He blinked his eyes before saying good morning to the ladies. "Good Morning too… Yman," Almina returned the greetings with a slightly red face. 

Although there's a slight pause in calling his name, he did not put any meaning into it.

'But why is Almina's face slightly red again today?' He wondered.

It surprised him when some other girls in Almina's party also greeted him. Most of the time, they just 'meh' to him.

However, of course, not all greeted him. There is still one girl who had a cold shoulder towards him. Yman already stopped caring about this one. He just assumed Kesha was a statue or even an air. 

Nonetheless, both of them lost the bet. So no hard feelings towards each other.

And Yman didn't want to talk with this girl. If possible, he would rather stay away from her.

But for Almina's sake, he chose to stay. He didn't want to look bad in her eyes. The reason? He had no idea. He just felt it.

Maybe because of all the girls in this academy, aside from Chloe, she was the only one who came to talk to him and even went to the trouble of inviting him to their party.

He was honestly happy about it. But at that time, he felt it would be bad to leech on her and her party. After all, he was weak and only knew a self-healing spell. Also, it brings him no good from the others if he would stay closer to the most popular person in the academy. He would surely become the center of envy.

Yman felt someone's gaze at him, but he chose to ignore her and returned his gaze to the monitor in which the first pair of participants were currently battling.

After hearing Keremi's words, there's something he wanted to ask her, but it wasn't the right place for it. 

Maena was puzzled. Yman's gaze to her a while ago seemed like there was a meaning to it. But this guy suddenly switched his attention and now his focus was on the monitor.

The first pair's battle ended in an unexpected draw.

The second pair came onto the stage and it was followed by the next pair and so on.

The round that morning ended with all the participants able to battle with all their might. It was a good round and most of the audience was so happy to watch it.

The highlight of the match was the elites. Yman's opponent was someone in section A. It wasn't an eventful fight. Honestly, it was the most boring fight of all the fights he had.

The onlookers were looking forward to seeing his chakrams again, but unfortunately, the match ended without him using any of those. 

Of all the participants, the onlookers were so looking forward to his fight. Especially that he was from the lowest section and he was able to win against higher section opponents. His win against Jugo, a student from the elite class, is still lingering in their minds. They wanted to see that kind of thrilling battle.

However, Yman ended his opponent in the most normal attack. It was a punch in the gut. It took his opponent's consciousness directly after receiving it. Everyone was reminded again that he had a monstrous physical power.

Aside from Yman, there was another interesting person who had monstrous physical attributes like him. However, instead of power, this other person had monstrous defense and power. She was in the section as him. 

Some students in the academy were afraid to throw mocking words at her. Even though in their minds they wanted to spit the word 'Gorilla!' at her.

However, with just a look from her, every student would rather stay away from her.

Regardless, the person in question was named Julie Brown. The girl from section D who has won her every match.


Appearance-wise, she didn't look beautiful physically. However, she had a beauty of her own that was unique to herself. She had a masculine body and could be considered as a tank in particular because of her build.

She even looked as big or not bigger than Bert and Bob. 

"Congrats, Julie!" Some of the onlookers in the audience podium shouted to congratulate her after winning against an opponent from Section A.

"Truly, it was surprising to see two students from the lowest section showing good results in their match." The VIP Adam Praeter commented.

"Yes, Mr. Adam Praeter, sir," Sunday agreed to him.

After all, it wasn't a common occurrence that such a person could compete against someone with higher mana capacity.

If Sunday was right, each student was evaluated through their mana level. The more mana a student has in their body, the higher section they belong to. On the contrary, the least mana a person has, the lower section they would be attending.

Mostly, there had been no record in any Academies that a person from the lower section won against a person from the higher section. But in this competition, the VIPs were so intrigued to witness some students showing good results against their opponents from a higher section.

This news proliferated to the other world beyond this world. This was also the reason why more and more VIPs came to watch the competition. 

The three major departments that supported the city were so busy as of now. They had to tend every one of these VIPs and secure their safety.

The head of the academy, Principal Mar, was so lively. The competition was showing good results.

Somewhere in the corner of the VIP's room. One person had a better expression on his face.

"Dammit, how did this happen?"

He gritted his teeth. If this kept ongoing, it would be hard for him to shut this city down.

Perhaps he needed to make another plan. But, he shook his head. He knew that his current plan was still active. 

'Once that person used it, that's the end of this city,' Principal Kim thought while secretly grinning.

Some skilled students were not lucky enough when they were matched up against the students from the elite class.

One of them was Mai. Her opponent was Sonya. The girl with a pair of raccoon ears. She was from Rei-Rei's party.

Mai was defeated easily. It wasn't even a match. Sonya was so strong. On the other hand, Mai was only capable of transforming her arms and legs. Although she moved so fast, it was useless against Sonya who uses a force shield all over her body. Also, she almost had unlimited mana like most of the elites.

However, Miss Sonya was one of a kind. She wasn't only had an abundance of mana, she was also good at trapping her enemy. And so Mai found her sturdy wall in the form of Sonya.

One of Almina's party members wasn't so lucky as well when she faced Rei-Rei on the stage. It was Dianne. The support of their party. She could not even deal damage to Rei-Rei. It was an utter defeat.

After defeating Dianne, Rei-Rei declared that Almina would be her next victim.

Almina did not budge and stood straight. She was wondering why Miss Rei-Rei wanted to target her. She could not remember that she did something worthy of getting angry. Honestly, she wanted to be friends with her, and she even asked her one time to join her party. But Rei-Rei refused her outright.

"Don't mind her, best friend. Let me handle her. I will make sure to defeat her," said Kesha.

Almina shook her head. "Well, if the chance of facing her befalls you, then that's fine. But I will face her if it is granted to me…" Almina replied.

After all, it still depends on the match-up and it was random, so anyone could be anyone's opponent.

Maena snorted. "Don't forget that we still have a score to settle," she said to Almina.


The last battle was between Brai and Kiko.

The atmosphere suddenly became intense as two students from the same Elite class were facing each other on stage.

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