After the light of explosion glistened like silver dust,

"I did it..." his voice resounded in the room of death silent.

Though his appearance had changed, his voice could be easily remembered, and even the clothes he was wearing were still the trademark of him.

"Y-Yman...?" He heard Almina's doubtful call.

Twisting his neck to glance at the back, he saw their surprised faces.


Yman slightly frowned and thought, 'Maybe they are wondering how I was able to survive that attack?' For some reason, they all stared at him with curious eyes and agape.

Standing in front of them was a youth with a height of 5 feet and 8 inches. He had medium brown hair that some strands of it had turned silver, and his face aged a bit, about a year.

'It's really him!' Almina and Maena shouted within their minds. Ice, on the other hand, had a curious look towards him. She wanted to question him about something, but it wasn't the right time and place for it.

They were wondering how Yman was able to survive that attack earlier, or why that oppressive aura of crimson fireball suddenly exploded dazzlingly, and why his appearance had some changes. But before they sought his answers, they needed to survive here first.

"From now on, let me handle the defense!" He shouted.

Almina and the rest fell silent in surprise. But thinking about it, nothing happened to Yman after that oppressive fireball was caught by him.

And besides, even though sometimes he did reckless actions, he was not the type to let himself in danger without a plan to survive. Basically, right now, he probably found a way to render the enemy's attack as ineffective.

She and Maena were the most doubtful of him. Because they knew that Yman had no mana. But right now, they could only nod their heads as they didn't have another choice. Ice, of course, nodded her head as well.

Then again, everyone was alerted when another fireball was shot to them.

The demon smirked.

He was puzzled why that guy was able to avoid his death. Or how his fireball did not explode a while ago. But this time, he would burn them all together with that b***h who sealed him in this place for a little longer.

What was most frustrating to him was that even now that he was able to free himself, and avoid getting sealed in the grimoire, it was still useless because he could not leave from this altar. That clever b***h turned this whole place into a sealed room.

Whenever he tried to step down, those stalactites at the ceiling and crystal ice on the floor would then bombard him. Tsk! He could only click his tongue. If only he knew about it before possessing this human's body, he would wait until they walked outside this room before possessing this body or anyone within their team. But all was in the past now.

The fireball he shot went directly to the human boy once again.

'Human is a despicable creature. They are weak and yet arrogant. Just like this boy in front of me!' The demon thought.

Yman lifted his hand in front. His palm was waiting for the fireball to land on it. Almina felt cold sweats at Yman's action.

However, she did not interrupt him, because since he did it awhile ago, then maybe this time he could too.

Each of them readied themselves in full alert. On the other hand, Almina could not settle her hard pounding chest.

A moment later, everyone saw it clearer than before, when the fireball landed on Yman's hand and immediately shattered like particles of light.

Finally, the demon's jaw dropped on the ground! Last time, he was skeptical to believe that this human boy was unhurt from his attack. But right now, he finally saw it with his two eyes.

'That human certainly caught it like it was nothing!


We are from the race way above humans. Every human would tremble in fear in front of us.

Yet, how did this boy able to catch it like it was a normal thing, and then popped it like it was a bubble! Did my power reduce greatly after being sealed for 3 months?

The demon was in long contemplation while showing a face that wanted to escape reality.

Not even that clever girl would dare to do it. Yet this boy in front really did it! What is he? He's not even that strong however I look at him. HOW THE DEMON F**K IS THIS! Grrrrr!!

The Demon Ultima gnashed his sharp teeth.

Not only the demon was dumbfounded, Almina, Maena, and Ice were also dumbfounded at what their eyes saw.

But Yman did not notice it because, <Partner, there's something wrong with your appearance!> Sistela's voice was heard by him.

'Ha? W-What do you mean?' Did he become a demon too? Yman frowned at Sistela's words.

<I mean.....your height, hair, and face, it seemed like you aged for a year in advance.>

'W-What?!' Yman was quite surprised to hear it.

Then he finally noticed that his hair was now a little longer than before. And some strands of it were discolorize.

Hmm, does it have to do with my channeling magic? Wait, now that I think about it.

That moment on the altar, when I used my palm to support my body, I felt something familiar. Then I noticed that this whole room was filled with a massive amount of mana.

Yman sneaked a glance at his back to where Ice was standing. He saw her gawking.

He slightly smiled and thought,

She is probably the source of this massive mana in this room. The Ace is truly a whole lot level beyond the rest of talented trainees. She is truly an ace of the academy no doubt. I could even feel that she is stronger than the instructors. Look, even in such a weakened state, she was still able to avoid the demon from executing a charge attack.

Regardless, that time when the first crimson fireball was shot on me. I tried to coagulate a massive amount of mana into an ice shield by using the pieces of broken ice around as the second component for my supposed magic ice shield.

However, It didn't happen as I wanted. The mana gathered around my palm but did not coagulate to form a shield. Maybe I can only destroy but not reform?

This is very opposite when I use my black mana that I can modify a combination of skills to form a new type of skill.

Wait, if it only can destroy, then it cannot explain how my appearance turned like this.

I aged in advance, my hair strands lost their original color, I can destroy any magic, and I can shut down an object that was flowing with mana like the ice that blocked the wall a while ago. has something to do with — Time?

He muttered in his mind. Then his eyes formed to that of surprise.

"Tsk," Yman gritted his teeth because it was not the right time to contemplate. The enemy in front was way beyond they could imagine.

He then asked Almina and Maena to attack the demon using range attacks.

Gripping her favorite ice elemental bow in her hands, she once again focused her mind. She already lost much of her mana. And the enemy was so tough beyond beliefs.

She aimed her bow at the enemy on the Altar who was still wearing a puzzled expression on his face while staring at Yman with disbelief.

Twang, twang, twang! Maena took advantage of it and released some arrows.

The arrow travels the space one after another in the distance of 24 meters away from the target.

However, "Grr...sneaky b***h!" The Demon Ultima showed an annoyed expression and snapped the arrows fired by Maena.

Then he crushed it within his hand.

Almina followed after her, she coagulated a low tier ice javelin and threw it at the Demon Ultima.

They already asked Ice a while ago about the Junior trainee's possible rescue. She replied that the possibility was there, but at a very low percentage. If they wanted to survive here, they must not restrain themselves in attacking.

A pulse appeared at the corner of the Demon Ultima's forehead while glaring at the fast-approaching ice javelin.

However, the Ice javelin she fired did not even reach the target. Question marks appeared on top of the demon's head.

Seeing her javelin did not hit the target, Almina once again manifested an ice javelin. Since she could not fight in melee, this was the only she could do. It was only a low tier spell. She knows that it's not even enough to scratch the enemy, well for distraction purposes only.

She threw another javelin again, but for some reason, it went off farther.

Almina noticed Maena staring at her with pity.

"Maena..." Almina called in teary eyes.

Maena didn't know whether to laugh at her or cry at their current situation.

Then she attacked once again. 

 Maena gathered cold wind at the tip of her arrow. After accumulating enough pressure, she fired it.

Ice was surprised when she saw her. She was wondering who Maena was. How she was able to manifest this skill known as Arrowbites!

The enemy once again used his hand to catch it. The arrow was successfully caught, but Maena sneered at him, then the demon's eyes bulged when he felt a piercing pain on his shoulder. The Demon did not know how it happened, he successfully caught the arrow so how he was pierced by that annoying insect?

"Grrr.....I fucking feed you to the Uncivilized!" His voice turned angry.

Damn you girl!

He shouted at Ice. The seal preventing him to leave the altar, because those stalactites were mixed with heavenly water — the demon's weakness.

However, the demon knew that she couldn't hold any longer. After that, the seal will weaken. Then he directly rushed and skewered their innards.

"Ehehehe," the demon giggled.

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