency, he swiftly turned on the shower, positioning himself underneath the cascading cold water. The refreshing droplets mingled with the lingering heat of his body, washing away the perspiration and cleansing him from head to toe.


Name :- Kevin Morison

Post: Store Owner

Store Level: Street Shop

Realm: None

STG : 8

AGL : 7

DIX : 6

CHM : 9

INT : 6

Attribute points : 0

Cultivation technique : Essence Harmonization Lv 1 (Divine)

Skills : None]

As he attended to his hygiene, Kevin couldn't resist checking his current status. To his astonishment, he was met with a delightful surprise. His attributes had experienced a sudden increase, surpassing what he had remembered. Each attribute, except for intelligence, had gained an additional two points.

The cultivation technique had increased in level, but aside from that, there weren't many significant changes. Kevin closed the system tab and proceeded to thoroughly clean his body. Exiting the bathroom, he spotted Sia, lying naked on the bed. She was sleeping on her side, presenting her well-shaped buttocks enticing Kevin's gaze.

Unable to resist his urges, Kevin climbed onto the bed and gently stroked Sia's muscular and curvaceous back, starting from her shoulders and gliding down to her hips. Reaching her hips he couldn't help but give her soft buttocks a gentle squeeze.

"Let me rest; I can't handle another session with your monster," Sia spoke, her eyes still closed, indicating that she was awake and not in the mood for further play.

Kevin smiled upon hearing her words and pressed her against him, his hand resting on her breasts. "I can always prepare you for it," he responded.

"You were preparing me before, and look, I can't even walk properly now," Sia opened her eyes and glared at Kevin with frustration.

Kevin laughed at her feigned anger and leaned in to kiss her luscious lips. "Don't worry, we can continue another day. I have to get home by 8," Kevin said, breaking the kiss and beginning to dress. It was already 7 in the evening, and they had been in the room from 3 to 4 PM, engaging in passionate activities for a solid 20 minutes. Afterward, Kevin had dedicated three hours to his cultivation practice.

As Kevin rose from the bed, Sia also sat up, watching him intently as he put on his clothes. Sensing her gaze, Kevin asked, "Do you want to ask me something?"

Caught off guard, Sia shook her head. Kevin smiled and said, "Really? Aren't you curious about how I obtained the cultivation technique?"

"I already know," Sia surprised Kevin with her response.

"You already know? How?" Kevin was certain that he hadn't revealed his possession of the cultivation technique to anyone. How could she know?

"How else? Your uncle told me. He mentioned having a brother who was a cultivator, and considering you're his nephew, I assumed you inherited the technique from your father. But he also mentioned that your father lost it to someone else. So, how did you come to possess it?" Sia explained.

Kevin looked at her dumbfounded, realizing the wild imaginations of humans, and chuckled inwardly before saying, "Some things are better left as mysteries. And yes, my father did lose his technique, but the one I am cultivating now is far superior to his."

Sia's eyes widened with surprise. "How much better?"

"Significantly better, surpassing even an Earth-grade technique like the one my father had," Kevin stated, deciding not to reveal the exact level of his cultivation technique, as it could bring about unnecessary trouble. However, letting Sia know that it is more than earth tier was advantageous.

Sia's eyes gleamed like she had discovered a treasure, and she asked with a hopeful smile, "Can you share it with me?"

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